Tue Aug 18 02:10:13 1981
 ramtek graphics unit
>From mminnich.EE@UDel Mon Aug 17 22:39:45 1981

does anyone have a ramtek graphics display unit?  i am especially
interested with experiences people may have had with these
devices on the VAX Unibus.  currently we are in the process of
trying to get our ramtek up on the VAX, but with no luck.  our
problem appears to be that the unibus interface is not performing
DMA transfers correctly.

we are running Berkeley unix; for those of you familiar with the
internals of it, every DMA transfer by the ramtek causes UBA
invalid map register failures.  i am certain my driver is setting
things up correctly, so this leads me to believe the interface
has some sort of timing problem in which it is putting bad
addresses on the unibus.

does anyone have this device up and running on a VAX unibus?

our unit is the ramtek 9050 model; any information on any models
will be appreciated.

thanks,  Mike Minnich

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