Tue May 26 18:10:55 1981
Re: zapsats
I agree completely.  In fact we should install zapsats that indiscriminately
destroy any ICBM in any location heading from any source to any destination.
That way nobody can complain that if we install them first they'll upset
the arms balance.  We can even test them by firing an ICBM from time
to time and watching it get destroyed, and encouraging the USSR to do
likewise.  Unfortunately the zapsats currently invented are one-time
only, destroy themselves when used.  We need a reusable zapsat, one that
sits in orbit shooting down ICBMs and remaining around to shoot down
more later.

One problem, we have to distinguish between ICBMs and normal launches
of peaceful spacecraft.  Anybody have a good way to solve that problem?

gopher:// conversion by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

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