F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.13  No. 4    (22-Jan-1996)
|  A newsletter of the       |   ISSN 1198-4589 Published by:          |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |   "FidoNews" BBS                        |
|          _                 |       +1-519-570-4176                   |
|         /  \               |                                         |
|        /|oo \              |                                         |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |                                         |
|       |     | \   \\       |   Editors:                              |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |        Donald Tees      1:221/192       |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |                                         |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |     Newspapers should have no friends.  |
|                            |                    -- JOSEPH PULITZER   |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  MORE addresses:                                                     |
|                                                                      |
|    submissions=> [email protected]                |
|    Don -- [email protected]                          |
|    For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,          |
|    obtaining copies of fidonews or the internet gateway faq          |
|    please refer to the end of this file.                             |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  1
2.  Articles......................................................  2
     BONERYAN.ART................................................  2
     ** The Free Ride is Over! ***...............................  3
     I Am A Blind User Of Fidonet................................  5
     FileFind Blues :-(..........................................  7
     Just Want Something New.....................................  7
     Phil Zimmermann Cleared!....................................  8
     Getting a life!............................................. 11
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 12
FidoNews 13-04                 Page:  2                    22 Jan 1996

   I am embarassed.  I found three articles in a file area of the
BBS that are *months* old.  Please, if you are going to log in
and upload articles to a file area, leave me a note telling me.
I check the inbound every day, but I do not go through every
file area.

   I see that Phil Zimmerman was aquitted of all charges last
week.  As well, our internat gate has closed.  Good and bad news.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the ANIMAL_RIGHTS conference is to educate
       and be a forum for the exchange of ALL viewpoints and opinions
       on the issue of animal rights. All sides of this emotional
       issue will in all probability be represented. Therefore,
       all users, whether pro or con on the animal rights issue
       should feel free to express their opinions. They should
       also expect to be challenged in their beliefs by those in
       the oppositon, perhaps quite strongly.


After having been removed upon moderator request from the backbone,
the ANIMAL_RIGHTS conference has been successfully put back into
backbone distribution. At this point I would like to invite anyone who is
interested in discussion of this emotional topic to join us once again in
the echo. I would like to also invite those who have participated in the
past to re-join the echo. Those interested who have participated up until
the cutting from the backbone should check through their hubs to make sure
the echo is still connected fully to backbone level.

All who are interested in discussing this topic are welcome. It is my hope
we see a resumption of the kind of spirited discussion we have had in the

Dale Anderson


by:  Gord Hannah 1:3405/107 Marsh BBS
Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Lists

Our grandson, Ryan, who just turned 16 months old a few days
ago has been diagnosed with leukemia, AML the real bad one.
To date he has had 25 blood transfusions, 4 sessions of chemo,
5 spinal taps, 4 bone marrow aspirations,and had a bone marrow
transplant in October.

He at best has a between 30% and 40% chance of survival, 60%
and 70% chance of not seeing his 2nd birthday.  With a bone
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marrow transplant his chances increase about 10%, however
there is a 15% loss in the transplant, procedure.

He is at present an Out Patient at Alberta Children's Hospital
in Calgary, Alberta.

Now here's where the Fidonetters can help would you send out a
message asking people that are eligible to donate blood, and
between the ages of 17 and 50 to please become bone marrow
donors.  At present there are approximately 27 million people
in Canada and only 110,000 people registered on the Unrelated
Donors list, I am sure some of you are organ donors, Why wait
until you are dead?   To donate bone marrow you can stay alive
and donate more than once if you match more than one person.
Ryan's odds under normal circumstances would stand a chance in
450 to a chance in 750,000 of finding a donor.  He has been
lucky so far there is a donor, his father.  The donor may not
come through, for medical or other reasons.

There are at present 300 Children on the waiting list in the
Province of Alberta, only 1 if he/she is lucky will find a
donor the rest will in all likelihood die.  There is great
shortage of bone marrow donors around the world as well as in

Also please remember that each time you go to the Golden
Arches that a small portion of the money you spend goes to
Ronald MacDonald House, an excellent place for the parents and
grand parents to stay while their little one is in the

I am sure that the FidoNetters will show their typical Big
Heart.  Thanks in advance.

