I fought with getting IU #3 posted up yesterday, but I forgot to mention
it on Identi.ca then.  Took care of that this morning, even before my
wake-up coffee.  There's dedication for ya, by jeezus.  We were supposed
to record a new one today, but there was a conflict.  Next recording
date isn't for two weeks.  I was asking one of the guys if we wanted to
take a small break in order to catch up on our cache of shows.  Looks
like circumstances have imposed one.

Worked a bit on Little Bronx's Halloween costume.  It's moving slowly,
so I need to kick it into high gear: only a couple weeks left.  Also, I
have to edit Palaver #4, about the trip to Sedona.  That's something
I've been dragging my feet on, because it's tedious work.  There ought
to be a better way.  Maybe there is one, and I'll discover it with this
episode.  I can dream anyway.

Got my Sanza Fuze V2 up and running with the latest Rockbox.  Now Klaatu
gave this particular unit+software combo a very bad review in "The Bad
Apples" 5x14:


Money speaks louder than words, though, and I saw an 8GB refurb unit for
cheap on tigerdirect.com.  I went for it, since my old Sanza/Rockbox
unit (an e270) is dying.  The "legacy" Sanzas are actually getting hard
to come by, so the Fuze was my choice.  There isn't a Stable Rockbox
port for the V2 just yet, but the Unstable is very close.  In fact, the
only issue I have is the convoluted (and poorly documented) work-around
required to get it to connect to your machine as a USB mass storage
device.  This ability is critical, so even a minor challenge here is as
well.  I never use media applications, such as Banshee or Rhythmbox, for
organizing the files on my devices.  This is just as well, because such
things can't really access the Sanza V2 running Rockbox.

Let me explain: if the V2 is ON while running the Rockbox firmware when
you plug it into your computer, it simply stays ON; you can then
recharge the device, but not otherwise access it.  If the V2 is OFF when
you plug it in, it automatically boots into the original Sanza firmware
(OFW from here on).  The first thing it then tries to do is refresh the
onboard database for the sake of any new media you may have
placed/changed on it.  That's all well and good, except that the OFW
chokes on things like wonky id3 tags (or what it believes to be wonky
tags -- especially with OGG files), and it simply freezes up if it
encounters any.  If you are a FOSS/Free Culture enthusiast, you are
disproportionally likely to have some.  If so, said files essentially
make the OFW inaccessible.  I'm fine with that, since I hate the OFW.
But, no media management/playback application can access the device now.
That leaves using the V2 in USB mass storage mode.  But how to get
there?  Remember, if you plug it in while it's ON, it does not mount (it
only charges -- this on its own can be useful).  If you plug it in while
it's off, it goes in the OFW and freezes up (maybe -- almost certainly
if you have a wide mix of media types present: at least one file will
have tags that the OFW is too frail to handle).

In order to get beyond this, I had to spend a few hours searching
through help forums and the like.  Turns out, what you need to do is
slide the device's POWER button down to the LOCK position, then press
and hold down the |<< button while you plug it in.  You hold it like
that for a few seconds, and it forces the device to boot into USB mass
storage mode.  You can then drag/drop/delete/copy/whatever to your
heart's content.  After you unplug it (don't forget to Eject or Safely
Remove first), the Fuze immediately reboots into the OFW.  You then have
to hold the POWER button in the OFF position for about five seconds
(maybe more -- I haven't timed it), forcing a hard shutdown.  Then, when
you restart it, the device boots back into Rockbox and all your
transferred or manipulated data is there waiting for you.

Now, this reads as more complex than it really is to perform (honestly,
it only adds a few seconds to the process), but it would be nearly
impossible to figure out by trial and error, and it's not explicitly set
down in the documentation anywhere.  It IS mentioned in the description
of the Unstable Rockbox firmware for the V2, but that description is
extremely vague and unhelpful: the bug is described, but NOT the
workaround.  It seems that the reader is assumed to already know how to
force the device into USB mode, and how to do a hard shutdown with it
(both of which differ from one device type to another), AND that (s)he
will know these things to be of value in this particular situation.
Understanding that FOSS is a process, not a product, this bug is
completely forgivable.  The documentation, though?  Total fail. .