Wed Nov 25 14:37:10 1981
computer chess news group
This is a new mailing list, and I believe it is the first electronic
mailing list for people interested in chess and computer chess. This
includes both programs run on mainframes and on micros. There was a
remarkable response to my first inquiry about whether there would be
any interest.

One of my particular interests is playing strength, both of the mainframe
programs and the micro programs, particularly the latter. I recently purchased
the Fidelity Elite, a limited edition (500 units made), containing the Spracklen
program which won the World Micro championship in September, running on
a 4 mhz 6502. I'm in the process of trying to figure out its playing strength
by having it play all my rated friends at tournament time controls and it
appears that it is really quite strong, approximately 1900-1950, easily
100-150 points above the next best micro. Evan Katz, computer chess wizard
for various magazines, told me that he has played it several games (he's
rated 1850), and has a hell of a time trying to beat the thing. It's strange
that Fidelity hasn't gotten a rating for it yet. I wonder why.

I am unrated, mainly due to the hassle of entering tournaments, the odd hours
a hacker leads, and so forth. I suppose I'm probably about 1800, although
I have no difficulty beating programs since I know their weaknesses rather
well and exploit them. More info on playing style later.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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