(1)   Fri 5 Jun 92 17:42
By: Paul Seymour
Re: Ritual for 1st Earthfire Festival
@EID:d51c 000fbee1
@MSGID: 93:9500/[email protected] 4e91ab94
@PID: FM 2.02
                     First Earthfire CIRCLE CEREMONY
                          Durwydd MacTara, 1992



    "Blessings upon thee, O creature of water, I cast out from
thee all
impurities and uncleanness of the spirits  of phantasm, confusion,
or any
other influence not for the free will of all."


    "Blessings be upon this creature of salt; let all malignity and
hindrance be cast forth thencefrom, and let all good enter therein.
Wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me."


    "I take this salt of the Earth, Blessed with the will of
    Fire; I take this water of spirit,Exorcised with mind of merit;

    I mix them with words of power, Dedicated to every Tower.

    By the power of moon and sun,
    By the power of Spirit,earth and sea,
    God and Goddess are part of One,
    As I Will, so mote it be!"

              CASTING OF THE CIRCLE (With Athame or Sword)

    "I conjure thee, O circle of power,
    As thou encircle every Tower.
    That thou be-est a place of Truth, Joy and love,
    Encircling Flight of Eagle, Hawk and Dove.
    Mighty Aegis of the Lady and Lord,
    Rampart of thought, action and word.
    To work in Peace, Powerful and Free,
    Who walk between two worlds conjure thee;
    A boundary to Protect, Concentrate and Contain,
    That Power raised here be not in vain.

Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of
and Aradia."

                          SEALING OF THE CIRCLE

(seal with water/salt mixture)
"With potion of earth and water, I seal the sacred circle,
Linking air and fire!
With potion of earth and water, I seal the sacred circle,
Linking fire with water!
With potion binding earth,air,and fire, I seal the sacred circle,
Linking water with the Earth!
Wit Love, and will and Mind,
North to East, ompletion Find!"
(Upon Completion)
"As the four directions are brought to merge,
Let influence of the mighty ones converge!"

                         SEALING OF THE CIRCLE (continued)
(Seal with Censer)
    "With Incense and air of Mind,
    East to South,I do Bind!
    With Incense and air of mind,
    South to West, I do Bind!
    With Incense and air of Mind,
    West to North, I do Bind!
    With Incense and air of Mind,
    North to East Cmpletion Find!"
(upon Completion)
"This Circle, without beginning, nor End, nor Length,
Is Truly formed in Perfect Love, Perfect Trust, and PERFECT

(Seal with Candle)
    "With the Fire of emotion and will
    East to South, our dedication fulfill!
    With the Fire of veneration and Will,
    South to West, our allegiance fulfill!
    With the Fire of Devotion and Will,
    West to North, our consecration  fulfill!
    With the Fire of Commitment and will,
    From  North to East, This inscription fulfill!"
(Upon Completion)
    "Within the circle All wills be free,
    The circle is sealed, So Mote it Be!"

                         SETTING THE WATCHTOWERS
    "Ye Lords of the Eastern Tower,
    Airy Lords of Spirit;
    Let your influence of Power,
    Aid or minds with merit!
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to
guard the

    "Ye Lords of Southern Power
    Fiery Lords of Will.
    Pray do grace your Tower,
    Your Powers to fulfill!
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to
guard the

    "Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West,
   Watery Lords of Death and Initiation;
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to
guard the

    "Ye Northern Lords of the Earth,
    Though we be yet bt Mortals;
    Bless our work with worth,
    Boreas, guardian of Northern portals.
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to
guard the

    "Goddess and God, We would know,
    As 'tis above, so 'tis below
    Blesings on this work, please bestow!
    This be my will, true and free,
    We do so will, so mote it be!"

                    Ceremony for Peace and Protection

After casting circle and invocations.

Never again the burning times.  For how lon has this been the cry
of those
who would folow their own path?  Once we of need hid ourselves away
fear, but no more!  We worship as we wish for this is our right
under the
laws of both the Gods and of man.  But even today there are those
who would
deny that right  They would destroy us if they coud, and if not then
force us back into hiding.  Their weapons are fear and ignorance.
has shown that such can bring about great evil.  So what do we?  Do
we once
again hide ourselves as frightened animals?  No, never again!  Do
we lash
out and fight them on their terms?  If so, we would be no better
than they.
Protect ourselves we must, but in doing so none may we harm.


