Thu Feb  4 00:12:15 1982

there is a net.nutrition, it's called net.cooks.
i think BCH didn't get my point about processed foods. it is not
clear to me that processed foods taste any better than other
foods. instead of claiming that the (distinctly anglo) tendency
to puree, bleach, & sweeten is a learning phenomenon, i will just
say de gustibus non est disputandum (sp?). but beyond taste, i
think you will find that the body's "tolerance" is remarkable but
flawed. look, for instance, at the instance of colon cancer in
USA. whiles can survive an amazing variety of diets, it is
clear that surviving is not the only point. sensory delights can
be a confusing idea. i think a holistic diet offers more sensory
delights than a traditional gourmet diet, simply because it has
more possibilities. as for "gourmet" sex, i don't much care for
flavored douches, & there is room for infinite variation without
introducing machines.

i promise to give no more radical nutrition raps until i have
contributed something along the lines of a recipe. does anyone
know of a good (jam-packed) cookbook that skips the recipes
& teaches technique instead. i'm thinking of everything from
bean-cooking times to curry-mixing techniques.

 - steve harley  (yale-comix!harley)

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