Fri Feb 19 12:08:07 1982
csh prompt

In reference to an item jgy sent some time back regarding
a Berkley csh prompt that indicates levels of csh nesting;
I have made some simple changes that I feel improve the
beauty if not the usefulness of the command.  Thanks also
to mpt, my co-author.
The result gives prompts of the following form:
1: command
2: csh
<1> 1: csh
<2> 1: csh
<3> 1: csh
<4> 1: ^D
<3> 2: ^D
<2> 2: li
<2> 3: etc.
(where the number in ""s is the nesting level).

In .login enter the following lines:
# Makes initial prompt be the current command number
set prompt = '\!: '
# Identifies first login
setenv LOGGEDON yes
# Counts the levels of CSH nesting
setenv CSHno "0"

In .cshrc add these lines:
# Give a prompt of the form: <#> %: where # is the nested depth
# of the current shell and % is the current command number
if ( `printenv LOGGEDON` == "yes" ) then
   setenv CSHno "`expr $CSHno + 1`"
   set prompt = "<$CSHNO> \!: "

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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