You know, the hardest thing about this audio production thus far is the
anticipation I have (and must continually thwart) for starting on the
NEXT one.  I'm looking forward to "Blue Heaven" being an active release,
so that I can spend some quality time with Eddie K.  Who's Eddie K, you
ask?  A singer, entertainer, and fulltime boorish lout.  And the subject
of my next project.  "Riding With Eddie" will be a 180 degree turn from
the science-fiction drama, uh, genre...category...thing.  An audio
comedy starring Eddie and his friend and manager Sal, driving in Eddie's
car.  That's it.  Nothing more.  Just the two of them in the car,
talking.  Not much to go with there, but at least it WILL be crude,
obscene, and likely offensive to most people, which is always nice.  And
I write "it" as if "it" actually exists yet.  But you know what I mean.

Nonetheless "Blue Heaven" is progressing nicely.  I finished
creating/assembling all the sound effects the other day, and started
layering them on to the spoken audio track.  Got about ten minutes of it
done last night.  My goal is to be finished with the sound effects by
the 14th of January, 2011.  So far, it looks like I'll be able to hit
that target.  If so, that'll give me a couple weeks to focus on the
music track, as well as recording and editing the Intro/Outro.  Then,
maybe, I can work on the promotional end of it.  In fact, I might take a
day or two off between the sound effects and the music duties to put
together a second promo spot.  I actually started on a second one as
soon as the first one was done, but it's kinda crummy.  I'll get
something else going.

It's difficult to imagine what I'll be feeling when BH finally goes out
to folks.  It's been so long in the making, so many years, so many
rewrites and versions.  So many opinions solicited.  To finally say
goodbye will be a pleasure, I think.  And you never know...I thought I
was done with it long ago, so the future can, and certainly will, always
surprise you.  Still, if I can put a period on it for now, that will be
nice.  It's a stepping stone, I guess.  A way to get started in the
audio drama area.  And not having to worry about ratings, or
listenership, or downloads will eliminate the hustle that I've always
dreaded.  Should be an interesting year (but, hopefully not in the
Chinese meaning of the word).

(c) 2011 lostnbronx