Mon Jun 15 12:08:40 1981
typical idle jobs
In contrast to observations elsewhere the idle jobs on chico and
harpo are typically (from top down) shell, vish, vi, shell.

I might also point out that we have a fairly reasonable idle job
killer with no builtin time limits.  When a user can't get on
due to no ports available (dialup or dataswitch) they phone
the system administrator who runs a fingerlike program to determine
who is idle the longest (with no builds or nroffs, etc) and who
is lowest on the priority (highly subjective) and executes a little
cutie called 'bomb' on the offender.

It turns out (for good or bad) that most users don't know if it's
a program or not.

gopher://quux.org/ conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>
of http://communication.ucsd.edu/A-News/

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