# Degrowth

> 1) A negative growth (i.e. a reduction) of an economy or a
>    population.
> 2) A political, economic, and social movement based on ecological
>    economics and anticonsumerist and anticapitalist ideas.)

Let's establish some fundamental truths before proceeding:

* Our planet is a limited resource which sustains our species and
 many others.

* Developed nations consume these resources for greed rather than

* False markets are created by advertising and we buy things for
 desire, not things that we require.

* Things that we buy are often designed with a limited lifetime so
 that we have to re-purchase and continue the consumer cycle.

* Many green technologies are in fact just as destructive and
 require mining and energy intensive processes for their
 production (solar panels, lithium batteries, ...).

* Our current expansionism is unsustainable.

Since the 1930s the measure of a nation's wealth has been it's GDP
(gross domestic product). This has lead to a constant striving toward

The only way out of this cycle is to step back from it, as consumers
and as producers.

## We are the problem

Your government is not going to make this problem go away.

We are both the labour force which facilitates all of this and the
tax payers who finance it.

## We are the solution

If we are to save this planet from becoming a scorching desert for
future generations then *we* need to change.

## Prevention is always better than the cure

As with personal health, if you smoke, drink, don't exercise and eat
lots of junk food, you should expect to suffer in later life.  Our
planet too is a living organism which we, and other species, depend
upon for survival.

Don't wait until it is too late or leave it to someone else. We must
all take responsibility and play our part.

## What can we do?

We all have choices which can directly influence organizations that
are having a negative impact on the environment and our society by:

1. Not working for them

2. Not financing or purchasing from them

We can also make efforts to live lightly.

Here are some suggestions how we might do that:

* Reducing our energy consumption as much as possible

* Growing some of our own produce

* Learning practical skills to make useful things or be useful

* Trading or exchanging, skills, items or produce with others locally

* Repairing and repurposing items (recycling should be a last resort)

* Sourcing items with no, minimal or recyclable packaging

* Sourcing items which can be repaired and will last

* Sourcing used items where possible

* Sourcing only things that we need