F I D O  N E W S --                   Vol.10  No.48    (28-Nov-1993)
|  A newsletter of the       |                                         |
|  FidoNet BBS community     |         Published by:                   |
|          _                 |                                         |
|         /  \               |      "FidoNews" BBS                     |
|        /|oo \              |       +1-519-570-4176     1:1/23        |
|       (_|  /_)             |                                         |
|        _`@/_ \    _        |       Editors:                          |
|       |     | \   \\       |         Sylvia Maxwell    1:221/194     |
|       | (*) |  \   ))      |         Donald Tees       1:221/192     |
|       |__U__| /  \//       |         Tim Pozar         1:125/555     |
|        _//|| _\   /        |                                         |
|       (_/(_|(____/         |                                         |
|             (jm)           |      Newspapers should have no friends. |
|                            |                     -- JOSEPH PULITZER  |
|               Submission address: editors 1:1/23                     |
|  Internet addresses:                                                 |
|                                                                      |
|    Sylvia -- [email protected]                       |
|    Donald -- [email protected]                    |
|    Tim    -- [email protected]                                      |
|    Both Don & Sylvia    (submission address)                         |
|              [email protected]                    |
|       For  information,   copyrights,   article   submissions,       |
|       obtaining copies and other boring but important details,       |
|       please refer to the end of this file.                          |
                         Table of Contents

1.  Editorial.....................................................  2
2.  Articles......................................................  3
     JOIN THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER!...............................  3
     LDS SYSOPs Net (LDSS-Net)...................................  5
     Return of the Phool.........................................  7
     Fido Tablature Echo -- New Echo Launch......................  8
     New Policy Proposal Announced!..............................  8
     Yet another Zone 25 article................................. 12
3.  Fidonews Information.......................................... 14
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  We get letters ---

       Subject: You did it again

   My first complaint has gone unheeded, I  realize  that  there  is
   "freedom of the press" but I run a CLEAN board.  When you publish
   a FIDONEWS with the filth that A46 has, and I  display  it  as  a
   bulletin  without reading it it makes ME not you subject to legal
   action.  Yes, action is at this time being taken.   I  have  been
   told  by  members  of  my  Church  that  as long as I continue to
   display such filth I can no longer teach Jr. High Sunday  School.
   Not my fault at all, 100% YOURS!!  I hope you are now happy.  You
   have gotten me thrown out of one of the most pleasurable things I
   do  in  life and now due to this action I am withdrawing my board
   from FIDONET as a whole.  Tom Jenning's article was bad, you  did
   not  even  have  the  decency  after  I complained to reply to my
   message. This one from Scott Bernard only has one  word  that  is
   offensive in it but it was uncalled for!

   FIDONET when I joined about 3 years ago was a great net, we could
   brag that it was for FAMILY entertainment.  Now we can not.   YOU
   are  partly  to  blame.  Reading the recent trash in the R19SYSOP
   echo concerning their elections, I am convinced it will get worse.

   Thanks for hitting me in the face! as well as the entire  FIDONET


   P.S. -- After checking the Policy 4 document, I have found that I
   am REQUIRED as an NEC to carry and forward the FIDONEWS.  I would
   BEG  you  to  start  keeping  it clean so that others don't start
   droping  out  of  FIDO.   It  is  a  shame  that  the  "official"
   newsletter is as filthy as it has the past few months.


 Well Joe, I am sorry that you feel that way, and i am sorry we did
not  immediately  respond  to  your  mail  [always  behind on
correspondance].  But you see, the  snooze  is  *not*  family
entertainment.  In fact, it is not entertainment at all. It is the
net newspaper, where we air such issues as whether the word *^$*
should be allowed in echos.  Maybe we should substitute the word
*@$#, or the word &*#!. It gets difficult though, when we cannot say
*^$*, or *@$#, or &*#!.

 There is a second issue.  You see, I do not consider myself
qualified to censor your mail for you. For example, if I had my way,
I would ban televison. i believe that damning box ends discourse as
soon as it is turned on ... I am OBVIOUSLY unsuited to be the net
censor.  I do not believe the net needs a censor. People can all
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think for themselves.

 Why not *read* things before posting them on your board?  Better
yet, get your church members to read them for you, and let *them*
censor them [by pressing a page down key?].

