Tue Jun 23 17:30:58 1981
Re: Arpanet usage
The use of the ARPANET for informal discussion of computer science-related
issues is a primary win.  It is clear that such discussion is beneficial to
ongoing government research projects -- DARCOM and Office Automation, for
example, are well represented on the WorkStation mailing list.

Mr. Liddle also seems to forget that the reason PARC efforts are so
immensely saleable these days is precisely BECAUSE of their participation
and open-ness (as opposed to IBM, say) in the ARPA/university research
community, and not in spite of it.

Mr. Liddle's Xerox policy announcement represents the sort of irrelevant
(to ARPANET interests) administrative miserlyness that we may come to
expect from Xerox now that the 3-piece suits have brought PARC to market.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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