Lately, I've been thinking carefully about expanding the presence of
Cavalcade Audio Productions (that's the name I've given to my so-called
"studio", and the resulting audio fiction efforts that arise from it).
Many artistic nerds like me go through this stage at some point or
other, when it starts to look like there's a true need to be practical.
To look at your finished work as a product -- at least to some degree
-- and try and figure out methods to expose it to the world.

This is a leap for me.  A big one.  Not the apparent practicality
involved (an open secret for a very long time now) but the decision to
expose it.  In point of fact, I have been reluctant to ever expose my
work to anything other than small audiences; and I've been unhappy to
accept even their encouragement and appreciation.

This likely stems from low self-esteem, as that has been a recurring
issue; yet there's more than that at play.  In point of fact, ignorance
rules here, not only of the steps required to expand the Cavalcade
brand (which is, essentially, what I'm talking about), nor only of the
skills needed to do so -- but ignorance of where to even start.

Actually, this isn't accurate.  Not entirely.  It seems that a
dedicated Website is the first step -- something more than just my
gopherspace.  I'm a huge fan of gopher, but it seems like most people
are not.  Go figure.  So a central place to aggregate my efforts, that
people might actually want to navigate to at least once, is a
requirement.  This is also just a perception.  My current belief.  It's
easy and basic, but it represents something of a milestone.

After this, though, I'm not certain.  Monetization of my "product" is
an eventual goal.  Paying for hosting and equipment costs doesn't sound
too ambitious, necessarily, though even that has proven to be elusive
for many people pursuing this artform.  That doesn't mean it's
impossible, just mysterious to me.  But mysteries can be solved.

So, expect to see some kind of Cavalcade Website this year.  I don't
know when, or what it will look like, but it's the big project after
"Eddie K" #05 drops -- probably some time in early April.  I have a lot
to do before then, so we'll see what we see.

February 07, 2012
(c) 2012 lostnbronx
CC BY-SA 3.0