Insomnia again tonight.  It's a problem.

Since my last entry, I released "Eddie K" Episode 02, to the roaring
indifference of the Internet.  That can't possibly matter to anyone,
and it doesn't.  In fact, lots of good (or bad) feedback would do
little more than distract me, and I've got enough distractions already.
I then did another episode of my Hacker Public Radio series, "Theater
Of The Imagination".  It hasn't been released yet, but it's in line.
Also, I've been recording lines for the upcoming audio drama, "This
Thing Of Ours".  Have I written about that yet?  If not, it's a new
audio drama series about the Mafia in New York City, in the 1970's.
I'll write more about that in the days to come.

I want to do a new episode of "Palaver", since it's been a while, and I
have something I'd like to talk about.  Maybe in the next few days.
And we may just record a new ep of "Information Underground" this
weekend; though maybe not -- nothing is finalized.

It's hard to describe how I feel right now.  I'm both excited for my
personal projects, and saddened over my personal problems.  These
problems are nothing new.  If you read this phlog, you've read about
them before: Little Bronx, and his intractable issues; money and it's
seemingly-intractable absence; life in the this wasteland...

Nothings changed.  What could be different?  In a life so carefully
tailored to, so perfectly matching the dry, death-draped desert around
us.  Summer is here, and I will not weep to see it leave quickly.  And
I won't weep to see the winter come and go.  And then another summer to
follow that I'll wish away, and another winter, and so on and so on,
until time has gone by and I'm old, and Little Bronx's youth has fled,
and we're still here.  Still here.  Arid, and lifeless, but somehow

Yeah -- this lack of sleep will be the ruin of me: it gives me time to

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
(c) 2011 lostnbronx
CC BY-SA 3.0