Gord Hannah 1:3405/107 Marsh BBS


** The Free Ride is Over! ***

Effective March 1, 1996,  the Internet Gateway at 1:1/31 will
be *shutting down*.  At that point, there will be NO MORE "default"
gateway for E-Mail coming INbound from the Internet for Zone-1.

The reasons for this termination of service are numerous ...

o Most recently, an excommunicated SysOp has gone on a rampage of
  forging subscription messages to subscribe numerous FidoNet addresses
  to numerous unwanted Internet mailing-lists in a deliberate attempt
  to "break" the FidoNet routing structure and the gateway structure.
  Many of the other gateways have already shut down operations.

o Many of the *C routing systems have taken it upon themselves to
  either "bounce" (many doing it improperly addressed) or to
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  deliberately "bit-bucket" NetMail coming from the gateway.
  I can no longer deal with the voluminous NetMail being received
  from End-Nodes querying what has happened to their inbound E-Mail
  coming thru the gateway.

o The gateways systems and the "f###.n###.z#.fidonet.org" address
  syntax was designed for "casual mail", not for subscribing to
  massive mailing-lists and such.  Many people have found ways to
  deliberately by-pass the controls at the gateways and subscribe
  to mailing-lists, forcing the inbound traffic to route in thru
  the gateways and clogging up the FidoNet routing structures.
  These days, it is fairly easy and inexpensive to get an account
  with any of the many Internet Service Providers thoughout the
  country.  Those that really need to subscribe to mailing-lists
  should go that route.

o The original intent of setting up the .fidonet.org domain was to
  have gateways situated geographically close to the Nodes they
  serve so that the load would be distributed and routing problems
  on the FidoNet side would be reduced.
  As of this writing, there are only 34 Nets out of the 431 Nets
  in Zone-1 which have their INbound E-Mail coming in via gateways
  other than the "default" gateway.  The existing gateway operators
  and gateway software authors have always been willing to help
  a new gateway with their setup.  The *Cs at the Net level just
  haven't done their part to strive for getting local gateways in
  place in their Nets.  It just doesn't seem fair to me to keep
  relying on ONE gateway and the Backbone routing structure to handle
  over 90% of the Zone's traffic, does it?

o People have been writing software which does NOT conform to
  proper addressing specs which have severly impacted operations
  of the gateway without even consulting me or even letting me
  know that their programs exist.

o I find that I no longer have the time nor inclination to keep
  supporting a gateway where folks continue to break the rules
  of its use and bypass the controls.
  FidoNet in general has taken this service for granted for far too
  long.  People seem to feel that Free use of Internet E-Mail is
  something they get automatically when they are granted a Node Number
  in FidoNet.

o The I.E.E.E., the organization who has been providing the resources
  and bandwidth for the flow of all this traffic can no longer
  support the endeavor.

Some services *will* CONTINUE to be provided ...

o The Domain-Name-Service, which tells the Internet world where to
  send traffic for destinations within the .fidonet.org domain
  (and which defines which addresses are 'valid') will continue
  to be operated.  However, the "default MX-record" which sent
  all undefined traffic for those Nets which did not otherwise have
  another gateway declared, will be DELETED!
FidoNews 13-04                 Page:  5                    22 Jan 1996

o We will continue to operate the DNS until such time as the InterNIC
  removes the .fidonet.org domain.
  Since the InterNIC will expect and annual service fee of $50.00 for
  the domain in March, it is possible that the .fidonet.org domain
  may dissappear.  I do not plan on paying this fee out of my own

o We will continue to operate the gateway at 1:13/10 (our other
  gateway address) on a REGISTERED-ONLY basis.  This means that
  there will be a process whereby INDIVIDUAL Zone-1 Nodes will be
  able to Register to use the gateway and have an Internet address
  assigned.  Incoming E-Mail for all REGISTERED systems will be
  packed on HOLD and must be picked up by direct Poll.
  NOTHING will be routed via the Backbone (except Bounces back
  to UNregistered Nodes).
  (Please see instructions below for Registering to use 1:13/10)

         How to Register to use the Gateway at 1:13/10

To register your system to use the gateway services at 1:13/10,
simply send a File-Request for REGISTER to 1:13/10.
This will pass your Primary address into a function process that will
dynamically re-configure the related configuration files and routing
during the next hourly update process.  After that, you should be able
to use the gateway and any E-Mail coming INbound from the Internet will
be packed on *HOLD* at 1:13/10 for your system to pickup.