 I would like some clarification, however. I am not sure whether
"one of the most pleasurable things I do in life" refers to teaching
sunday school or being a member of Fidonet. In either case, you have
*our* permission to resume doing it.  Of course, that will not
matter, as it was never really us preventing you from doing anything,
was it?  Perhaps you could return the courtesy.

Community: n.  common possession or enjoyment; agreement; a
society of people having common rights, etc;  the general public;
any group having work interests, etc.  in common.

Welcome to Cyberspace,  the electronic frontier!

This is only one of the names attributed to the other community
inhabit,  a sometimes mystifying but always exciting place.  It is a
world of computerized telecommunications,  a cast network of
person computers connected by phone lines for the sole purpose of
communication messages and sharing files between people like you
and me.  It is a shadowy world of electronic challenge.  friendship
and camaraderie that's hard to find anywhere else.

For the past 10 years,  I have operated a BBS (Bulletin Board
System) from my own home computer using some software, a
modem and a telephone line that link me to other computers and
BBS enthusiasts from around the world.  Daily,  I correspond with
friends in Canada and North America.  Yet,  I am nothing special,
a single mother and working woman with a hobby.

My BBS is called "The Wishing Well BBS" and thousands of
messages from my users flow through my system each month.  The
Wishing Well BBS, offers many mail areas of interest, support,
files, real time chat, (typing live to other users), on-line games and
international conversation.  Topics discussed range from problem
children, debates on governmental issues, local news and art.  The
BBS, enhanced with features of international networking,  provides
the users with an array of material and information that would
otherwise not be available to them.

The Wishing Well BBS offer users connections up to 14.4K (14,400
bits per second) transfer speeds that allow users to transfer
shareware (try before you buy software), text files and image files
in seconds.

I am also the operator of WishNet International,  a network of
FidoNews 10-48                 Page:  4                    28 Nov 1993

amateur BBS operators and users that spans the continent.  The
headquarters for this network is right here in Warren, Michigan
inside the average-looking Personal Computer that runs my BBS.
Thousands of messages each week pass through my computer to
each of the 500 other sites that belong to WishNet across North

WishNet International is primarily an electronic mail network that
specializes in general discussion topics and small or home based
business topics.  Most of our message areas cover topics of a non-
technical nature, ranging from starting a small business to raising
children.  Our users post messages from thousands of miles away.

My experience with electronic mail and BBSing, in general, has
shown me that there is an overwhelming abundance of fun,
temperance and kindness amongst computer users.  WishNet
International and The Wishing Well BBS hold yearly events for the
users at no cost.  In past years,  we have held a Christmas party,
coffee meetings and picnics complete with entertainment provided
by our users.  Turn-outs have been tremendous,  making these non-
profit events wonderful experiences to be a part of.

Unfortunately,  as the popularity of electronic mail networking has
grown at an astonishing rate so have a few bad apples found their
way into the cart.

The biggest injustice attached to electronic mail systems such as
mine is that we are usually labeled by the media as "BBS Hackers
of Phone Phreakers."  I don't feel this is an accurate judgment of
the people or the service my friends and I offer.  Our users are
average Americans and Canadians,  from housewives to military
personnel and other professionals.  And,  most BBSes are run free
of charge by sincere hobbyists who seek only to enjoy the
camaraderie of BBSing.

How can anything brought to the community to enhance love,
support, laughter and friendship to millions,  be portrayed as being
a forum for the "How To Make Bombs or Phreaking Credit Card
Numbers?"  Some foolish individuals may be sharing this kind of
illegal and juvenile information,  while it does exist, it certainly
isn't common.

My mail network is a relatively small one but, the biggest mail
network of them all,  The Internet,  daily provides electronic mail
service to 30 million people world wide.  It was started by our
government to network its science and technical staff and
eventually evolved into a public network.  Chances are,  you know
someone -- possibly your employer -- who is attached to this or
another network.  Mail networking is one of the unheralded facets
of our modern world and is as natural,  and as innocent as apple

The electronic community in which I participate is a vibrant and
caring community where anyone is welcome to participate.  With
Christmas coming and millions of Americans purchasing home
FidoNews 10-48                 Page:  5                    28 Nov 1993

computers or computer add-ons,  I would like to encourage
everyone to consider joining my world.  It's an inexpensive hobby
that anyone can enjoy.

Come,  join us on the electronic frontier!

