Thu Feb 18 09:05:44 1982
A simple, tasty, and flashy kasseri dessert
I was once served this in a Mexican restaurant, and a friend and I
immediately worked on duplicating it.  Here is our result:

4 1/8 inch slabs of kasseri cheese, best at room temperature
1 egg, beaten, on a small plate
1 lemon half
 151 proof rum

Coat the cheese on both sides with the egg, and saute it in the butter
over medium-high heat, flipping it once, until it is no longer hard
(less than a minute).  Put it on a warmed serving dish, sprinkle less
than a capful of the rum over it, turn out the lights, and ignite
the rum.  Listen for the "Oo"s and "Ahh"s, then, just before all the
rum burns off, put out the flame by squeezing the lemon juice over it
(you shouldn't need too much).  Put it in the middle of the table, and
let everyone attack with forks.

       This is quite quick and easy to prepare.  The biggest problem
is getting the kasseri (spelling?) cheese.  It is a rather dry, almost
brittle, white Greek cheese - in between cheddar and parmesan in texture.
I have on occasion used a dry provalone with some success.
       Has anyone ever seen this before?  I even forget the name
of it, and would love to compare this with other recipies.
       Neal McBurnett, ihnss!druxj!neal

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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