OK Scott, you got some retrocomputing thing going on here.  Why did you decide
to actually use it?

Well, I wanted something to scribble on and invite friends to look and see.
Problem was that I like to keep things simple, and everything I looked at that
is simple is considered obsolete.  You know, I can't even find a simple WYSIWYG
html editor anymore!  So, here's the question, how do you choose amongst
obsolete offerings?

Well, in the present case, I just want to "put up" some text offerings.  I could
just as easily email people, or groups of people.  But sometimes email comes in
at unexptected times and gets set aside or never read.  Other times somebody
thinks you may know something they need to know, and what a pity if you just
cleaned your send que.

I do have a facebook account, but I can't bear to even look at it.  Facebook has
become so creepy, I just can't! And if I find an alternative
it's going to be the normal American treatment of the situation, which is
"everybody uses facebook, your thing is rinky dinky and isn't blessed by our
corporate gods."  So, I'd like to find a new social-media platform that does not
abuse me as much as facebook, but why bother?

I could get a wordpress account, or run a wordpress instance.  But then I have
to learn wordpress.  All I want to do is write a few public thigs and have them up
where I can refer to them.  This protocol does that for me.  I write  a
textfile.  I write an abstract.  Everything else is done for me.  Graphics?
well, no-thanks.

I had a gopherspace years ago, and left for some greener pastures.  Well, they
weren't so green after all. So I have to repeat the famous line of Al Pacino in
Godfather Part 3:"just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"