Okay, an "Eddie K #05" update: I started recording voices for
Scene 5 yesterday, but I ran into a bit of a snag.  I have no more
room on my SD card, and I'm unwilling to delete my original files
until I'm done (and I'd like to keep them after that too, if I
can, simply for posterity's sake).  But space seems to be at a
premium these days, and not just for this project either.  I've
hit a wall on backups too, for the same reason.  I'm at the point
where I have to delete stuff just to make room for regular
backups.  This is not a good position to be in, but I had a bunch
of movies I'd ripped and held onto, always intending to watch
them, but hadn't gotten the chance.  I'm not sentimental about
these sorts of things.  With just a couple of exceptions, I don't
hold on to movies after I've seen them.

So I started to watch and delete these things last night.  One of
them seemed to be corrupted (I'd copied it over from another drive
at some point in the past -- again, without ever actually watching
it), so that was an easy deletion.  I watched another after that,
and was able to delete it too.  Between them, that was about 11 or
12 GB's I reclaimed last night.  It's not nearly enough, but it's
a start.

So, as I write these words, I'm resizing the partitions of my
backup drive so as to be able to fit everything.  It's taking
forever.  And I can't record anything for "Eddie K" until I have
this done.  It's a little frustrating.  Actually, it's a lot
frustrating, but I'm handling it well, due to my happy-go-lucky

If/when it's completed, I can back up this project, and have a
copy of the originals (and all the edits too, of course), and I
can clear the card.  With a little luck, I'll be recording again
by tonight.  That can seem like a a lot to hope for, though,

Nope.  Not going there.  Not today.  Eye on the prize.

Sunday, February 26, 2012
(c) 2012 lostnbronx
CC BY-SA 3.0