We had to put down one of our cats last night.  She was 17 years old,
and in renal failure.  It was time.  She had accompanied us out here to
the desert from NYC, and had gotten by really well these last few years.
Considering the fact that she'd been born with wide-ranging birth
defects, Mrs. Bronx (who had had her before I was even on the scene)
never expected her to last.  Life -- even damaged life -- has a way of
surprising you.  Little Bronx cried for a while, having never really
experienced grief before, but it was the good kind of sad, that brings
you to a better place.

So I revamped this phlog -- or, rather, the phlog space -- yesterday.
If you subscribe to the feed, it likely marked all the old stuff as new
again, but just ignore it.  It'll be the last change for a while.  That
was a pain in the rump, though -- trying to get it all to work the way I
wanted.  I'm not 100% satisfied even yet, but I'll live.  This isn't
hard stuff.  Or, it shouldn't be.  I mean, it's a gopher server.  My
natural talent for inflating problems keeps me busy, though, no matter
what technology is used.

Spent some time yesterday looking for music on dig.ccmixter.org for one
of my audio fiction projects.  I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to be
using music just yet, but it's nice to search, and imagine the
possibilities.  I'll have to start recording soon.  I wonder how long it
will take?  A couple of days, I assume.  It's not a particularly long
piece: maybe ten thousand words at most.  It'll be just one single file,
as opposed to being broken up into multiple chapters.  It's a short
story, really, though I'm presenting it in audio drama fashion.  Should
be fun.

SHOTGUN UPDATE: I must say that I'm not utilizing the schedule as much
as I had been.  I seem to use it more as a reminder of things I could be
doing.  My AIC ethic has been flagging as of late, truth be told.
Stress.  Hmph.  That's what it was supposed to alleviate.  Actually, I
suppose it HAS done so, since all the stresses have been outside ones
lately, unrelated to my personal projects.  From that standpoint, then,
it's still working, because I DO still consult it, and I still am
plugging away at my projects.  Well, good then -- it's still working.