Finally got around to editing and uploading the HPR episode I recorded a
week or two ago, on the Shotgun schedule.  It's short, but fairly okay,
I think.  Half-way decent sound quality, anyway.  It's just a basic
outline of the whole thing, and what I expect to get out of it.

And how IS that going anyway?  Well, I find I don't consult it as much
as I did at the beginning.  I go in waves, so I will have a day when
I'll follow it diligently, and a bunch of days when I don't.  It's nice
to have something I can fall back on, though, when I don't know what to
do with myself.  I'm not a bundle of energy, but I'm getting SOME things
done.  That was the goal here.

So, some weeks in, I'm still calling this thing a success.  Not so bad,
not so bad.  One thing: some stuff does get left by the wayside, week
after week.  I'll need to bring those forward, somehow.  Maybe I can put
some sort of generic slot in, that tells me to do something on the
schedule that I've been missing?  You know, sort of a note that says to
look for stragglers.  That might work.  Yeah, I think I'll do that.
I'll need one or two of those a day, but it shouldn't be a problem,
because I have some stuff on there several times each day anyway.

Later today I intend to start work on the script for Episode Two of
"Palaver".  Not sure what it'll be about just yet.  Something will come
to me.  If not, I'll just look at the schedule.