Tue Aug  4 08:28:27 1981
Alternate troffs/Versatec fonts query
From: HEP at CIT-20

Do you know anything about alternate versions of troff?  We've
heard that there is a version that exhibits a 40%-60% speed
improvement over v7/32V troff.  We're also interested in any
versions of troff designed to drive an 8-font phototypesetter, or
so-called "device independent" troffs.

Also, if you have a digitized version of the BTL commercial II
and special fonts suitable for a Versatec (200 dots/in.) we'd
very much like to hear from you.  The 4bsd Hershey fonts aren't
quite good enough for eqn's liking.

Replies may be sent to ucbvax!cithep!troff or chico!cithep!troff.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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