2-10-2023 - Retro battlestation buildout

So, I've been following a Twitter account for a while called
"RetroBattlestations".  I've really enjoyed the content --
digital polaroids of a whole variety of older computers still
being used.  And while I realize the "battlestation" term's use here
is corny, I can't help but appreciate the lighthearted metaphor.

All that to say, I've recently been working to restore a few of my
older computers to their peak glory and set up a retro battlestation
of my own -- taking a few machines I had already set aside in the
garage and rearranging, cleaning (and in some cases upgrading) these
to set up a 90s-centric Macintosh workbench, with Apple machines
ranging from an Apple IIe to the PowerMac G5.

This space is rather spartan, I'm afraid, tucked into a corner of my
garage, but in that way also takes me back to the 90s -- a time spent
exploring the early Internet from my basement. It will at least be a
great place for the odd retrocomputing session.

![Image of workbench](retro_bench.jpg)
![Custom ChocV mechanical keyboard with retro Apple styling](chocv_retro.jpg)

More to come on this buildout...