Mon Jan 18 06:13:27 1982
Maybe net.jokes.q is only gone on the Holmdel
machines - I just got one today. (Maybe it was
leftover; I don't read my news very often.) Although
some of the jokes there were inappropriate (by
the standards of everyone I have told them to),
the effect of removing the group may be to move all
the merely nauseating (but funny) jokes out into
the open, into net.jokes, while suppressing only
the really nasty ones. In addition, it seems to me that
Netnews (if that is its name) is for the benifit of
the users, not affirmative action types, and I didn't
hear of any voting going on about it. This is all
hot air if nothing happened, of course, adding
to the growing volume of net.db/net.jokes.q commentary
that always seemed more interesting than the actual
jokes in question.
               Robert Morris

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