 From: Diane Vera                                    Msg Num:    73 of    80
   To: Balanone                                     Date: 29 Feb 92  22:32:30
 Subj: "Nazi sympathies"
 Attr: Rec'd                                                         Read: N
 Conf: Magickal Chat Echo (93Net)

Here, at last, is my long-procrastinated reply to your February 3
string of messages to me in BASE OF SET titled "Non-Fascist Temple
of Set".  I've decided to try to move this discussion to OASIS,
since I gather that most BASE OF SET readers are long since tired of
it, and so that Tim can comment without being perceived as "hounding
Setians".  OASIS, in case you're unfamiliar with it, is an occult
"anything goes" echo, distributed mainly to OTO boards and thus
inhabited mainly by Thelemites, with a large minority of Satanists.