Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                      F. Brockners
Request for Comments: 6736                                   S. Bhandari
Category: Standards Track                                          Cisco
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                 V. Singh

                                                             V. Fajardo
                                                 Telcordia Technologies
                                                           October 2012

  Diameter Network Address and Port Translation Control Application


  This document describes the framework, messages, and procedures for
  the Diameter Network address and port translation Control
  Application.  This Diameter application allows per-endpoint control
  of Network Address Translators and Network Address and Port
  Translators, which are added to networks to cope with IPv4 address
  space depletion.  This Diameter application allows external devices
  to configure and manage a Network Address Translator device --
  expanding the existing Diameter-based Authentication, Authorization,
  and Accounting (AAA) and policy control capabilities with a Network
  Address Translator and Network Address and Port Translator control
  component.  These external devices can be network elements in the
  data plane such as a Network Access Server, or can be more
  centralized control plane devices such as AAA-servers.  This Diameter
  application establishes a context to commonly identify and manage
  endpoints on a gateway or server and a Network Address Translator and
  Network Address and Port Translator device.  This includes, for
  example, the control of the total number of Network Address
  Translator bindings allowed or the allocation of a specific Network
  Address Translator binding for a particular endpoint.  In addition,
  it allows Network Address Translator devices to provide information
  relevant to accounting purposes.

Status of This Memo

  This is an Internet Standards Track document.

  This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
  (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
  received public review and has been approved for publication by the
  Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
  Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 5741.

  Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
  and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

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RFC 6736            Diameter NAT Control Application        October 2012

Copyright Notice

  Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
  document authors.  All rights reserved.

  This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
  Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
  ( in effect on the date of
  publication of this document.  Please review these documents
  carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
  to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
  include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
  the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
  described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction ....................................................4
  2. Conventions .....................................................6
  3. Deployment Framework ............................................7
     3.1. Deployment Scenario ........................................7
     3.2. Diameter NAPT Control Application Overview .................9
     3.3. Deployment Scenarios for DNCA .............................10
  4. DNCA Session Establishment and Management ......................12
     4.1. Session Establishment .....................................13
     4.2. Session Update ............................................16
     4.3. Session and Binding Query .................................18
     4.4. Session Termination .......................................20
     4.5. Session Abort .............................................21
     4.6. Failure Cases of the DNCA Diameter Peers ..................22
  5. Use of the Diameter Base Protocol ..............................23
     5.1. Securing Diameter Messages ................................23
     5.2. Accounting Functionality ..................................24
     5.3. Use of Sessions ...........................................24
     5.4. Routing Considerations ....................................24
     5.5. Advertising Application Support ...........................24
  6. DNCA Commands ..................................................25
     6.1. NAT-Control-Request (NCR) Command .........................25
     6.2. NAT-Control-Answer (NCA) Command ..........................26
  7. NAT Control Application Session State Machine ..................26
  8. DNCA AVPs ......................................................29
     8.1. Reused Base Protocol AVPs .................................29
     8.2. Additional Result-Code AVP Values .........................30
          8.2.1. Success ............................................30
          8.2.2. Transient Failures .................................30
          8.2.3. Permanent Failures .................................31

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     8.3. Reused NASREQ Diameter Application AVPs ...................32
     8.4. Reused AVPs from RFC 4675 .................................33
     8.5. Reused AVPs from Diameter QoS Application .................33
     8.6. Reused AVPs from ETSI ES 283 034, e4 Diameter
          Application ...............................................34
     8.7. DNCA-Defined AVPs .........................................35
          8.7.1. NC-Request-Type AVP ................................36
          8.7.2. NAT-Control-Install AVP ............................36
          8.7.3. NAT-Control-Remove AVP .............................37
          8.7.4. NAT-Control-Definition AVP .........................37
          8.7.5. NAT-Internal-Address AVP ...........................38
          8.7.6. NAT-External-Address AVP ...........................38
          8.7.7. Max-NAT-Bindings ...................................39
          8.7.8. NAT-Control-Binding-Template AVP ...................39
          8.7.9. Duplicate-Session-Id AVP ...........................39
          8.7.10. NAT-External-Port-Style AVP .......................39
  9. Accounting Commands ............................................40
     9.1. NAT Control Accounting Messages ...........................40
     9.2. NAT Control Accounting AVPs ...............................40
          9.2.1. NAT-Control-Record .................................41
          9.2.2. NAT-Control-Binding-Status .........................41
          9.2.3. Current-NAT-Bindings ...............................41
  10. AVP Occurrence Tables .........................................41
     10.1. DNCA AVP Table for NAT Control Initial and Update
           Requests .................................................42
     10.2. DNCA AVP Table for Session Query Requests ................43
     10.3. DNCA AVP Table for Accounting Messages ...................43
  11. IANA Considerations ...........................................44
     11.1. Application Identifier ...................................44
     11.2. Command Codes ............................................44
     11.3. AVP Codes ................................................44
     11.4. Result-Code AVP Values ...................................44
     11.5. NC-Request-Type AVP ......................................44
     11.6. NAT-External-Port-Style AVP ..............................45
     11.7. NAT-Control-Binding-Status AVP ...........................45
  12. Security Considerations .......................................45
  13. Examples ......................................................47
     13.1. DNCA Session Establishment Example .......................47
     13.2. DNCA Session Update with Port Style Example ..............50
     13.3. DNCA Session Query Example ...............................51
     13.4. DNCA Session Termination Example .........................53
  14. Acknowledgements ..............................................55
  15. References ....................................................55
     15.1. Normative References .....................................55
     15.2. Informative References ...................................56

