Mon May 25 21:21:26 1981
Interesting article about chemical warfare
FONER@MIT-AI 05/26/81 00:14:47 Re: Interesting article about chemical warfare
To: Arms-D at MIT-MC
There was an interesting article in the magazine section of the New
York Times Sunday which talked about chemical warfare.  It's probably
too long for anyone but quick-fingered Schauble to type in, but if you
haven't already thrown out that section, read it.

The basic conclusion is that, despite the apparent lack of success
with chemical warfare (it just kills many civilians but does not a
whole lot of military damage to soldiers with protection), the US has
increased its interest in the field from a low in 1975.  It also
details something about what the various chemical weapons in use are
like and how to protect oneself from them (via gas masks, ponchos
(don't laugh!  They work!), etc).

Good reading.


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