So Deepgeek, Klaatu, and I have been futzing around with a new audiocast
project for some months now, called "Information Underground" and it
looks like we're almost ready to get started.  Or, I should say, we're
almost ready to announce it to the vast silence that is the online
world.  We, none of us, have any illusions that we'll set the audiocast
world afire, considering the relative obscurity of the audio format
(speex), the site format (gopher), and the show format (essentially
non-tech stuff, like politics, religion, movies, etc.).  I predict that
listeners will be staying away in droves.  Again, it doesn't matter.
SOME people will listen, and SOME people will enjoy it.

And, so what if they don't?  It's really an excuse, I think, for the
three of us to get together periodically and talk about things that
interest us, with people we mutually find insightful and intelligent.
(I've been faking those guys out pretty well in that regard for some
time now -- suckers!)  If there were any way to hasten this process, I
would certainly use it now, since it seems like it's been a long time
coming.  Months.  In fact, I think we started sometime near the
beginning of the year.  No matter.  We're here now, with three shows in
the can, and an informal schedule to make more.

But I'm telling you, this is excruciating.  It seems like we're ALMOST
ready, but not quite.  It's like watching one of those giant African
cranes take flight on a nature documentary...damn thing seems like it'll
never take off, flapping it's wings and jumping across the surface of
the water, looking all drunk and reeling.  And then,'s
airborne: off and away, like there had never been any problem at all.  I
guess, for the crane, there hadn't been.  It did what it had to do to
get its bulk into the sky.  And I guess we did too.