THE WISHING WELL BBS:  (313) 759-2128
FIDONET 1:120/605


by Stan Staten 1:109/418

Several "Mormon" or LDS SYSOPs have banded together to form the LDS
SYSOPs net.  We would like to make known the existence of this net and
encourage other LDS SYSOPs to consider joining.

A number of SYSOPs and BBS users have been uncomfortable with that which
we see in many religious/scriptural conferences.  In many of these
conferences the ruling mode of operation seems to be to either to show
off one's superior intellect and/or scholarship to prove the other
person's interpretation in error.  The problem that we have with this is
that it isn't consistent with many of the basic tenants of Christianity
as we have come to know it.  My personal experience is that most
religions offer peace and comfort and a sense of security to those who
are willing to try and live the tenants of the religion.  To carry this
thought further, most religions with which I am familiar seem to have a
great many tenants in common, starting with the worth of the individual
and his/her worth in the sight of and relationship to deity.  My
personal experience with Christianity can probably best be summed up in
the opening screen displayed to the users of my BBS when they log into
the LDS conference:

              Welcome to the LDS conference
         This conference is dedicated to the free
         exchange of information relating to the

       Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
          more frequently called "the Mormons".

 If you cannot say something good about someone, please do not say

 I am sorry that I  cannot  understand  why  some  of  those  who
 profess  to  follow  CHRIST  sometimes  are the worst enemies of
 others who do.  As I read the New Testament, I came to know  the
 most loving and compassionate person ever to live on this earth.
 May we learn to walk in His footsteps.

LDSS-Net is a network of LDS SysOps whose goal is expanding the
fellowship and communication between LDS members anywhere this network
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will reach through Telecommunications.

The LDSS-Net supports the following conferences:

LDSS_General           General Chit Chat (For LDS Members Only)

LDSS_SysOp             For LDSSNet SysOps and Leadership only

LDSS_Teen              LDS Teenagers

LDSS_REVU              Review of LDS Tapes, Books and other products.

LDSS_ASK               Ask A Seminary Teacher!

LDSS_Studies           Gospel Doctrine Class on-line

LDSS_NEWSINFO          LDS Related News and information

LDSS-SIN               LDS Singles conference

LDSS-TEK               Technical / computer discussions

                              GATED ECHOES

INTER.LDS        A Echo for Members and Non-Members alike.  No Bashing
                or arguing, just honest questions and answers.

InterFaith       Echo for all Religious beliefs to be shared with all.
                No Bashing or arguing, calm discussions.

If you are interested, you may contact either:

Mike Downey           Mike Mistretta          Cy Welch
1343 S. Wayfarer or   510 N. Horne St. #14 or  6850 Trovita Way
Mesa, AZ. 85204       Mesa, Az. 85203         Citrus Heights, Ca. 95610
(602)926-2487         (602)898-8171           (916)721-0306

                 Or at these Network addresses:

Mike Downey or Mike Mistretta FidoNet 1:114/93
Cy Welch FidoNet 1:203/122

Stan Staten 1:109/418
FidoNews 10-48                 Page:  7                    28 Nov 1993

Return of the Phool
by Rick Moen, the Fido Phool (1:125/27)
Another Modest Proposal

Oh dear!  Keith Wassell is bringing the lamentable influence of
_reason_ back into the Snooze, with issue 1047's precis of the recent
Region 25 infighting.  Well, there's a ready cure for THAT.  Time for
another round of phoolish commentary.

Now, we could just let a sysop join whatever net he pleases (that
wants to admit him), with guaranteed entry to whichever net is in his
local calling area, but that would be _no fun_.  What would we do for
entertainment in the Snooze, then?

So, Russell describes the benefits of a system only slightly less
boring, with net membership more-or-less enforced by geography,
more-or-less per Policy 4.  OK, sure.  We can do that.  That would
work with fair-minded people involved.  <snigger>

No, I think what really should be done is reorganisation of the nets
along lines of _astrological signs_.

We'd put all the hot-headed Aries types in one net.  Let them all
fight it out with one another, generating irate Snooze articles and
killing off electrons by the megacoulomb in so doing.  The Capricorns
will all expect to be martyr-types (hey, Jesus of Nazareth was one,
right?), so _they'll_ all get along fine.

See, this could work!

