From:    The Bard
To:      All                                      Msg #18, 30/10/90 11:16cst
Subject: News article

         (Phoenix Gazette Sat. Oct 27, 1990)

DAYTON, Ohio -- A church plans to burn books by Muslims and Jehovah's
Witnesses along with pornography and "satanic paraphenalia" today in  what
the church's pastor hopes will become an annual event.

"Our purpose is to rid our city -- and throughout the years we'll
continue to rid our city -- of more satanic paraphenalia, and then we
believe the Holy Spirit will have a greater freedom to flow," the Rev.
Donovan Larkins, founder of the non-denominational Victory Bible  Church said

The church distributed fliers in several neighborhoods this week  inviting
people to bring in books by Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses,  books on New
Age religions, witchcraft, yoga, transcendental  meditation and Christian
Science, horoscopes, playing cards, and
"secular albums, tapes and bumper stickers."

                       - end -

* Origin: <Deus ex Machina-BBS Free Atenveldt! 602-439-8070>  (Opus