"Frogger" - watercolor on 4" paper

Kicking off a series of phlog posts featuring my art...

I've been burying my watercolors under the "less legitmate art"
section of my "projects" folder -- as a self-deprecating way to share
some of my doodles.  But burying my art isn't really sharing it, eh?

So, in an effort to actually share it, (while also offering a new
excuse to phlog more regularly) I'm going to start writing a little
about the doodles I've shared.  Also, I've created a top-level "Art"
section, featuring my favorites.

"Frogger" began as a glimpse I caught of the glistening asphalt of my
neighborhood, lit by street light after a recent rain.  As I painted,
I took the opportunity to employ some of my UV-sensitive hues and
bring some vivid shapes to the nightscape.  It all became reminiscent
of a certain 80s arcade hero.

Hope you dig it.