Mon Oct 12 11:05:27 1981
RE: packet radio uucp
In response to Greg Ordy (WB8WWV) on packet radio (Oct 8):
Years ago while an undergraduate at West Virginia University
several of us who were hams and worked for the comp center thought
about  two-way radio links for a terminal
(around the time the university first got started in time sharing).
At that time, ASCII was still considered a 'secret code' by the FCC and we
didn't feel like converting everything through baudot for transmission.
So the idea fell out of popularity.

However, with recent rules changes, this type of thing
becomes worth considering again.
Imagine several computer systems running their electronicc mail anmd uucp
via radio.  I wonder what the national traffic system would think of that?

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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