Mon May 10 10:09:53 1982
Re: 68000 SBCs
SUN workstation boards (computer and display) are available
off the shelf from at least Forward Technology.  I received
them immediately upon paying $3500 and $1999, respectively.

CAVEAT EMPTOR: Unlike every other multibus and s-100 board I
have ever bought, they don't come with schematics or any
other data to support them yourself.  A minimal user manual
is provided (still preliminary with no address follow-up, so
they don't know where to send it.)  They will send you the
schematics free if you will provide them with a signed
non-disclosure agreement.  They sent me a copy, and it is the
most restrictive such agreement I have ever seen ("Customer
will not...use for its own benefit, any information...concerning
FORWARD...").  Moreover, it must be signed by a "director,"
which they assured me didn't mean the normal member of the
board of directors.

As a small cog in a large company, I can turn the problem over
to contract administrators and lawyers.  Those of you who just
want to buy a 68000 board should ask the right questions first.
I certainly will next time.

                       John Light
                       Tektronix, Inc.

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