The other day, I received my new Zoom H4n audio recorder, ostensibly for
the purpose of recording dramatic audio media, and audiocasts of various
stripes.  It's a fairly easy machine to understand, at least,
considering the uses I'll be putting it to.  If there was live music to
be recorded or something like that, things would be more complicated for
me, but this isn't the case.

The issue now is to find a place to record.  I did record the raw audio
for "Driving With Eddie" out in the shed over the weekend; this isn't a
permanent solution, and I'm not ecstatic about the results, but it was
a location I'd had in mind for a while, and I'm glad I tried it out.

See, there are a couple of problems with recording here in the house.
First, and foremost, I can only record when I have quiet: it's a small
place with thin walls, so even small noises travel well.  That means I
need to wait until either I'm alone in the house (never happens) or
until everyone's asleep.  Now, when they're asleep, I can record all I
want -- unless what I'm recording is loud.  "Driving With Eddie" is
composed of about twenty minutes of shouting, so it was plain it
wouldn't work (I did some preliminary recording of it about two months
ago, and Little Bronx woke up from the noise).  So that leaves other
locations as a requirement for at least certain types of shows.

The second issue I have with the office is its acoustics, which are
awful.  Boxy, stale, yucky, not at all what I'd like to have for a
recording studio.  I may just put up with it for the next project,
simply out of convenience, but I won't like it.  I have a variant on my
"micbox" design that I'm playing with, anyway, which may help, so, who

After "Driving With Eddie", I think it'll be time for "The Ballad of the
Pirate Princess".  I need to do some collaboration on that one, though,
as I really need artwork and other voices.  Well...maybe other voices.
I'm not sure what I'm up to just yet.  Time will tell -- and it ought to
tell pretty soon.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
(c) 2011 lostnbronx
CC BY SA 3.0