Fri Nov 13 23:02:56 1981
Arrl bulletins

To: all arrl bulletin readers
From: paul newland, ad7i
Subject:  bulletins, and how i get 'em.

Some folks have asked how i get the bulletins and place them onto
the net.  What follows is a run through of the sequence of events
that i do to re-broadcast them via netnews.

I make it a habit to copy the arrl  bulletins  from  w1aw  almost
every  night  at 6 pm EST on 40 meters.  For this, i use my heath
h89, running comm[]soft software, connected to the HAL ST-6 (it's
old  technology, but it sure works!) with the ears on 7095.0 KHz.
During the broadcast i log all the data to disk,  then  following
the  broadcast i edit out all the stale bulletins and try to make
any fills that might be needed (i rarely get them all).  Next,  i
run the bulletins through a filter to convert everything to lower
case.  (The only reason for lower case is that i find  it  easier
to  read  lower case than upper case; other than that, there's no
special reason for lower case.)

The bulletins are  then  transferred  to  houxf  and  from  there
entered to the net.  I don't alway get the bulletins the same day
they are released, but a delay of more  than  3  days  should  be

Because of work commitments, i will be at WECo Denver all of next
week  (NOV  16) and will be unable to send bulletins via the net,
perhaps someone else could pick up the slack.

                       Paul, ad7i

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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