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1.  Introduction

  Internet service providers deploy Network Address Translators (NATs)
  and Network Address and Port Translators (NAPTs) [RFC3022] in their
  networks.  A key motivation for doing so is the depletion of
  available public IPv4 addresses.  This document defines a Diameter
  application allowing providers to control the behavior of NAT and
  NAPT devices that implement IPv4-to-IPv4 network address and port
  translation [RFC2663] as well as stateful IPv6-to-IPv4 address family
  translation as defined in [RFC2663], [RFC6145], and [RFC6146].  The
  use of a Diameter application allows for simple integration into the
  existing Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)
  environment of a provider.

  The Diameter Network address and port translation Control Application
  (DNCA) offers the following capabilities:

  1.  Limits or defines the number of NAPT/NAT-bindings made available
      to an individual endpoint.  The main motivation for restricting
      the number of bindings on a per-endpoint basis is to protect the
      service of the service provider against denial-of-service (DoS)
      attacks.  If multiple endpoints share a single public IP address,
      these endpoints can share fate.  If one endpoint would (either
      intentionally, or due to misbehavior, misconfiguration, malware,
      etc.) be able to consume all available bindings for a given
      single public IP address, service would be hampered (or might
      even become unavailable) for those other endpoints sharing the
      same public IP address.  The efficiency of a NAPT deployment
      depends on the maximum number of bindings an endpoint could use.
      Given that the typical number of bindings an endpoint uses
      depends on the type of endpoint (e.g., a personal computer of a
      broadband user is expected to use a higher number of bindings
      than a simple mobile phone) and a NAPT device is often shared by
      different types of endpoints, it is desirable to actively manage
      the maximum number of bindings.  This requirement is specified in
      REQ-3 of [CGN-REQS].

  2.  Supports the allocation of specific NAPT/NAT-bindings.  Two types
      of specific bindings can be distinguished:

      *  Allocation of a predefined NAT-binding: The internal and
         external IP addresses as well as the port pair are specified
         within the request.  Some deployment cases, such as access to
         a web-server within a user's home network with IP address and
         port, benefit from statically configured bindings.

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      *  Allocation of an external IP address for a given internal IP
         address: The allocated external IP address is reported back to
         the requester.  In some deployment scenarios, the application
         requires immediate knowledge of the allocated binding for a
         given internal IP address but does not control the allocation
         of the external IP address; for example, SIP-proxy server

  3.  Defines the external address pool(s) to be used for allocating an
      external IP address: External address pools can be either pre-
      assigned at the NAPT/NAT device or specified within a request.
      If pre-assigned address pools are used, a request needs to
      include a reference to identify the pool.  Otherwise, the request
      contains a description of the IP address pool(s) to be used, for
      example, a list of IP-subnets.  Such external address pools can
      be used to select the external IP address in NAPT/NAT-bindings
      for multiple subscribers.

  4.  Generates reports and accounting records: Reports established
      bindings for a particular endpoint.  The collected information is
      used by accounting systems for statistical purposes.

  5.  Queries and retrieves details about bindings on demand: This
      feature complements the previously mentioned accounting
      functionality (see item 4).  This feature can be used by an
      entity to find NAT-bindings belonging to one or multiple
      endpoints on the NAT device.  The entity is not required to
      create a DNCA control session to perform the query but would,
      obviously, still need to create a Diameter session complying to
      the security requirements.

  6.  Identifies a subscriber or endpoint on multiple network devices
      (NAT/NAPT device, the AAA-server, or the Network Access Server
      (NAS)): Endpoint identification is facilitated through a Global
      Endpoint ID.  Endpoints are identified through a single
      classifier or a set of classifiers, such as IP address, Virtual
      Local Area Network (VLAN) identifier, or interface identifier
      that uniquely identify the traffic associated with a particular
      global endpoint.

