Tue Dec  8 13:32:05 1981
Re: Cross-Product Languages
>From dlw@MIT-AI Tue Dec  8 13:30:12 1981
With all due respect: no matter how much research you have done, I do
not belive that Control-Meta-D is as hard to type as any three-keystroke
command, given a real keyboard with proper Control and Meta keys such as
we have at the AI lab.  I have been using them for many years and there
is absolutely no question about it, especially for an experienced user.
Such experience does not take long to acquire, either.  I would say that
a Control-Meta-D type command is actually easier to type than a two-character
sequence.  And it is a LOT easier when you have to repeat them; I often type
several Control-Meta-F's in a row to move forward over several Lisp forms
in a buffer.  Only the right hand, on the F, has to move; the others just
sit there.

[ Is it "ease" or "speed" that we are interested in here?  They may be
 radically different, as various people have already pointed out in this
 debate.  Whether correct or not, the keystroke/skilled-typist literature
 seems much more relevant to the "speed" than the "ease" issue, since
 ease is much harder to define and measure.

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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