We have had a bug running through the house lately. Mrs. Bronx had it
first, then Little Bronx, and now me. I shouldn't complain, really,
since we took turns, instead of all coming down with it at the same time
(did that once with the flu -- I DON'T recommend it, if you have the
choice), but it made me think in terms of productivity once again. See,
I'm in the middle of working on my "Blue Heaven" audio fiction thing,
and this illness has really taken the wind out out me. I spent most of
today in bed, in fact, and have had precious little energy the last few
previous. It's not so much that I CAN'T sit and go over the audio (I'm
into the editing now), it's more that I have little enthusiasm for it.
Sure, I could bull my way through, but I have a lot of this to work on
yet, and if I don't pace myself, and watch the level of energy usage,
aggravation, or boredom, or whatever involved, I might flame out. This
is a real danger for me. By the same token, leaving off a project, of
which I'm dead in the middle, is no good either. Mrs. Bronx is home much
of this coming week, so I think I might take advantage of it and try to
get some work done. The daytime hours are not the best for me for
working, usually, due partly to predilection, and partly to distractions
and interruptions. But maybe I can get something done.

It's not hard to imagine this thing grinding to a halt. I've done it
before. Hell, I've done it before with "Blue Heaven"; I don't have any
idea how long I worked on the stage version of the story, nor how long I
worked on the the short story itself before that. Many drafts, many
hours of my life. But I'm near the end, and I'm not sad about that at
all. I'm only concerned about the momentum. Gotta keep it up, ya know?

I was thinking of putting together a promo for it that I could send out
to some podcasts. Can't be a bad thing, I figure. Can't be sure of the
positive/negative dynamic there, but it seems like a good idea from this
side of things. Drum up a little interest anyway. If a few people hear
it, then a few of them might want to hear the show itself.  There's
little more that I could hope for with this thing -- little more that I
could EVER have hoped for. Just gotta get over the sniffles here, and
get it finished. Soon, soon...

Sunday, December, 19, 2010
(c) 2010 lostnbronx