  With the above capabilities, DNCA qualifies as a Middlebox
  Communications (MIDCOM) protocol [RFC3303], [RFC3304], [RFC5189] for
  middleboxes that perform NAT.  The MIDCOM protocol evaluation
  [RFC4097] evaluated Diameter as a candidate protocol for MIDCOM.
  DNCA provides the extensions to the Diameter base protocol [RFC6733]
  following the MIDCOM protocol requirements, such as the support of
  NAT-specific rule transport, support for oddity of mapped ports, as
  well as support for consecutive range port numbers.  DNCA adds to the

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  MIDCOM protocol capabilities in that it allows the maintenance of the
  reference to an endpoint representing a user or subscriber in the
  control operation, enabling the control of the behavior of a NAT
  device on a per-endpoint basis.  Following the requirements of
  different operators and deployments, different management protocols
  are employed.  Examples include, for example, Simple Network
  Management Protocol (SNMP) [RFC3411] and Network Configuration
  (NETCONF) [RFC6241], which can both be used for device configuration.
  Similarly, DNCA complements existing MIDCOM implementations, offering
  a MIDCOM protocol option for operators with an operational
  environment that is Diameter focused that desire the use of Diameter
  to perform per-endpoint NAT control.  Note that in case an operator
  uses multiple methods and protocols to configure a NAT device, such
  as, for example, command line interface (CLI), SNMP, NETCONF, or Port
  Control Protocol (PCP), along with DNCA specified in this document,
  the operator MUST ensure that the configurations performed using the
  different methods and protocols do not conflict in order to ensure a
  proper operation of the NAT service.

  This document is structured as follows: Section 2 lists terminology,
  while Section 3 provides an introduction to DNCA and its overall
  deployment framework.  Sections 3.2 to 8 cover DNCA specifics, with
  Section 3.2 describing session management, Section 5 the use of the
  Diameter base protocol, Section 6 new commands, Section 8 Attribute
  Value Pairs (AVPs) used, and Section 9 accounting aspects.
  Section 10 presents AVP occurrence tables.  IANA and security
  considerations are addressed in Sections 11 and 12, respectively.

2.  Conventions

  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
  document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

  Abbreviations and terminology used in this document:

     AAA: Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

     DNCA: Diameter Network address and port translation Control

     Endpoint: Managed entity of the DNCA.  An endpoint represents a
     network element or device, associated with a subscriber, a user,
     or a group of users.  An endpoint is represented by a single
     access-session on a NAS.  DNCA assumes a 1:1 relationship between
     an endpoint, the access-session it represents, and the associated
     DNCA session.

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     NAPT: Network Address and Port Translation, see also [RFC3022].

     NAT: Network Address Translation (NAT and NAPT are used in this
     document interchangeably)

     NAT-binding or binding: Association of two IP address/port pairs
     (with one IP address typically being private and the other one
     public) to facilitate NAT

     NAT-binding predefined template: A policy template or
     configuration that is predefined at the NAT device.  It may
     contain NAT-bindings, IP address pools for allocating the external
     IP address of a NAT-binding, the maximum number of allowed NAT-
     bindings for endpoints, etc.

     NAT device: Network Address Translator or Network Address and Port
     Translator: An entity performing NAT or NAPT.

     NAT controller: Entity controlling the behavior of a NAT device.

     NAS: Network Access Server

     NCR: NAT-Control-Request

     NCA: NAT-Control-Answer

     NAT44: IPv4-to-IPv4 NAPT, see [RFC2663]

     NAT64: IPv6-to-IPv4 address family translation, see [RFC6145] and

     PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol [RFC1661]

3.  Deployment Framework

3.1.  Deployment Scenario

  Figure 1 shows a typical network deployment for IPv4 Internet access.
  A user's IPv4 host (i.e., endpoint) gains access to the Internet
  though a NAS, which facilitates the authentication of the endpoint
  and configures the endpoint's connection according to the
  authorization and configuration data received from the AAA-server
  upon successful authentication.  Public IPv4 addresses are used
  throughout the network.  DNCA manages an endpoint that represents a
  network element or device or an IPv4 host, associated with a
  subscriber, a user or a group of users.  An endpoint is represented

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  by a single access-session on a NAS.  DNCA assumes a 1:1:1
  relationship between an endpoint, the access-session it represents,
  and the associated DNCA session.

                        |         |
                        |   AAA   |
                        |         |
   +---------+          +---------+             +----------+
   |  IPv4   |          |         |             |  IPv4    |
   |  Host   |----------|   NAS   |-------------| Internet |
   |         |          |         |             |          |
   +---------+          +---------+             +----------+

   <-------------------- Public IPv4 ---------------------->

        Figure 1: Typical Network Deployment for Internet Access

  Figure 2 depicts the deployment scenario where a service provider
  places a NAT between the host and the public Internet.  The objective
  is to provide the customer with connectivity to the public IPv4
  Internet.  The NAT device performs network address and port (and
  optionally address family) translation, depending on whether the
  access network uses private IPv4 addresses or public IPv6 addresses
  to public IPv4 addresses.  Note that there may be more than one NAS,
  NAT device, or AAA-entity in a deployment, although the figures only
  depict one entity each for clarity.

