Thu May 21 18:16:58 1981
Update of Universal FINDBAD program
The latest version of FINDBAD, the bad sector lockout program, is in
MC:CPM;FBAD54 ASM (source code), or MC:CPM;FBAD54 COM (executable COM
file).  See the first part of the .ASM file for instructions on two
bytes which may be altered with DDT to control whether the system
tracks are tested and where the dummy allocation file [UNUSED].BAD is
placed (you can specify what user area under CP/M 2.x).

If you cannot download from MC, you can get these files from my remote
CP/M system, which is shown in the file which lists remote CP/M system
phone numbers.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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Bruce Jones, Henry Spencer, David Wiseman.