A Simple Ritual

September of '86 I participated in the first online ritual that I
know of. The ritual was written by Wiccan One for a large group of
people. I found a lot of ideas in the ritual that I can use,
however I don't know twelve other like minded individuals
in this very small town that I live in. Thus, I had to modify
the rite, so that I could add it to my practices.
I left out some things and added a few so that it can be used
anytime. The Salt and Sea invocation is of course from Starhawk's
'Spiral Dance'. If you also do alot of your "Works" in solitude
perhaps this little ritual will be meaningful to you.

Prepare yourself by bathing, perfuming and robing, wear any robe
that suits you, (I prefer to work skyclad). Take yourself to a
quiet and safe place. Have four candles, a cup of wine, a piece
of bread, a small bell, an incense burner and some insense,
(I like pine and cedar.) Place the candles on the four Cardinal
points. Light the incense, turn to the South and make the sign of
the Qabalistic Cross (touch your forehead, breast, right then left
shoulder, clasp hands at breast.) Visualize the glowing blue Circle
that you are standing in.

Now the four directions are invoked.

Turn to the East and say,
"Air, the element of thought and communication, join with me! As
my mind quests for new ideas. I call upon the qualities of Air
within and about me, to speed my good intentions.", Light the
candle, say "Blessed Be!"

Turn to the North and say,
"Earth, the element of solidity and practical thought. I call
upon the Earth in and about to ground me.", Light the candle and say,
"Blessed Be!"

Turn to the West and say,
"Water, the element within that helps me challenge adversity. The
primeval sea was the source of life, and I call upon the quality
of Water within and about me to speed my growth.", Light the
candle, say "Blessed Be!"

Turn to the South and say,
"Fire, the element of burning desire, my will. As the Earth yearns
for the sky, so I call to you. I call upon the qualities of Fire
in and about me to speed my positive actions.", Light the candle,
Say "Blessed Be!"

As the glow of the Circle of Light around you gets more vibrant,
Strike the Bell. Wait for the sound of the Bell to stop.
know that many join in your Invocation. Say,
"Salt and Sea,
Of ill stay free,
Fire and Air,
Draw all that is fair.
Around and around,
The circle is bound.
Sacred circle,
Goddess Sign,
Join us all,
in worship thine.
Speed our prayers,
Guide us on,
Our Spirits move
All as One"

Hold up the Cup and say,
"I call upon the Sun, Moon and Fire to bless this Cup, and fill it
with Understanding.", Drink from the Cup.

Hold up the Bread and say,
"I invoke the Holy Ghost in me to Bless this Bread, as we
unite in this Temple.", Take a bite from the Bread.

Say "So Mote It Be!"

Turn to the East and say,
"Air, that has carried my thoughts, go if you must, stay if you
will. Blessed be!". Snuff the candle

Turn to the North and say,
"Earth, that has brought the stability of life, go if you must,
stay if you will. Blessed Be!" Blow out the candle.

Turn to the West and say,
"Water, that shares in the challenge of spirits united, go if you
must, stay if you will. Blessed Be!" Put out the candle.

Turn to the South and say,
"Fire, that carries out my Will, go if you must, stay if you will.
Blessed Be!" Blow out the candle.

Make the sign of the Qabalistic Cross.
Say, "The Circle is open, but unbroken."
"So Mote It Be!"

Sit quietly for awhile afterwards, then record your inpressions,
and thoughts.

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