  If the NAT device would be put in place without any endpoint
  awareness, the service offerings of the service provider could be
  impacted as detailed in [CGN-REQS].  This includes cases like the

  o  Provisioning static NAT-bindings for particular endpoints

  o  Using different public IP address pools for a different set of
     endpoints (for example, residential or business customers)

  o  Reporting allocated bindings on a per-endpoint basis

  o  Integrate control of the NAT device into the already existing per-
     endpoint management infrastructure of the service provider

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                  |         |
                  |   AAA   |
                  |         |
    +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+
    |  IPv4  |----|         |----|  NAT-  |----| IPv4     |
    |  Host  |    |   NAS   |    | device |    | Internet |
    |        |    |         |    |        |    |          |
    +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+

  For NAT44 deployments (IPv4 host):
       <----- Private IPv4 ----------><--- Public IPv4 --->

  For NAT64 deployments (IPv6 host):
       <----- Public  IPv6 ----------><--- Public IPv4 --->

              Figure 2: Access Network Deployment with NAT

  Figure 2 shows a typical deployment for IPv4 Internet access
  involving a NAT device within the service provider network.  The
  figure describes two scenarios: one where an IPv4 host (with a
  private IPv4 address) accesses the IPv4 Internet, as well as one
  where an IPv6-host accesses the IPv4 Internet.

3.2.  Diameter NAPT Control Application Overview

  DNCA runs between two DNCA Diameter peers.  One DNCA Diameter peer
  resides within the NAT device, the other DNCA Diameter peer resides
  within a NAT controller (discussed in Section 3.3).  DNCA allows per-
  endpoint control and management of NAT within the NAT device.  Based
  on Diameter, DNCA integrates well with the suite of Diameter
  applications deployed for per-endpoint authentication, authorization,
  accounting, and policy control in service provider networks.

  DNCA offers:

  o  Request and answer commands to control the allowed number of NAT-
     bindings per endpoint, to request the allocation of specific
     bindings for an endpoint, to define the address pool to be used
     for an endpoint.

  o  Per-endpoint reporting of the allocated NAT-bindings.

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  o  Unique identification of an endpoint on a NAT device, AAA-server,
     and NAS to simplify correlation of accounting data streams.

  DNCA allows controlling the behavior of a NAT device on a per-
  endpoint basis during initial session establishment and at later
  stages by providing an update procedure for already established
  sessions.  Using DNCA, per-endpoint NAT-binding information can be
  retrieved using either accounting mechanisms or an explicit session
  query to the NAT.

3.3.  Deployment Scenarios for DNCA

  DNCA can be deployed in different ways.  DNCA supports deployments
  with "n" NAT controllers and "m" NAT devices, with n and m equal to
  or greater than 1.  From a DNCA perspective, an operator should
  ensure that the session representing a particular endpoint is atomic.
  Any deployment MUST ensure that, for any given endpoint, only a
  single DNCA NAT controller and is active at any point in time.  This
  is to ensure that NAT devices controlled by multiple NAT controllers
  do not receive conflicting control requests for a particular endpoint
  or that they would not be unclear about to which NAT controller to
  send accounting information.  Operational considerations MAY require
  an operator to use alternate control mechanisms or protocols such as
  SNMP or manual configuration via a CLI to apply per-endpoint NAT-
  specific configuration, for example, static NAT-bindings.  For these
  cases, the NAT device MUST allow the operator to configure a policy
  on how configuration conflicts are resolved.  Such a policy could
  specify, for example, that manually configured NAT-bindings using the
  CLI always take precedence over those configured using DNCA.

  Two common deployment scenarios are outlined in Figure 3 ("Integrated
  Deployment") and Figure 4 ("Autonomous Deployment").  Per the note
  above, multiple instances of NAT controllers and NAT devices could be
  deployed.  The figures only show single instances for reasons of
  clarity.  The two shown scenarios differ in which entity fulfills the
  role of the NAT controller.  Within the figures, (C) denotes the
  network element performing the role of the NAT controller.

  The integrated deployment approach hides the existence of the NAT
  device from external servers, such as the AAA-server.  It is suited
  for environments where minimal changes to the existing AAA deployment
  are desired.  The NAS and the NAT device are Diameter peers
  supporting the DNCA.  The Diameter peer within the NAS, performing
  the role of the NAT controller, initiates and manages sessions with
  the NAT device, exchanges NAT-specific configuration information, and
  handles reporting and accounting information.  The NAS receives
  reporting and accounting information from the NAT device.  With this

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  information, the NAS can provide a single accounting record for the
  endpoint.  A system correlating the accounting information received
  from the NAS and NAT device would not be needed.