Note that your system is assigned a special address, which is NOT
in the old 'f###.n###.z#.fidonet.org' syntax.  Do NOT advertise
that address as it will NOT be valid.

Point systems may NOT register and may NOT use this gateway.

                               Burt Juda

  (Feel free to distribute this as widely as possible)


I Am A Blind User Of Fidonet

Rick Hayner
4410-a Lilac Lane Apt. 144
Kalamazoo, MI 49006-5771
phone: (616) 372-1847
Fidonet address: 1:2201/67

I am writing this article to explain how I, a totally blind user
of Fidonet use my computer and access bulletin board systems.

I am using an IBM compatable computer with speech output. This
speech output consists of two parts, a speech synthesizer, and a
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screen reader, or screen review software. The synthesizer is an
Accent-pc internal card.  It has a twenty thousand  word
pronunciation dictionary programmed into eprom on the card. The
card also has it's own built-in clock, so it doesn't care what
speed the CPU is running at. The accent can speak at speech
rates of from sixty words per minute to over eight hundred fifty
words per minute.

The screen review program is a TSR, Terminate and stay resident
program that controls what is spoken by the synthesizer.  The
screen review program I use is called Flipper. Flipper causes
the synthesizer to automatically speak text that is written
using the bios routines.  However, if the software that I am
using writes directly to the screen, there are keystrokes that
allow me to do everything from reading the entire screen, to
speaking lines and words surrounding the cursor at the time.  I
can also have the word before, under, and after the cursor
spoken or spelled letter by letter.

The accent line of speech synthesizers is produced by Aicom
Corperation, and Flipper is written by Omnichron of Berkley,

My communications software is called {Commo}.  The braces are
part of the name of the software. {Commo} is written by Fred P.
Brucker of Columbus, Ohio. Fred has designed {Commo} with the
speech user in mind.

My modem is an US Robotics Sportster 14400 external modem.

I use the Bluewave off-line mail reader written by Cutting Edge
Computing. George Hachew has put a lot of work into Bluewave to
make it work well with speech.

The bulletin board system where i receive my Fidonet mail is The
Shadow Castle here in the Kalamazoo area.  The sysop, Jeff
Harvey has been very helpful to me since I moved here over 10
months ago.

Finally I want to thank the entire Fidonet community for their
effort in keeping this wonderful network going. I have made
many close friendships via Fidonet echos. I hope to continue to
be a Fidonet user for many years to come.

If anyone has any questions, I will be very pleased to answer
them. I am on several Fidonet echos.  Some of them are
BlinkTalk, BlindTalk, NfbTalk, and the {commo} support echo. I
look forward to hearing from anyone who may be interested in
speech technology or any other method used by the blind to
access computers.
FidoNews 13-04                 Page:  7                    22 Jan 1996

FileFind Blues :-(

Mike Wynne    (2:250/223.12)

FileFind Blues :-(

There I am in *desperate* need of some elusive shareware utility when I
suddenly remember the "FileFind" echo.  I quickly write my request and
pack my mail off to my bossnode.

A few days later, automated replies start to roll in.  I end up with
six or seven possiblities and excitedly generate FREQs to get them onto
my hard-disk.

Out of the six or so systems, I get four automated messages to the
effect that these systems do *not* allow FREQs from unlisted nodes.
I begin to weep uncontrollably over my Space-bar.

Please, please, *please* listen to me, all you fine generous Sysops.

If you are going to participate in a FileFind echo, then please allow
FREQs for these files from *anybody* (and save all us Points a lot of
fruitless ,and often long-distance, calls .......

