Arise and become one with the Church of the Sub-Genius.

" Start level three transference state, on tone."
" Bob?"
" You will become a part of this, registered in your sub-conscious mind."
" Everytime you say, hear, or think..."
" Bob?"
" That will be your KEY PHRASE. It will trigger the entire message without
your being aware of it."
" It will signal your subconscious mind. Flashing a message."
" The subconscious will absorb this message."


 Praise Bob. The fates have brought you into possesion of a Sub-Genius
instructional video barrage tape. Prepare yourself. You are about to be remade
into a new being through forbidden knowledge previously kept secret for cent-
uries by the jealous priesthoods of many religions. CAUTION. Improper viewing
techniques may lead in some persons to dependancy, seizures, cranial fits,
pryaptic conditions, maturations, subtle glandular mutations and in some terri-
tories... legal arrest. However, if the viewer follows instructions and trusts
completely in Bob, this state can create an unsurpassible beotific experience
that can last for hours, days, weeks, possibly even for centuries. This video
tape bears a patented Dobsdrome power shell time code, which may cause some
home video decks to act unperdicably. Although only a small percentage of play-
back systems or their owners have suffered permanent damage from this signal...


for injuries or damages inflicted by paranormal events during tape play mode.
The tape also contains sublim-minimal-hypno-pediatrics-trans-inducement tone,
operating beyond the range of human perception. However, pets in the viewing
area may exhibit unusual behavior as well as many small children and certain
less evolved adults. If such behavior anomalies last more than two days after
viewing, consult a physician. However this brain wave enfolding signal is
generally harmless and should actually enhance your learning abilites during
the program. Special interactive-homosonic-stereo effects produced on the
altomade-cerebro-synclock-interoceter are designed to trigger stem cleavage,
or brain division between the fore brain and hind brain. Using newly discovered
break-thinking principles the viewers brain waves are locked into syncronization
with the tape's underlying suggestions by means of neuro-electric pulses. Plant
growth and gas mileage of nearby automobiles may be affected. For the unworthy
this tape may be a one way ticket down a bottomless mental pit from which there
can be no escape. In unreceptive viewers there is a danger of synaptic-backfire
in the brain pan, caused by over heating of the attetion glands. This dense
packing of brain cells without proper organic coolents, such as frop, has been
blamed for three recent cases of spontaneous human combustion.
Do not over medicate. High dosages have so sensitized the third nostral recep-
tors of some viewers that they were unable to stop seeing the tape, even after
it had been turned off. This tape is to be used only by the person to whom it
is prescribed. Do not operate a motor vehicle following viewing. Do not operate
heavy farm machinery at speeds over seventy miles an hour. The demons you may
see during the initial halucination sequence are not real. If you do not panic
this phase will end after a few minutes.
Always resurface from the hypnosis slowly. Coming out of the tape has been
likened to a total rebirth process, if managed successfully. If you have trouble
re-entering the earth plain, focus on Bob and chant his name until you remember
you are home.
Do not attempt to flip the tape when you reach the end of side one. No matter
what you are told by later instructions on the tape. There is no side two.
However if you do discover one, don't look at it.
If you follow these instructions, you will experience a profound cathartic
reaction to flow of archatypeal images and racial memories. You may find your-
self laughing and crying convulsively and even astrally projecting.
These reactions are normal, Enjoy them.


                       CHURCH OF THE SUB-GENIUS
                             TIME CONTROL

In association with



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