Have four people, one at each watchtower.  This is not calling
quarters but
part of the binding.  (may be the same individuals who called the

East: Spirits of Air, Great Eagle, Aradia, Mercury, Urania, Enili.
and shield for dangers and malice from the east.  Watch and ward
that we
may live in peace, harming none.

South: Spirits of Fire, Golden Dragon, Brigit, Horus, Pele, Vulcan.
and shield for dangers and malice from the south.  Watch and ward
that we
may live in peace, harming none.

West: Spirits of Water, Shining Orca, Isis, Neptune, Mari, Dylan.
Guard and
shield for dangers and malice from the west.  Watch and ward that
we may
live in peace, harming none.

North: Spirits of Earth, Mighty Bear, Ceres, Adonis, Demeter,
Guard and shield for dangers and malice from the north.  Watch and
that we may live in peace, harming none.

String Magic

Four lengths of cotton string, each runs from watchtower to
(around the circle with all in circle holding the strings). The
tie the ends as they invoke their Gods. Then chanting and a circle
(while holding the string). As they circle the cone of power is

Use a chant everyone knows.  Collect the string without cutting or

Then say something along the lines of:  The binding is done.  The
cord we
use is cotton, it has gotten it's life from the earth.  It will be
in the ground where it will return it's life to the Goddess.  In so
the magic it holds will become one with the earth.

                      INVOCATION OF THE ELEMENTS
        (This is used to put an elemental "push"  to any magickal
    "Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
    Elements of astral birth,
    I call you now; attend to me!
    In the Circle, rightly cast,
    Safe from curse or blast,
    I call you now, attend to me!

    From cave and desert,sea and hill,
    By wand, blade,and pentacle,
    I call you now, attend to me!
    This Is my will, so mote it be!"

                             Cakes and Wine

(Priestess Pours beverage into Chalice and turns to face Coven)
PS:  "Here is the cup of wine of life, contained within the
cauldron of
    Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of immortality.  Our Lady
is the
    gracious goddess, who gives the gift of joy  unto the heart of

ALL: "So Mote it Be!"

(Priest places cakes on Pentacle and turns to face Coven)
P:   "For it is said that 'I am the corn at harvest and the fruit
on the
    trees'.  Here are harvest fruits made even more delectable via
    Love and Perfect Trust, and served on the Holy emblem of the
    Elements Surmounted by the Supreme Element of Spirit.  Truly
this is
    the staff of life."

ALL: "So Mote it Be!"

(Priest turns to Priestess)
P:   "Will you share with me the fruits of the field?"
PS:  "I will."
(priest feeds a cake to the Priestess)

(Priest takes Chalice and turns to Priestess)
P:   "Will you share with me the Cauldron?"
PS:  "I will."
(priest gives Priestess a sip of the Chalice)

P & PS in unison:   "In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, Blessed be!"

(Priest and Priestess turn to Coven and say:)
PS: "Will you share with us this Sacred Feast?"
ALL: "We Will."
P:   "So Mote it Be!"

Priest and Priestess take the Pentacle and Chalice to those
standing in the
East, who repeat the sharing ceremony.  The Cakes and Wine proceed
the Circle, Deosil, until all have partaken.
                      Quarter and Circle Dismissals

    "Oh mighty guardians of the north, Our business of the hour is
finished, and we invite you to return to you lovely realm of Earth,
first we thank you with a Kiss!" (Kiss Athame, and trace banishing

    "Oh mighty guardians of the north, Our business of the hour is
finished, and we invite you to return to you lovely realm of Water,
first we thank you with a Kiss!" (Kiss Athame, and trace banishing

    "Oh mighty guardians of the north, Our business of the hour is
finished, and we invite you to return to you lovely realm of Fire,
first we thank you with a Kiss!" (Kiss Athame, and trace banishing

    Oh mighty guardians of the north, Our business of the hour is
finished, and we invite you to return to you lovely realm of Fire,
first we thank you with a Kiss!" (Kiss Athame, and trace banishing

Circle Dismissal:
    The Person dismissing the Circle should be the same one who
cast it,
should do the dismissal with the SAME instrument used to cast it,
Athame, Sword, or Wand. Starting in the North, proceed widdershins,

"As this circle was cast in trust, we open it with love, the circle
is open
but unbroken.  Merry Meet, Merry part, Merry Meet again, and let it
be in
Perfect Trust and Perfect Love. Blessed Be!"