Of course, I'm a Taurus, and we Taureans are too stubborn to believe
in astrology....  Maybe we could be doled out to the other nets as
the Commandants, henchmen, and cabalists that Sandie Franchi told us
so breathlessly all about.


Archbishop of Cyberspace

What do you really know or believe about what was the "first cause?"

We at the Episcopal Offices of the Archdiocese of Cyberspace are
compiling a registry of text about "First Cause."

Please consider adding your important message to this registry.
When the Akashic Records are finally cashed in, we know you will
want to be in that number!

Note to all ULC Ministers out there: Please share your important
message with us on this most important question. Pope Pompous
the Improbable will issue a Writ of Encyclical after reading the
Compendium we prepare. You'll be able to receive an autographed
FidoNews 10-48                 Page:  8                    28 Nov 1993

copy of this writ at publication.


Bishop C. A. Jennings, D.D.
Archbishop of Cyberspace


Fido Tablature Echo -- New Echo Launch
by Lisa Pellegrino 1:112/2112

I am pleased to announce the launch of a new Fido echo for musicians
and music lovers -- The Fido Tablature Echo.  Many times tablature
(sheet music for the guitar) is hard to come by or just down-right
expensive.  Here's your solution.  The Tablature echo is THE place
to request tab for any song, any guitar style and any type of music.
Topics include: Request of tab/chords/riffs for any song of any
music type. Ascii posting of tab/chords/riffs for electric, acoustic
or bass guitar. Discussion and/or advice on tabbing out songs or riffs.

If you or your users are interested in guitar, please pick up this
echo.  If there's ever been a song that you just couldn't quite figure
out maybe someone else has the tab for it.  It couldn't get any easier
than that!  The echo is in private distribution awaiting backbone
status.  Help us get on the backbone.  Netmail requests to the
moderator: Lisa Pellegrino 1:112/2112.  You need only poll once a week
for your feed and you may distribute the echo to anyone you like. All
requests must include: SysOp Name, node number that will be polling and
a session-level password.  The filename/filetag is TABLATURE.  Link up


New Policy Proposal Announced!
Ricardo Tapia (4:970/666)
Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico

New Policy Proposal: Chachi-Piruli Policy

Following is the first public release of the "Chachi-Piruli" Policy
proposal, to replace Policy4. "Chachi-Piruli" is a much simpler and
easier-to-deal-with document, that occupies only 7 Kbytes.

"Chachi-Piruli" will help solve all the problems related to Policy
compliance worldwide, by installing a more simple, flexible and
democratic policy.

Please support "Chachi-Piruli" by asking your region coordinator
(RC) to support a new policy referendum!

FidoNews 10-48                 Page:  9                    28 Nov 1993

Regards from Tequila city in the western state of Jalisco, in the
Mexican Republic!


(document follows)

C h a c h i - P i r u l i   P o l i c y
An International Policy Document for FidoNet

Version 1

0.99  This section will be eliminated after approval

"Chachi-Piruli Policy" is a proposal to change FidoNet policy from
the old and inconvenient Policy4, to a more current, modern, and
useful set of basic rules.

"Chachi-Piruli Policy" was written by Pamela Chu of Honolulu,
Hawaii (USA) and Ricardo Tapia of Tequila, Jalisco (Mexico), but
there is a lot of material borrowed from previous policy efforts.
All mail regarding "Chachi-Piruli Policy" should be addressed to
FidoNet node 4:970/666.

If you support "Chachi-Piruli Policy," please inform your region
coordinator. At present, 50% of all the region coordinators in
FidoNet must agree to a referendum to replace Policy4. Region
coordinators please send your notes of support to 4:970/666.

1.0  Introduction

This document shall serve as an international policy for the Fido
Network (FidoNet) of online systems throughout the world. FidoNet
presently has over 25 thousand systems, each of them represented by
an entry in the FidoNet nodelist.

Individual members of FidoNet are referred to as "sysops" in this

1.1 Nets, Regions, Zones

FidoNet is administratively divided into nets, regions and zones.
Nets are contained in regions, and regions are contained in zones.
Zones usually represent whole continents. Each administrative
domain has a coordinator whose functions are explained later in
this document.

1.2 Access to FidoNet

Access to FidoNet is open to everyone who complies with the minimal
technical requirements explained in section 5.