OR please state clearly in your FileFind replies that you do not allow
such calls.            Thankyou.                          A Sore Point


Just Want Something New

by Colin Zimmer, 1:140/62

About a year ago I was looking through the Blue Wave support echo.  I
read some messages from different people asking when the next version
of Blue Wave was coming out.  I ask these people what was wrong with
the version that they have now and they would tell me one of two
things "Nothing" or "I want something new" and sometimes both.  And
of course when v2.20 came out people talked about how bad it was.
(This was before they knew about the bugs that v2.20 had)  Again I
asked what was wrong with it and they said "Nothing really..." or
"It's not enough".  I would ask what was not enough and the ones that
would reply would only say "I'm not the programmer, they are, they
should know what to add."

And the other day I was on the Internet and was talking about Hexen.
One of the people I was talking to could not wait for the next update
for Hexen to come out.  He told me of how he went on to the GT
interactive site ever day to see if it was out yet.  I ask him what
was wrong with the version he had and he told me "Nothing, it's a
great game".  I went on to ask if there was nothing wrong with it,
why he wanted the update, and what did he think it would do?  He
replayed "I don't know, I just want the newest version".
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I also saw this in myself.  I had Doom v1.666 and I played it off and
on for two month until I finish it a couple times.  Then for about
three months after that I really didn't play it that much.  But then
one day I heard about the v1.9 patch.  So I spent half the night
looking for it and when I got it I played Doom all day and night for
a week.  I really didn't see any difference in it but for some reason
because it said 1.9 on the start up I just had to play it.

I think it's time for people to stand back and see if what they want
is a better product or just the newest.  And if all they want is the
newest, programmers just might start leaving things out so they can
slowly add them in later with never ending patches to try and keep
people using there programs.  It would be like making a car and
selling it with two spark plugs and sending the other six out later
at two at a time.  Just something to think about.


Phil Zimmermann Cleared!
* Copy of message posted via CYPHERPUNKS
* Date: 12 Jan 96  22:37:22
* From: [email protected] @ 1:102/903.100
* To: All

From: "Philip L. Dubois" <[email protected]>
Subject: News Release


Yesterday morning, I received word from Assistant U.S. Attorney William
Keane in San Jose, California, that the government's three-year
investigation of Philip Zimmermann is over.  Here is the text of Mr.
Keane's letter to me:

"The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California has
decided that your client, Philip Zimmermann, will not be prosecuted in
connection with the posting to USENET in June 1991 of the encryption
program Pretty Good Privacy.  The investigation is closed."

The U.S. Attorney also released this to the press:

"Michael J. Yamaguchi, United States Attorney for the Northern District
of California, announced today that his office has declined prosecution
of any individuals in connection with the posting to USENET in June 1991
of the encryption program known as "Pretty Good Privacy."  The
investigation has been closed.  No further comment will be made by the
U.S. Attorney's Office on the reasons for declination.

Assistant U.S. Attorney William P. Keane of the U.S. Attorney's Office in
San Jose at (408) 535-5053 oversaw the government's investigation of the

On receiving this news, Mr. Zimmermann posted this to the Cypherpunks
FidoNews 13-04                 Page:  9                    22 Jan 1996


My lead defense lawyer, Phil Dubois, received a fax this morning from
the Assistant US Attorney in Northern District of California, William
Keane.  The letter informed us that I "will not be prosecuted in
connection with the posting to USENET in June 1991 of the encryption
program Pretty Good Privacy.  The investigation is closed."

This brings to a close a criminal investigation that has spanned the
last three years.  I'd like to thank all the people who helped us in
this case, especially all the donors to my legal defense fund.
Apparently, the money was well-spent.  And I'd like to thank my very
capable defense team:  Phil Dubois, Ken Bass, Eben Moglen, Curt Karnow,
Tom Nolan, and Bob Corn-Revere.  Most of the time they spent on the case
was pro-bono.  I'd also like to thank Joe Burton, counsel for the co-

There are many others I can thank, but I don't have the presence of mind
to list them all here at this moment.  The medium of email cannot express
how I feel about this turn of events.

 -Philip Zimmermann
  11 Jan 96

Version: 2.6.2


I'd like to add a few words to those of my client.