* Origin: The Mountain Oracle, P.O.D.S. for CO. Springs (93:9500/0)
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(2)   Sun 26 Apr 92 21:23
By: the B
To: Thomas Blackwo
Re: 17 (end) Samhain
@EID:d3f0 05009c50
@MSGID: 93:9200/80 29fb3173
@PID: TeleMail 1.50
Samhain 17 and end

%   A normal cone-of-power may be raised, for growth and healing:

HPS: In a ring we all shall stand
    Pass the Power, hand to hand.

HP: As the season turns again
   Power flows from friend to friend

HPS: Pass the Power, hand to hand
    Bless the Lady, bless the Land

HP: Bless the Lord, and bless the Skies
   Bless the Power that never dies!

%   The above four verses should be repeated three times, or as
%   many times as needed, and the HPS shall then say:

HPS: By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree:
    Let the Power flow out and free!

%   All should release, at this point.


%   Any needed coven business may be transacted here.


%   The Circle is opened:

HPS: Thus I release the East and West
    Thanks to them from Host to Guest
    Thus I release the South and North
    With "Blessed Be' I send them forth!
    The Circle's open, dance we so
    Out and homeward we shall go.
    Earth and Water, Air and Fire
    Celebrated our desire.
    We think of those in Summerland
    Who dance together, hand in hand.
    By Fin and Feather, Leaf and Tree,
    Our circle's done; and Blessed Be!

COVEN: Blessed Be!

%   All spiral dance out from the Circle, led by HP and HPS.


This is a -long- ritual, but VERY effective. A good way to do the
of the names is to pass the list around the Circle, with each
person reading
a few names, and then passing it to the next. Really brings the
Times -home.-

Should have the whole cycle available for FREQ from this BBS pretty

.. ---------------------------the Bard said that------
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(3)   Fri 8 May 92  0:05
By: Puck
To: All
Re: Something from my
This was an assignment that I had to write for my coven, and I
thought I'd share it with you.  It's called...


    Discretion and Authority are two terms that have very specific
meanings and applications in the Craft.
    Discretion, defined as "The quality of being discrete;
displaying good judgement in both conduct and speech..." is
especially important for the new student, in view of both the
secretive nature of our religion and its practitioners, and the
many misconceptions regarding the Craft.  In areas that are highly
conservative, (such as the "Bible Belt"), those of the Craft find
discretion a must, both in dress and behaviour.  In conservative
areas such as these, it is potentially dangerous to walk up to
someone, pentagrams (or other occult jewelery hanging) and
announce, "Hi - I'm your local Witch!" unless you happen to be a
well-respected AND well-known local personage.  For the average
person in the Craft, this is a luxery that is unaffordable.  At the
very best, you will be considered a kook and either disregarded or
shunned for your 'wierdness'; at the worst, you can be assaulted,
insulted, harrassed, threatened, or even killed.  No joke.  While
to my knowledge no one in the Wiccan or Pagan community has been
killed for being a Neo-Pagan or Witch, people have been killed in
the United States for their supposed practise of witchcraft (not
Wicca) and I do not mean during the "Burning Times".  (See HEX, by
Arthur Lewis, still available in some used bookstores).  In other

    It is very easy, when someone first gets involved in the
Craft, to experiment with the 'Hollywood' or stereotypical image of
the modern Witch - all black outfits, large amounts of Occult
jewelery, flowing capes, etc.  While several public Witches wear
this as part of their everyday lives, they have done this for so
long in their
respective communities that they and everyone else there are
comfortable doing this.  (This is not to denigrate those who have
been at the forfront of the Craft in the public eye - I actually
admire them for their boldness!!! ed.)
Some Witches, who are in more conservative areas, see this as
attention getting devices, and they do exactly that - they draw
attention...of the Bible-thumping Born-Again Christians, who try to
'save yer soul fer Jeezus', and put off other people who might be
sincerely interested in what the Craft really is.  If you can do
it, my advice is to go for it, but if you feel it might be a bad
idea, use common sense.

