Okay, it's been, what?  A week now?  Something like?

Long and short of it: I got sick this week, and didn't do a crapload of
stuff at the desk.  That being said, because of the schedule, I got SOME
stuff done.  So, while my output might not have been awesome, it was at
a low level of productivity despite all.  I count this a successful
trial-by uh, sleeping.  It wasn't so much that I never sat down to work,
but that I was usually of a disposition or at a level of energy/fatigue
that would only allow for a certain amount of work.  That being written,
I did get a little writing done; I made a better effort to keep in touch
or network or whatever you want to call it; I read more of the things
I've had pending; I worked on some artsy-craftsy projects; and I
finished editing a podcast.  So, my assessment after week one (or
whatever)?  It works.  The Shotgun really works.  It's no magic wand,
but I was able to get a few things done that I might not have been able
to otherwise.  And that's really what it's for.

On another note (or, really, a related one), after clearing some tasks
from the schedule, I'm free right now to record a couple shows for
Hacker Public Radio.  I wrote the scripts for these a little while
ago...last week, in fact, during the early rush on the Shotgun
experiment.  Not too shabby.

Another unfinished task is the paper mache mic stand I wanted to make.
Actually, I DID make one, or half of one, and it's simply not going to
work out: wrong size, bad design, and unresolved design challenges.  Too
bad, because it's otherwise nice and strong.  Back to the old drawing
board, and all that.  Yet, I won't be able to start some of my audio
projects until I've solved that issue.  I may end up buying a mic after
all.  That will almost certainly rub me the wrong way, but this issue
can't be allowed to eat up a lot of time and effort in the hope of
saving a couple bucks.  Yes, random parts from the hardware store might
also suffice, but if it comes to that, I may as well just buy a real mic
stand.  Not too sure what to do, but, unless inspiration strikes, it
looks like I'll be spending cash.  That always leaves a bad taste in my
wallet.  On the plus side, stands aren't very expensive -- or, they
don't have to be.  We'll see.  The Cheap Yankee will likely have the
last word on this, despite all, if history is any guide.