Wed Nov  4 09:13:12 1981
31 seconds and backing up
For those few of you that weren't watching the attempted launch this
morning, it got down to T minus 31 seconds and a check on fuel pressure
failed, so the computer held the count.  Mission control decided that
the low pressure was not a problem and manually told it to resume the
countdown.  The computer refused to resume the countdown.  After about
2 minutes of this, they exceeded the auxillary power unit's capacity to
wait and had to back up the count.  They were wavering between 9 minuters
and 20 minutes, but had to cool off fuel, find the bug, and so on, so
estimated liftoff time was 9:45 EST at the earliest.  If they don't get
it by 12:30 PM EST it will have to wait at least 2 days (to unload and
reload the fuel) and probably more, depending on weather.

Only once did the commentators point out that some turkey didn't test
his software's manual restart provisions.  They've been blaming it on
the computer all morning.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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