First, I thank Mr. Keane for his professionalism in notifying us of the
government's decision.  It has become common practice for federal
prosecutors to refuse to tell targets of investigations that the
government has decided not to prosecute.  I appreciate Mr. Keane's

Let me add my thanks to the other members of the defense team-- Ken Bass
in Washington D.C. ([email protected]), Curt Karnow in San Francisco
([email protected]), Eben Moglen in New York ([email protected]), and
Tom Nolan in Palo Alto ([email protected]).  Bob Corn-Revere in
D.C. ([email protected]) was a great help on First Amendment issues.
These lawyers are heroes.  They donated hundreds of hours of time to this
cause.  Each is outstanding in his field and made a contribution that
nobody else could have made.  It has been an honor and a privilege to
work with these gentlemen.

Mr. Zimmermann mentioned a lawyer named Joe Burton ([email protected]) of
San Francisco.  Mr. Burton deserves special mention.  He represented
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another person who was under investigation.  To have made this other
person publicly known would have been an invasion of privacy, so we
didn't.  We still won't, but we can finally acknowledge Mr. Burton's
enormous contribution.  Whether we were getting paid or not, the rest of
us at least received some public attention for representing Phil
Zimmermann.  Mr. Burton labored quietly on behalf of his client.  He took
the case pro bono and did an extraordinary job.  He is a lawyer who
exemplifies the finest traditions of the Bar and the highest standard of
integrity.  I am proud to know Joe Burton.

The warriors at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)-- Marc
Rotenberg, David Sobel, and David Banisar-- and at the Electronic
Frontier Foundation (EFF), Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility (CPSR), and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
provided financial, legal, and moral support and kept the public
informed.  They continue to do so, and we all owe them thanks for it.

Those members of the press who recognized the importance of this story
and told the world about it should be commended.  Undeterred by the
absence of sex and violence, these reporters discussed the real issues
and in so doing served the public well.

Many other people, lawyers and humans alike, made invaluable
contributions.  My assistants Alicia Alpenfels, Suzanne Turnbull Paulman,
and Denise Douglas and my investigator Eli Nixon kept us organized.  Rich
Mintz, Tom Feegel, and Nathaniel Borenstein of First Virtual put up a Web
site and aggressively supported the Zimmermann Legal Defense Fund.
Another site was built by Michael Sattler of San Francisco, and he and
Dave Del Torto (also of S.F.) let me stay in their homes.  Thanks also to
MIT and The MIT Press:  Hal Abelson, Jeff Schiller, Brian LaMacchia,
Derek Atkins, Jim Bruce, David Litster, Bob Prior, and Terry Ehling.  And
there were many others.

Finally, I offer my thanks to everyone who contributed to the Zimmermann
Legal Defense Fund.  People all over the world gave their hard-earned
money to support not only Phil Zimmermann's defense but also the cause of
privacy.  It is impossible to be too pessimistic about our future when
there are so many of you.

Now, some words about the case and the future.  Nobody should conclude
that it is now legal to export cryptographic software.  It isn't.  The
law may change, but for now, you'll probably be prosecuted if you break
it.  People wonder why the government declined prosecution, especially
since the government isn't saying.  One perfectly good reason might be
that Mr. Zimmermann did not break the law.  (This is not always a
deterrent to indictment.  Sometimes the government isn't sure whether
someone's conduct is illegal and so prosecutes that person to find out.)
Another might be that the government did not want to risk a judicial
finding that posting cryptographic software on a site in the U.S., even
if it's an Internet site, is not an "export".  There was also the risk
that the export-control law would be declared unconstitutional.  Perhaps
the government did not want to get into a public argument about some
important policy issues:  should it be illegal to export cryptographic
software?  Should U.S. citizens have access to technology that permits
private communication?  And ultimately, do U.S. citizens have the right
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to communicate in absolute privacy?

There are forces at work that will, if unresisted, take from us our
liberties.  There always will be.  But at least in the United States, our
rights are not so much stolen from us as they are simply lost by us.  The
price of freedom is not only vigilance but also participation.  Those
folks I mention in this message have participated and no doubt will
continue.  My thanks, and the thanks of Philip Zimmermann, to each of

Version: 2.6.2



Getting a life!
 By Mike Labellarte 1:2235/110
 "The Soul of Cyberspace"

In recent days I felt the need to review my BBS life style. (again!)
I guess we all do this once in a while.  I was finding that my system
was overwhelmed with the ussual smattering of half open ZIP files.
Oh yeah! RAR (not another) or just your average "crap on the drive"
kinda stuff.