  An example network attachment for an integrated NAT deployment can be
  described as follows: an endpoint connects to the network, with the
  NAS being the point of attachment.  After successful authentication,
  the NAS receives endpoint-related authorization data from the AAA-
  server.  A portion of the authorization data applies to per-endpoint
  configuration on the NAS itself, another portion describes
  authorization and configuration information for NAT control aimed at
  the NAT device.  The NAS initiates a DNCA session to the NAT device
  and sends relevant authorization and configuration information for
  the particular endpoint to the NAT device.  This can comprise NAT-
  bindings, which have to be pre-established for the endpoint, or
  management-related configuration, such as the maximum number of NAT-
  bindings allowed for the endpoint.  The NAT device sends its per-
  endpoint accounting information to the NAS, which aggregates the
  accounting information received from the NAT device with its local
  accounting information for the endpoint into a single accounting
  stream towards the AAA-server.

                  |         |
                  |   AAA   |
                  |         |
    +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+
    |        |    |   (C)   |    |        |    |          |
    |  Host  |----|   NAS   |----|  NAT-  |----| IPv4     |
    |        |    |         |    | device |    | Internet |
    +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+

  For NAT44 deployments (IPv4 host):
       <----- Private IPv4 ----------><--- Public IPv4 --->

  For NAT64 deployments (IPv6 host):
       <----- Public  IPv6 ----------><--- Public IPv4 --->

         Figure 3: NAT Control Deployment: Integrated Deployment

  Figure 3 shows examples of integrated deployments.  It illustrates
  two scenarios: one where an IPv4 host (with a private IPv4 address)
  accesses the IPv4 Internet and another where an IPv6 host accesses
  the IPv4 Internet.

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  The autonomous deployment approach decouples endpoint management on
  the NAS and NAT device.  In the autonomous deployment approach, the
  AAA-system and the NAT device are the Diameter peers running the
  DNCA.  The AAA-system also serves as NAT controller.  It manages the
  connection to the NAT device, controls the per-endpoint
  configuration, and receives accounting and reporting information from
  the NAT device.  Different from the integrated deployment scenario,
  the autonomous deployment scenario does not "hide" the existence of
  the NAT device from the AAA infrastructure.  Here, two accounting
  streams are received by the AAA-server for one particular endpoint:
  one from the NAS and one from the NAT device.

                  |   (C)   |
                  |   AAA   |---------
                  |         |         |
                  +---------+         |
                       |              |
                       |              |
                       |              |
    +--------+    +---------+    +---------+    +----------+
    |  IPv4/ |    |         |    |         |    |  IPv4    |
    |  IPv6  |----|   NAS   |----|  NAT-   |----| Internet |
    |  Host  |    |         |    | device  |    |          |
    +--------+    +---------+    +---------+    +----------+

  For NAT44 deployments (IPv4 host):
       <----- Private IPv4 ----------><--- Public IPv4 --->

  For NAT64 deployments (IPv6 host):
       <----- Public  IPv6 ----------><--- Public IPv4 --->

         Figure 4: NAT Control Deployment: Autonomous Deployment

  Figure 4 shows examples of autonomous deployments.  It illustrates
  two scenarios: one where an IPv4 host (with a private IPv4 address)
  accesses the IPv4 Internet and another where an IPv6 host accesses
  the IPv4 Internet.

4.  DNCA Session Establishment and Management

  Note that from this section on, there are references to some of the
  commands and AVPs defined for DNCA.  Please refer to Sections 6 and 8
  for details.  DNCA runs between a Diameter peer residing in a NAT
  controller and a Diameter peer residing in a NAT device.  Note that,
  per what was already mentioned above, each DNCA session between
  Diameter peers in a NAT controller and a NAT device represents a
  single endpoint, with an endpoint being either a network element, a

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  device, or an IPv4 host associated with a subscriber, a user, or a
  group of users.  The Diameter peer within the NAT controller is
  always the control-requesting entity: it initiates, updates, or
  terminates the sessions.  Sessions are initiated when the NAT
  controller learns about a new endpoint (i.e., host) that requires a
  NAT service.  This could be due to, for example, the entity hosting
  the NAT controller receiving authentication, authorization, or
  accounting requests for or from the endpoint.  Alternate methods that
  could trigger session setup include local configuration, receipt of a
  packet from a formerly unknown IP address, etc.

