Tue Jun 30 01:15:53 1981
frisbees and floppies...
You asked, "The instantaneous bandwidth of such a transmission system is
very high.  So who needs a Chaosnet?"  This was presumably in reference
to the use of floppy disks for inter-workstation file transfer.

While the instantaneous bandwidth may be the same, the overall bandwidth,
counting the playing with the physical disks, is much lower.

Furthermore, the net is superior because (1) you can't do remote login
over floppy disks, nor asking what time it is, nor asking who is logged
in, nor anything else besides file transfer, and (2) it is very clumsy,
especially if the other machine is across the street or down the block.
Direct and easy access to a shared file server is important.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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