Okay, I'm up to 31 minutes of edited dialogue right now -- almost done,
really -- for Episode #04, but that's just the start of things.  I
mean, after this first round is through, I then need to set levels and
voice effects and such.  That alone is a process.  Once that's done, I
have a certain number of sound effects that are paced via the length of
certain scenes, so I'll be able to get the timing on those at that
point, and create discrete effects clips for them (some of them are a
series of effects layered onto each other, which I like to create
single tracks of -- makes assembling the whole thing easier).

After that, I'll have a voice track, music tracks, and separate sound
effects tracks, and everything ought to plug in together just right,
time-wise, when assembling in Ardour.  I think I'm still looking at a
week-and-a-half yet before I can say I'm done with the audio side of
things.  I ought to be able to set a release date by then too.  Then I
need to get all the music and sound effects credits straight and ready
for publishing, and I can upload it all to the server.  Actually, in
practice, I tend to upload this stuff in pieces, as I finish each one,
but whatever.  None of it will go live until the set date, anyway.

I need to put a promo together too.  I can do that quickly if I set my
mind to it, but Little Bronx has been gaming on my machine on and off
all day, and I haven't had a chance to get everything done that I
wanted.  Minor delay, really, and it's giving me the chance to do this,
so, no complaints.

I need to think in terms of the next episode -- if there's going to be
one right away.  I've had pressing real world concerns on my mind, but
if I dispense with my avocations just for the sake of convenience, or
an unhealthy immersion in my problems, I'll be miserable as a result.
It's really a matter of pacing.  The show would doubtlessly have a
bigger following if I came out with more eps, but I can only do what I

That's a philosophical perspective, but I must confess to a degree of
restlessness regarding it all.  All associated constraints aside, I'd
LIKE to produce more content.  Honestly, there's a feeling of wasted
time that pervades me, even when I'm in motion.  I'd love to produce a
monthly, or even weekly, series, but life is a challenge at best; and
when your hobby is not a way of paying the bills, there's little you
can do.  Yet some people seem to do it.  How?  I can only wonder...

Sunday, September 18, 2011
(c) 2011 lostnbronx
CC BY-SA 3.0