4.1.  Session Establishment

  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller establishes a
  session with the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device to control
  the behavior of the NAT function within the NAT device.  During
  session establishment, the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT
  controller passes along configuration information to the DNCA
  Diameter peer within the NAT device.  The session configuration
  information comprises the maximum number of bindings allowed for the
  endpoint associated with this session, a set of predefined NAT-
  bindings to be established for this endpoint, or a description of the
  address pool, from which external addresses are to be allocated.

  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller generates a NAT-
  Control-Request (NCR) message to the DNCA Diameter peer within the
  NAT device with the NC-Request-Type AVP set to INITIAL_REQUEST to
  initiate a Diameter NAT control session.  On receipt of an NCR, the
  DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device sets up a new session for
  the endpoint associated with the endpoint classifier(s) contained in
  the NCR.  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device notifies its
  DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller about successful session
  setup using a NAT-Control-Answer (NCA) message with the Result-Code
  set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.  Figure 5 shows the initial protocol
  interaction between the two DNCA Diameter peers.

  The initial NAT-Control-Request MAY contain configuration information
  for the session, which specifies the behavior of the NAT device for
  the session.  The configuration information that MAY be included,

  o  A list of NAT-bindings, which should be pre-allocated for the
     session; for example, in case an endpoint requires a fixed
     external IP address/port pair for an application.

  o  The maximum number of NAT-bindings allowed for an endpoint.

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  o  A description of the external IP address pool(s) to be used for
     the session.

  o  A reference to a NAT-binding Predefined template on the NAT
     device, which is applied to the session.  Such a NAT-binding
     Predefined template on the NAT device may contain, for example,
     the name of the IP address pool from which external IP addresses
     should be allocated, the maximum number of bindings permitted for
     the endpoint, etc.

  In certain cases, the NAT device may not be able to perform the tasks
  requested within the NCR.  These include the following:

  o  If a DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device receives an NCR from
     a DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT controller with the NC-Request-
     Type AVP set to INITIAL_REQUEST that identifies an already
     existing session, that is, the endpoint identifier matches an
     already existing session, the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT
     device MUST return an NCA with the Result-Code set to
     SESSION_EXISTS and provide the Session-Id of the existing session
     in the Duplicate-Session-Id AVP.

  o  If a DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device receives an NCR from
     a DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT controller with the NC-Request-
     Type AVP set to INITIAL_REQUEST that matches more than one of the
     already existing sessions, that is, the DNCA Diameter peer and
     endpoint identifier match already existing sessions, the DNCA
     Diameter peer within the NAT device MUST return an NCA with the
     Result-Code set to INSUFFICIENT-CLASSIFIERS.  In case a DNCA
     Diameter peer receives an NCA that reports Insufficient-
     Classifiers, it MAY choose to retry establishing a new session
     using additional or more specific classifiers.

  o  If the NCR contains a NAT-binding Predefined template not defined
     on the NAT device, the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device
     MUST return an NCA with the Result-Code AVP set to

  o  In case the NAT device is unable to establish all of the bindings
     requested in the NCR, the DNCA Diameter peer MUST return an NCA
     with the Result-Code set to BINDING_FAILURE.  A DNCA Diameter peer
     within a NAT device MUST treat an NCR as an atomic operation;
     hence, none of the requested bindings will be established by the
     NAT device.  Either all requested actions within an NCR MUST be
     completed successfully or the entire request fails.

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  o  If a NAT device cannot conform to a request to set the maximum
     number of NAT-bindings allowed for a session, the DNCA Diameter
     peer in the NAT device MUST return an NCA with the Result-Code AVP
     set to MAX_BINDINGS_SET_FAILURE.  Such a condition can, for
     example, occur if the operator specified the maximum number of
     NAT-bindings through another mechanism, which, per the operator's
     policy, takes precedence over DNCA.

  o  If a NAT device does not have sufficient resources to process a
     request, the DNCA Diameter peer MUST return an NCA with the
     Result-Code set to RESOURCE_FAILURE.

  o  In the case where Max-NAT-Bindings, NAT-Control-Definition, and
     NAT-Control-Binding-Template are included in the NCR, and the
     values in Max-NAT-Bindings and NAT-Control-Definition contradict
     those specified in the pre-provisioned template on the NAT device
     that NAT-Control-Binding-Template references, Max-NAT-Bindings and
     NAT-Control-Definition MUST override the values specified in the
     template to which NAT-Control-Binding-Template refers.

  NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
           Trigger                                        |
              |                                           |
              |                   NCR                     |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                 If able to comply
              |                                 with request, then
              |                                 create session state
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                     NCA                   |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |

     Figure 5: Initial NAT-Control-Request and Session Establishment

  Note: The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device creates session
  state only if it is able to comply with the NCR.  On success, it will
  reply with an NCA with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.

