Wed Mar  3 04:49:05 1982
Re: Beer Brewing


I found a few serious mistakes in your brewing recipies:

on page 5:

'5 lbs. for more carbonation'

If you used 5 lbs of sugar you'd have a very effective time bomb!

I'm sure that you meant 4-5 cups.  Actually I'd use more like
1-1/2 -> 2 cups.

Also,  you should let the beer sit for 3-4 months (minimum),
after the time it has been drained into the secondary carboy.  THis
is really dependent upon the temparature, I prefer to bottle when
the beer is crystal-clear.  Then I bottle and let sit for another
month or two. Yes, you can drink the beer in 1-2 weeks, but
why bother to go to the trouble of making home-brew unless you
are going to let it gradually acquire its true flavor.  You'll
be missing something if you drink 'green' beer.

***** You should DEFINITELY post the correction on netnews, if someone
     added too much sugar then there could be a DANGEROUS explosion!


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