I had the illusion that this junk was important for one reason or
another. "To whom?" is the question.  The effort I put forth for the
"Hobby" is way more than any would do for a good crusade.

(Gesh! where is this going?)

I care for my Very Disabled wife so the time spent BBSin' is with
purpose.  A laptop and some voice activated software can be more of
a life than some of us would beleive.
A time killer!  Should this matter?

I am tring to find a place, in Cyberspace. See, it is my only way to
have a life, the constant demand you know!

I have many a "Newbie" or "PRO" calling me for reviews or whatever
hand-holding maybe needed.  Why?  Because they know I'm here.

I honestly have had it with ALL the BS in BBSin', but inside I do
really like the chase it offers.  An education that I missed,
comoradary that is much needed or a kin-ship with those who
travel at 28.8K or better.

(Stand By for Mental Wavering...)
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So I reach for that GOLD Plated connection at the end of my I/O and
find my life.  My New life as...  "The Soul of Cyberspace"
It is mine! All Mine! No one person place or thing with take it from
me.  No Zeliot, Bigot or General Malcontent will really ever succeed.

Don't like what I say?

Change the conference, don't carry it or worse leave this place called

(Oh Gawd! I can't stop the spew...)

I'm tired of
the "W's", "S's", "B's and "G's"
telling me "How, Where and When" to sneeze.
So therfore I take to the Snooze
I have nothing more to loose.              (sorry for the poetry)

Mike Labellarte, AKA "The Soul of Cyberspace"
Hey, There wasn't anything to read this week!



                         Fidonews Information


Editor: Donald Tees
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell,
                 Vince Perriello, Tim Pozar
                 Tom Jennings, Sylvia Maxwell
"FidoNews" BBS
   FidoNet  1:1/23
   BBS  +1-519-570-4176,  300/1200/2400/14400/V.32bis/HST(DS)

more addresses:
   Don  -- 1:221/192, [email protected]

(Postal Service mailing address)
   154 Victoria St. S.
   Kitchener, Ontario
   N2H 2b5

voice:  (519) 570-4899

Fidonews is published weekly by and for the members of the FIDONET
of individual articles contributed by their authors or their
FidoNews 13-04                 Page: 13                    22 Jan 1996

authorized agents. The contribution of articles to this compilation
does not diminish the rights of the authors. Opinions expressed in
these articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of

Authors retain copyright on individual works; otherwise FidoNews is
Copyright 1996 Donald Tees. All rights reserved.  Duplication
and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial purposes only. For use
in other circumstances, please contact the original authors, or the eds.

OBTAINING COPIES: The most recent issue of FidoNews in electronic
form may be obtained from the FidoNews BBS via manual download or
Wazoo FileRequest, or from various sites in the FidoNet and Internet.
PRINTED COPIES may be obtained by sending SASE to the above paper-mail

INTERNET USERS: FidoNews is available via FTP from ftp.fidonet.org,
in directory ~ftp/pub/fidonet/fidonews.

Anyone interested in getting a copy of the INTERNET GATEWAY FAQ may
freq GISFAQ.ZIP from 1:133/411.0, or send an internet message to
[email protected].  No message or text or subject is
necessary.  The address is a keyword that will trigger the automated
response.  People wishing to send inquiries directly to David Deitch
should now mail to [email protected] rather than the
previously listed address.

SUBMISSIONS: You are encouraged to submit articles for publication in
FidoNews. Article submission requirements are contained in the file
ARTSPEC.DOC, available from the FidoNews BBS, or Wazoo filerequestable
from 1:1/23 as file "ARTSPEC.DOC". Please read it.

"Fido", "FidoNet" and the dog-with-diskette are U.S. registered
trademarks of Tom Jennings, and are used with permission.

    ' ' disgreement is actually necessary,
        or we'd all have to get in fights
        or semethin to amuse ourselves,,
        and create the requisite chaos."
                          -Tom Jennings
-- END