Access may be refused to those engaged in illegal activities if
such activities are related to their use of FidoNet. Access may not
be refused under any other grounds.
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2.0 The Coordinators

FidoNet is administered by what is known as the "coordinator
structure." Coordinators are meant to act on behalf of the sysops
in the domain they administer. All coordinators must have the
latest full nodelist and nodediff available for file-request on
their systems.

2.1 Net Coordinators

Designated with a "Host" entry in the nodelist, net coordinators
(NCs) administer local nets.

Net coordinators maintain their segment of the nodelist by sending
weekly updates to their RC. NCs assign node numbers and provide
inbound routing to the nodes in the net.

Net coordinators are elected and removed by a majority vote of the
sysops in the net.

2.2 Region Coordinators

Designated with a "Region" entry  in the nodelist, region
coordinators (RCs) administer regional nets, which may contain one
or more nets as well as one or a series of regional-independent

Region coordinators maintain their segment of the nodelist by
sending weekly updates to their ZC. RCs assign net numbers within
the region and node numbers to the regional-independent nodes. RCs
may provide inbound routing to the nets and nodes in the region.

Region coordinators may be elected and removed by a majority of the
NCs in their region, or by a majority of the sysops in their
region. Region coordinators may only be removed using the same
voting mechanism with which they were elected in each particular

2.3 Zone Coordinators

Designated with a "Zone" entry in the nodelist, zone coordinators
(ZCs) administer the largest structures within FidoNet, which are
the zones. Zones normally contain several regions; zone-independent
entries are frequently assigned to "administrative help nodes" and
may be initially used for systems not covered by a particular

Zone coordinators create the weekly nodelist and nodediff, to be
distributed to the nodes in their region. ZCs must provide for
inbound and outbound routing, usually through the implementation of

Zone coordinators are elected and removed by a majority of the
region coordinators in their zone.
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2.4 Zone Coordinator Council

The Zone Coordinator Council (ZCC) is composed by all the zone
coordinators in FidoNet and presided by the international
coordinator. It is the highest authority in FidoNet and it
determines the implementation of new net-wide technical standards.
Each member of the ZCC has one vote representing their zone; the
international coordinator only votes in case of a tie.

2.4.1 International Coordinator

The international coordinator (IC) is the executive chairman of the
ZCC. The IC is elected and removed by two thirds of the members of
the ZCC.

3.0 Disputes

The basic principle of FidoNet is to communicate in a friendly and
respectful manner. Members should avoid being excessively annoying
and being easily annoyed by others, and are encouraged to solve any
disputes privately.

If a conflict cannot be solved in private, a coordinator may be
requested to intervene by one or both parties, according to the
following stipulations:

Two nodes in a net should direct their complaints to their NC

Two nodes in different nets in the same region should direct
their complaints to their RC

Two nodes in different regions in the same zone should direct
their complaints to their ZC

Two nodes in different zones should direct their complaints to
the IC

Decisions by a coordinator may be appealed to the level above

Decisions by the IC can be appealed to the ZCC

Decisions by the ZCC are unappealable

4.0 Policy Revision Referendums

This policy document may be replaced totally or partially by a new
one, provided that a majority of the voting sysops in FidoNet agree
in a referendum.

A vote to replace policy can be summoned by 15% of all the nodes in
FidoNet, by 25% of all the NCs in FidoNet, by 35% of all the RCs in
FidoNet, or by 75% of all the ZCs in FidoNet.

All requests to hold a policy revision referendum should be
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directed to the ZCC through any of its members. Policy-revision
referendums should be open to all FidoNet sysops with equal

5.0 Minimum Technical Standards

The minimum technical standards required for a nodelist entry in
FidoNet are defined by the ZCC. At the time this document was
written they were:

Compliance with the specifications of the document titled FTS-001

Compliance with Zone Mail Hour requirements

6.0 Appendix

6.1 Zone Mail Hour

Zone Mail Hours (ZMH) are defined by each zone coordinator. As of
November of 1993, they were:

Zone 1 mail hour (09:00 - 10:00 UTC)
Zone 2 mail hour (02:30 - 03:30 UTC)
Zone 3 mail hour (18:00 - 19:00 UTC)
Zone 4 mail hour (08:00 - 09:00 UTC)
Zone 5 mail hour (01:00 - 02:00 UTC)
Zone 6 mail hour (20:00 - 21:00 UTC)

FidoNet does not observe "summer" or "daylight savings" time.