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4.2.  Session Update

  A session update is performed if the NAT controller desires to change
  the behavior of the NAT device for an existing session.  A session
  update could be used, for example, to change the number of allowed
  bindings for a particular session or establish or remove a predefined

  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller generates an NCR
  message to the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device with the NC-
  Request-Type AVP set to UPDATE_REQUEST upon receiving a trigger
  signal.  If the session is updated successfully, the DNCA Diameter
  peer within the NAT device notifies the DNCA Diameter peer within the
  NAT controller about the successful session update using a NAT-
  Control-Answer (NCA) message with the Result-Code set to
  DIAMETER_SUCCESS.  Figure 6 shows the protocol interaction between
  the two DNCA Diameter peers.

  In certain cases, the NAT device may not be able to perform the tasks
  requested within the NCR.  These include the following:

  o  If a DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT device receives an NCR update
     or query request for a non-existent session, it MUST set the
     Result-Code in the answer to DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID.

  o  If the NCR contains a NAT-binding Predefined template not defined
     on the NAT device, an NCA with the Result-Code AVP set to

  o  If the NAT device cannot establish the requested binding because
     the maximum number of allowed bindings has been reached for the
     endpoint classifier, an NCA with the Result-Code AVP set to
     Diameter peer.

  o  If the NAT device cannot establish some or all of the bindings
     requested in an NCR, but has not yet reached the maximum number of
     allowed bindings for the endpoint, an NCA with the Result-Code set
     to BINDING_FAILURE MUST be returned.  As already noted, the DNCA
     Diameter peer in a NAT device MUST treat an NCR as an atomic
     operation.  Hence, none of the requested bindings will be
     established by the NAT device in case of failure.  Actions
     requested within an NCR are either all successful or all fail.

  o  If the NAT device cannot conform to a request to set the maximum
     number of bindings allowed for a session as specified by the Max-
     NAT-Bindings, the DNCA Diameter peer in the NAT device MUST return
     an NCA with the Result-Code AVP set to MAX_BINDINGS_SET_FAILURE.

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  o  If the NAT device does not have sufficient resources to process a
     request, an NCA with the Result-Code set to RESOURCE_FAILURE MUST
     be returned.

  o  If an NCR changes the maximum number of NAT-bindings allowed for
     the endpoint defined through an earlier NCR, the new value MUST
     override any previously defined limit on the maximum number of
     NAT-bindings set through the DNCA.  Note that, prior to
     overwriting an existing value, the NAT device MUST check whether
     the overwrite action conforms to the locally configured policy.
     Deployment dependent, an existing value could have been set by a
     protocol or mechanism different from DNCA and with higher
     priority.  In which case, the NAT device will refuse the change
     and the DNCA Diameter peer in the NAT device MUST return an NCA
     with the Result-Code AVP set to MAX_BINDINGS_SET_FAILURE.  It
     depends on the implementation of the NAT device on how the NAT
     device copes with a case where the new value is lower than the
     actual number of allocated bindings.  The NAT device SHOULD
     refrain from enforcing the new limit immediately (that is,
     actively remove bindings), but rather disallows the establishment
     of new bindings until the current number of bindings is lower than
     the newly established maximum number of allowed bindings.

  o  If an NCR specifies a new NAT-binding Predefined template on the
     NAT device, the NAT-binding Predefined template overrides any
     previously defined rule for the session.  Existing NAT-bindings
     SHOULD NOT be impacted by the change of templates.

  o  In case Max-NAT-Bindings, NAT-Control-Definition, and NAT-Control-
     Binding-Template are included in the NCR, and the values in Max-
     NAT-Bindings and NAT-Control-Definition contradict those specified
     in the pre-provisioned template on the NAT device that NAT-
     Control-Binding-Template references, Max-NAT-Bindings and NAT-
     Control-Definition MUST override the values specified in the
     template to which the NAT-Control-Binding-Template refers.

  Note: Already established bindings for the session SHOULD NOT be
  affected in case the tasks requested within the NCR cannot be

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  NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
       Change of session                                  |
          attributes                                      |
              |                                           |
              |                   NCR                     |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                   If able to comply
              |                                   with the request:
              |                                  update session state
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                     NCA                   |
              |                                           |

            Figure 6: NAT-Control-Request for Session Update

4.3.  Session and Binding Query

  A session and NAT-binding query MAY be used by the DNCA Diameter peer
  within the NAT controller either to retrieve information on the
  current bindings for a particular session at the NAT device or to
  discover the session identifier for a particular external IP address/
  port pair.

  A DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller starts a session query
  by sending an NCR message with NC-Request-Type AVP set to
  QUERY_REQUEST.  Figure 7 shows the protocol interaction between the
  DNCA Diameter peers.

