I know what you're thinking -- you're thinking, where has
that blankety-blank lostnbronx been lately?  I haven't heard
from him in forever.  Well, friends and neighbors, it's
Halloween time in the USA, or at least, we're down to the
wire here.  I've been hunkering down and completing Little
Bronx's costume, which has been about five months in the
making.  He's going as a dinosauar skeleton.  I just know
you're burning with curiousity, but you'll have to wait on
details and pictures until the dust has settled.

I've been too busy with this for a decent phlog entry or
"Palaver" episode.  I've thrown out the Shotgun Schedule for
now, since I'm hyper-focused on this single task.
Afterwards, I'll go and do some major editing of the list of
things on there, as many have become irrelevant.  Also,
there's a big "Palaver" episode coming up, so stay tuned for
all the fun and laughs.  Or whatever.