6.2 FidoNews

FidoNews is the network's official publication. It is normally
published every Monday by the FidoNews Editor, and distributed
through the same channels as the weekly nodediff. Please inquire
with your coordinator how to receive FidoNews.


Yet another Zone 25 article
Area Netmail, Msg#212, Nov-19-93 11:55:48
From: Tim Parsons (2:252/207)
To: Editor        (1:221/192)

                *** WARNING [MsgTrack Enhanced 4.00] ***

Origin address unknown at 1:170/[email protected].  Any replies sent through
this system will likely be returned as undeliverable.

I had some news this morning.

My Region Co-ordinator, one Peter Burnett, has reacted to my
insistence that the only person entitled to publish my details in a
netlist is my net host, David Rance. Peter has informed me that as
FidoNews 10-48                 Page: 13                    28 Nov 1993

David isn't submitting a net segment that fits with The Region 25
Master Plan, I shall in all probability find myself out of the
International FidoNet nodelist Real Soon Now.

Probably by the time you read this, 2:252/207 will either not exist
or be assigned to someone that isn't me.

I really can't believe that it's come to this. I have still to hear
any* convincing argument in favour of geonets in the UK, beyond the
rather spurious "Policy says so" and the fallacious (not to mention
entirely trivial) "They make the nodelist look tidy".

Before Ronbo and his juvenile sidekicks started playing power games,
everything worked perfectly well in R25. The only problem seemed to
be that not enough power resided in the hands of the people who
really *ought* to be important: ZC2 and RC25. So one short phrase of
Policy suddenly became a stick to beat everyone with, and, lo and
behold, the names (sorry, Names - mustn't forget how Important these
people want to be thought) of Ronbo, Popperman and the Weasel were in
everyone's mail packets and on everyone's lips.

Despite some sterling efforts by David Rance (an ex-RC25 himself) to
find a solution to the problems in the name of Compromise - to the
extent that he actually gained the agreement of the majority of the
Region 25 Net Hosts to the support of a partial solution called
Natural Wastage, which would not have forced existing nodes to move
but would have had new nodes added in line with geographic principles
- it seems that Someone decided that this was just Not Good Enough.
Pooperman and the Weasel (and it was also hinted that the guiding
hand of Ironman Ronbo could just be discerned) have taken the net
segments away from their owners, reformed them to fit with Der
Meisterwerk and insisted that Net Hosts publish the approved versions
or be damned.

Others have recently demonstrated the juvenilia that these pompous,
overbearing, self-important twits have been subjecting us to in
recent months; I have no need to add to the indictment. But really:
if this is the level to which FidoNet co-ordinators have sunk to,
just how do we expect the rest of the electronic community to take us
seriously? But these immature children, in their juvenile desire To
Be Noticed, are destroying more than they build.

So where do I come into this? Well, apart from the fact that I feel
that Fido is being subverted from its original and laudable form and
made into a vehicle for the egos of a Certain Few, I am well outside
the geographical area theoretically covered by Net252. I should be in
Net257, if geographical principles are to apply. I expect I *could*
pick up my mail much closer to home, possibly much more cheaply
(arguable) were I to Do As I'm Told. However; any additional costs
are borne by *me*, and I am perfectly happy to accept them. Isn't
that what this organisation of anarchists is about? The freedom to
connect with whom you choose *despite* geographical limits?

Not long ago, some of the first people to be "asked" to move nets
were told that they could keep all their existing linkages and
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routing, should they so wish. What was never explained was just why,
if that was really the case, it was necessary to impose a change of
net address at all?

Meanwhile, the sound of jackboots is again being heard in Europe. And
as there doesn't seem to be anywhere I can reasonably send an XAB
complaint and expect to gain an unbiased hearing, all I can do is
tell you good people about it just so you'll understand a little of
what all the rest of the fuss - which is undoubtedly still to come -
is about, and how appalling it is that these egomaniacs can play
their silly, juvenile games at the expense of ordinary guys like me.

Tim Parsons
Late of 2:252/207


                         Fidonews Information


Editors: Sylvia Maxwell, Donald Tees, Tim Pozar
Editors Emeritii: Thom Henderson, Dale Lovell, Vince Perriello,
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FidoNews 10-48                 Page: 15                    28 Nov 1993

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   Asked what he thought of Western civilization,
   M.K. Gandhi said, "I think it would be an excellent idea".
-- END