Fri Jul 17 14:31:45 1981
Compatibility mode on VAX
From: obrien at RAND-UNIX
       We at Rand are finally using compatibility mode for something other
than ZORK.  Specifically, we have found that we can compile our NCP front
end directly on the VAX, using a PDP-11 file system tar'ed over from our
V7 11/45.

       However, at least under the current VMUNIX, hitting the DEL key
can cause large problems.  The sub-process goes berserk, and a second DEL
blows you right out of compat mode.  Arthur Wetzel, who did the work, is
no longer at Pitt, but appears to have disappeared into Bell Labs somewhere.
Is anyone else working on compat mode, or does anyone know where I can reach

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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