
Monday, October 11, 2010 -- lostnbronxATgmailDOTcom


Within the last week, here at LnB Towers, we've seen some important
elements of our lives progress and/or pass into history: the new DSL
connection (which, irritatingly, was offline yesterday for several hours
-- a call to Tech Support got it straightened out, but now I'm wary)
comes to mind first; there were birthdays and other important
benchmarks; we also came to the realization that we needed some new tech
hardware hereabouts, and steps were taken to rectify that; and the one
element which is most on my mind right now: Mrs. Bronx started a new
job. The OLD new job wasn't so new anymore, so she traded it in for a
NEW new job.

That's a joke. Can you hear me laughing?

Actually, maybe I am a little. A new job/career is always an upheaval,
but for us, it's doubly so since Mrs. Bronx doesn't drive. That means
Little Bronx and I have to drive her to work every day, to and from.
Were my son a little older and more independent, he could stay home
while I go, but for now it's a family thing. No big deal, and yet it is.
Considering that we live about 30 minutes from her new job, that's one
hour in the morning, and one at night.  Two hours of our lives -- the
little guy's and mine -- expended daily.  This has always been
inconvenient, but I confess that it's gotten very, very old as of late.
Nonetheless, I predict that Mrs. Bronx will be much happier in her new
position, which makes it worth the effort. The old job had become
hellish, and stress like that is of the killing kind.  Headaches,
insomnia, depression.  No one should make themselves ill for a buck...or
even less than that, after taxes.

The NEW new job starts about an hour or more earlier than the OLD new
one did, and that, naturally enough, puts our days back an hour or more.
Little known fact (well, I didn't know it until I got here): Arizona
doesn't follow Daylight Savings Time.  When all the rest of you are
Springing Ahead and Falling Back, we, here, do nothing.  Trust me, all
the arguments FOR Daylight Savings Time are completely bogus.  Having
lived with it for years, and then for years without, I can honestly tell
you that it never did anything for me, or for the people I knew then,
other than cause confusion.  Ironic then, that the NEW new sched is like
our own personal Daylight Savings.  We're on this earlier time now, and
the rest of our lives previous are on the other one.  It might be hard
to contact that old self -- it might be difficult to remember what
things were really like back then.  Because the mornings of the year
leading up to this point were somewhat lackadaisical, and (for a time),
things were good.  That can't be trusted.  Certainly I knew that, but
you can get lulled.  We all get lulled by an easy life.  EasiER life.
Sort of.  Okay, maybe it wasn't, but the mornings weren't that rush-rush
thing I've always hated, which was nice.  Until it wasn't.

And that brings us here, to a NEW new beginning.  Nothing wrong with a
long-overdue change.  Nothing wrong with an early start.  I might even
put it to good use.

If you're feeling dizzy, it's because of the nice spin I'm putting on
all this.  As constant as the flow of events have always been,
truthfully, I've rarely enjoyed it.  Change must like ME though,
alternatively leading me along, then following in my wake, like a loyal
but nasty-tempered Igor.  And if that's true, then it explains all my
troubles and heartaches: I mean, unrequited love can make anyone