I recently purchased an M-Audio Fast Track external USB soundcard/interface thingie, with the anticipated use
of recording podcasts and audiobooks and stories.  The former doesn't exactly require the greatest setup in
the world, and hopefully, neither does the latter.  Naturally, though, I want them to sound as good as
possible, so, to that end, I've invested a little money on the suggestion of kindly strangers (hi Joel), and
purchased this device.  I'm also currently waiting upon a delivery of a new microphone.  It's a
"Large-diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone" by CAD.  Actually, this, also, is a device, but it's not as
cheap as I am, so I went with IT, instead of something more professional.  I'm hoping it will do a
good-enough job that I can get by with it.  I'm not singing or anything, so maybe it will do.

The Fast Track has an XLR input for the mic.  I own several mics, but they all have 1/8 inch jacks.  Again,
I'm hoping for a better recording situation over all (that is to say, an improvement, not necessarily the
final word), and I got a cable to go with it.  These two items should be here by Wednesday, May 19 2010.
After that, we'll see.  It will require a crapload of fiddling with the software to get it sounding well, but
I've been playing already, and have made some progress.  I do own one mic with a 1/4 inch jack, and the Fast
Track has a 1/4 input for guitars.  My mic records through there, but there's a horrible hum, and the volume
of the voice part is pitifully low.  I'm assuming it's because I'm not using the correct input.  I'm hoping
it is, anyway.  I'll know by mid-week.  At any rate, getting rid of the hum and noise from my computer's
mobo, fans, and other such equipment has been my primary motivation here.  If I can record with a minimum of
noise out, I'll be satisfied.  I can play with the quality of the final product any way that I want, if I can
get a good recording to start with.

That's the plan, anyway.  Right now, I have a whole lot of nothing.  Not even skill.  If you like the quality
of my audio, say, two or three months from now, I'll have more to crow about.  I'll get back to ya.