I've been puttering around this week, more than is my wont.  I've got
several projects going on simultaneously that the schedule has actually
helped on.  No, the Shotgun is not something I'm constantly consulting
now, but it IS nudging me from time-to-time, and that's even more than I
expected at this date.  Like I stated on the HPR episode on the topic,
I'm only hoping for a SLIGHT increase in overall productivity.  I'm not
looking for miracles.  Especially not at this late date.  It might be
better to only count the achievements, instead of the number of times I
consult the thing, because there really isn't any direct correlation
between the study and the application of it.

The question, therefore, comes up as to how to keep the AIC ethos in the
forefront of my days.  That is, how to maintain either the motivation,
or the mental presence to apply the Shotgun method.  I'm usually short
of both, so if I can improve either, it would be a general help.  Signs?
Sticky notes?  A full night's sleep at least once every five or six

Dunno.  This needs some thought.  But, the Shotgun IS working -- albeit
slowly and haphazardly.  That's better than other methods I've tried, so
it's worth the effort to make improvements, maybe.  Yes, I think it is.