Mon Jan  4 19:40:15 1982
lib and the RTL
>From reno@DTI Mon Jan  4 19:38:54 1982
In resposnse to Bruce Wright's comments:
       You should be able to use your own verssion of LIB$GET_VM
and the VMSRTL without any problems,  as far as I understand things.
Since VMSRTL is a library, it will be searched only if the module has
not been found already by the linker. Thus if you include your version
of LIB$GET_VM as an object (.OBJ) file, the linker will not attempt
to find it in the RTL. You could replace the RTL version (I think)
after first de-installing the RTL, but this seems like a pretty
bad idea.
       I was not aware that any of the system services or RMS routines
did anything to the user's virtual space. The RTL routines are a
different story, and  so they may. Fortran does do a great deal of such
playing, because it's i/o interfaces need to do things like
allocate data structures for rms. So the problem may be because
of using fortran, and if you're careful (like by ddoinoing all your
i/o from macro, or not dynamically opening files (?)), you may
not have any problems.
       The surest way to tell how something will interfere is to
dig thru the fiche, although this can be time consuming. I too
would like to hear from somebody at DEC.
                - jr

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