    If someone questions you about your interest in the Craft,
there are several ways of dealing with them, from the serious to
the flippant.  However, before you give any reply, stop and think.
Ask yourself, 'Can I live with this persons' reaction to the
truth?'  'Can this person cause serious problems in my
If the answer doesn't seem suitable to you, tell them something
along the lines of "I'm involved in a religious study-group", or,
(especially in school) "I'm doing a research project", or "I have
an interest in mythology and folklore".  If your response shows
that you feel your answer is suffient, chances are that they won't
press the issue.

    Very few of us are ever so rich and insulated from the mundane
world that we can forgo its necessities - we eat, we shop, we work.
In these situations, be discrete in seeing a Crafter that you know
in a non-Craft setting.  Keep the conversation 'safe' if you're in
a crowded area where you might be overheard.  In many cases ones'
co-workers may not be aware of ones' Craft involvement, and if
you're prattling on about 'how great Circle was last night' and
'are they coming to the next Sabbat' and 'what Lady Soandso is
doing with Lord Whoozits from Circle of Somebody', you could very
well jeopardize that persons' job, especially if that person's job
is in the Christian mainstream.
    When in the company of a person with a Crafter that you know,
or two Witches who know you, but not each other, a cryptic remark,
such as "Do you know soandso?  S/he's a friend of OURS." can
indicate that they are also Craft.  On the other hand, if you
introduce someone as
"Soandso, a friend of MINE", you are indicating thaat this person
is either not Craft, or should not be included in Craft
discussions, without resorting to the words Witch, Witchcraft,
Pagan or Craft.  Remember - better a held tongue than a slipped lip
and lost job, friend or even life!


--- SuperBBS 1.15 (Eval)
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(4)   Sat 9 May 92 16:15
By: Durwydd MacTara
To: all
@EID:d51c 000e80b1
@MSGID: 93:9500/[email protected] 41103c00
@PID: FM 2.02
                      The Witches' Creed

Hear now the words of the Witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When Dark was our destny's pathway,
That now we brin forth into light.

Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air,
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And we will and keep silent and dare.

The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the magical ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat
Returns, and the witches are seen
At Lammas and Candlemas dancing,
On May Eve and Old Hallowe'en.

When day-time and night-time are equal,
When sun is greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats,
Again wiches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thiteen is the coven's array.
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.

The power was passed down the ages,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and ages began.

When Drawn is the magical circle,
By sword or athame of power,
Its compass between two worlds lies,
In Land of the Shades for that hour.

This world has no right thn to know it,
And world of beyond will tell naught.
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The Great Work of magic is wrought.

For two are the mysical Pillars,
That stand at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature,
the forms and forces divine.

The dark and the light in succession,
The opposites each each unto each,
Shown forth as God and Goddess:
Of this our ancestors teach.

By night he's the wild wind's rider,
The Horn'd one, the Lord of the Shades.
By day he's King of the Woodland,
The dweller in green forest glades.

She is youthful or old as she pleases,
She sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver lady of midnight,
The crone who weaves spells in the dark.

The master and mistress of magic,
They dwell in the deeps of the mind,
Immortal and ever-renewing,
With power to free or to bind.

So drink the good wine to the Old Gods,
And dance and make love in their praise,
Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us
In peace at the end of our days.

And Do what You Will be the challenge,
So be it in Love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment.
By Magic of old, be it done!
               Doreen Valiente, Witchcraft for Tomorrow, 1978
               pp. 172-173, Phoenix Publising,Inc., Custer, Wa.
               ISBN 0-919345-83-2

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(5)   Sat 30 May 92  0:56
By: Penn Dragon
To: Gierda
Re: Wanted: Answers
@INTL 1:9600/0 93:9607/0
@MSGID: 93:9607/0.0 2a271902
@REPLY: 93:9510/1 4fc3e160
@REALNAME: Elizabeth Norton
A "BOS" or Book of Shadows, is what most witches/folk magicians
etc. use as a guide for ritual, rights, spells and any other topic
pertinate to the practice of their particular craft.  It is usually
written in book format and contains all kinds of "stuff" that its
owner wishes to keep record of.  Like perhaps there own particular
version of a spell, or circle casting ritual, or invokations to the
Goddess etc.  It could be refered to as your own personal witch's
journal for magical topics, a spell book if you will, for your own
personal way of practicing your religious rites.  There are many
"ready-made" BOS's in bookstores that are very good or bad
depending on whether you wish to practice like the author.  You can
always buy or read a few and adapt the rituals therin to your own
liking.  The best places to find these books are in new age book
stores.  After you have read a few and have gotten some idea of how
others may practice "the Craft", you may wish to buy one of those
hardback, blank journals for the purpose of creating your own
personal BOS.  Good Luck and if you have any other questions just
leave me a messege and I'll try my best to answer.  I would
definitly recomend reading any thing by Scott Cunningham,
especially "Wicca a guide for solitary practitioners".  As far as I
am concerned this is one of the best pagan titles on the market
today.  I've been a practicing witch for many years now and can
recomend this book whole heartedly.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: NightShades*  PODS HUB * KC,MO * 816-763-5544 * HST *
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(7)   Mon 8 Jun 92 22:35
By: Paul Seymour
To: Queen Maeve
Re: Re: garden dedication ritual
@EID:d51c 000484d1
@MSGID: 93:9500/0 50971570
In a message to All <06-04-92 13:47> Queen Maeve wrote:

QM> I just recently finished planting my herbal garden and plan to
QM> dedicate it during Soltace. I have been doing research in
QM> Pagan books and want to ask any of you out there if you know of
QM> dedication rites. I found one in a book called "White Magic", but
QM> most other references I have consulted seem rather limited.
QM> and Blessed be...Maeve
    I think I would set up an incese burner for each of the
quarters, do some research in some tables of correpondences and
when I called the quarters include samples of the appropriate herb
to the quarters in a little blessing ritual.  I would be careful to
include herbs for ALL of the quarters in both the garden and the
ritual, so that each herb was under the guardianship of at least
one quarter.  I would then think about a small "blessing" rhyme
dedicated to Both God and Goddess for the garden as a whole.  I
would also cast a Circle to encompass the whole garden. Definitely
do a Cakes and Wine Ceremony and bury the remnants in the garden.
Just a few ideas.  Let us know how it turns out, O.K.?
B*B  -Paul-

--- QuickBBS 2.75 (Eval)
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(8)   Tue 9 Jun 92  9:24
By: Ellen Reed
To: All
Re: Salem Rite (1 of 4)
@MSGID: 1:102/943.0 2a34db26
                        SALEM REMEMBERED
                     by Sandy and Doug Kopf
                presented at Pacific Circle XII
                           June, 1992
This year is the 300th anniversary of the Salem Witch Trials.  This
ritual was presented in remembrance of those who died, and a
reminder that we must be aware and strong even now.
The ritual was attended by over 100 people and was very moving.
Many wept. It is being shared now, not only because it is
beautiful, but to make it available for others who might wish to
use it.  Sandy and Doug ask only that there be no charge for
attending the ritual.  It would disturb them greatly to find that
such was the case.

The flash powder mentioned in the ritual was simply a mixture of
sugar and saltpetre (50/50).  Should you chose to use this, be
careful to "dump" it rather than pour it.  It will not only be more
effective this way, but will prevent the fire from
climbing the stream of powder back up to the hand of the person
pouring it!
                          = = = =

Quarters are called:

EAST:  Powers of the East!  Lords and Ladies of Greece and Rome!
Guardians of the mysteries and honored dead!  Pagans and witches
who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh!  Come!  Come
one and all who would join us in our right of
remembrance, affirmation, and protection!  Be with us now, that the
Craft shall ever survive!

SOUTH: Powers of the South! Lords and Ladies of the two lands of
Egypt! Guardians of the mysteries and honored dead!  Pagans and
witches who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh!  Come!
Come one and all who would join us in our right of
remembrance, affirmation, and protection!  Be with us now, that the
Craft shall ever survive!

WEST: Powers of the West!  Lords and Ladies of the Land of the
Celts! Guardians of the mysteries and honored dead!  Pagans and
witches who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh!  Come!
Come one and all who would join us in our right of
remembrance, affirmation, and protection!  Be with us now, that the
Craft shall ever survive!

NORTH: Powers of the North! Lords and Ladies of the Viking Lands!
Guardians of the mysteries and honored dead!  Pagans and witches
who dwell in the East, be ye spirit or be ye flesh!  Come!  Come
one and all who would join us in our right of remembrance,
affirmation, and protection!  Be with us now, that the Craft shall
ever survive!