  Two types of query requests exist.  The first type of query request
  uses the Session-Id as input parameter to the query.  It is to allow
  the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller to retrieve the
  current set of bindings for a specific session.  The second type of
  query request is used to retrieve the session identifiers, along with
  the associated bindings, matching a criteria.  This enables the DNCA
  Diameter peer within the NAT controller to find those sessions, which
  utilize a specific external or internal IP address.

  1.  Request a list of currently allocated NAT-bindings for a
      particular session: On receiving an NCR, the NAT device SHOULD
      look up the session information for the Session-Id contained in
      the NCR and report all currently active NAT-bindings for the

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      session using an NCA message with the Result-Code set to
      DIAMETER_SUCCESS.  In this case, the NCR MUST NOT contain a NAT-
      Control-Definition AVP.  Each NAT-binding is reported in a NAT-
      Control-Definition AVP.  In case the Session-Id is unknown, the
      DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device MUST return an NCA
      message with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID.

  2.  Retrieve Session-Ids and bindings for internal IP address or one
      or multiple external IP address/port pairs: If the DNCA Diameter
      peer within the NAT controller wishes to retrieve the Session-
      Id(s) for an internal IP address or one or multiple external IP
      address/port pairs, it MUST include the internal IP address as
      part of the Framed-IP-Address AVP or external IP address/port
      pair(s) as part of the NAT-External-Address AVP of the NCR.  The
      external IP address/port pair(s) are known in advance by the
      controller via configuration, AAA interactions, or other means.
      The Session-Id is not included in the NCR or the NCA for this
      type of a query.  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device
      SHOULD report the NAT-bindings and associated Session-Ids
      corresponding to the internal IP address or external IP address/
      port pairs in an NCA message using one or multiple instances of
      the NAT-Control-Definition AVP.  The Result-Code is set to
      DIAMETER_SUCCESS.  In case an external IP address/port pair has
      no associated existing NAT-binding, the NAT-Control-Definition
      AVP contained in the reply just contains the NAT-External-Address

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  NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
    DNCA Session Established                              |
              |                                           |
              |                   NCR                     |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                          Look up corresponding session
              |                            and associated NAT-bindings
              |                                           |
              |                   NCA                     |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |

                         Figure 7: Session Query

4.4.  Session Termination

  Similar to session initiation, session tear down MUST be initiated by
  the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller.  The DNCA Diameter
  peer sends a Session-Termination-Request (STR) message to its peer
  within the NAT device upon receiving a trigger signal.  The source of
  the trigger signal is outside the scope of this document.  As part of
  STR-message processing, the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device
  MAY send an accounting stop record reporting all bindings.  All the
  NAT-bindings belonging to the session MUST be removed, and the
  session state MUST be cleaned up.  The DNCA Diameter peer within the
  NAT device MUST notify its DNCA Diameter peer in the NAT controller
  about successful session termination using a Session-Termination-
  Answer (STA) message with Result-Code set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.
  Figure 8 shows the protocol interaction between the two DNCA Diameter

  If a DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT device receives an STR and fails
  to find a matching session, the DNCA Diameter peer MUST return an STA
  with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID.

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  NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
           Trigger                                         |
              |                                            |
              |                   STR                      |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |           Send accounting stop             |
              |       reporting all session bindings       |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                  Remove NAT-bindings
              |                                       of session
              |                                            |
              |                                  Terminate session /
              |                                 Remove session state
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                  STA                       |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |

                 Figure 8: Terminate NAT Control Session

4.5.  Session Abort

  An Abort-Session-Request (ASR) message is sent from the DNCA Diameter
  peer within the NAT device to the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT
  controller when it is unable to maintain a session due to resource
  limitations.  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller MUST
  acknowledge a successful session abort using an Abort-Session-Answer
  (ASA) message with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_SUCCESS.  Figure 9
  shows the protocol interaction between the DNCA Diameter peers.  The
  DNCA Diameter peers will start a session termination procedure as
  described in Section 4.4 following an ASA with the Result-Code set to

  If the DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT controller receives an ASR but
  fails to find a matching session, it MUST return an ASA with the
  Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID.  If the DNCA Diameter

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  peer within the NAT controller is unable to comply with the ASR for
  any other reason, an ASA with the Result-Code set to

  NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                         Trigger
              |                                            |
              |                   ASR                      |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                  ASA                       |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |           On successful ASA                |
              |<------Session Termination Procedure------->|

                   Figure 9: Abort NAT Control Session

4.6.  Failure Cases of the DNCA Diameter Peers

  This document does not specify the behavior in case the NAT device
  and NAT controller, or their respective DNCA Diameter peers, are out
  of sync or lose state.  This could happen, for example, if one of the
  entities restarts, in case of a (temporary) loss of network
  connectivity, etc.  Example failure cases include the following:

  o  NAT controller and the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT
     controller lose state (e.g., due to a restart).  In this case:

     *  the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device MAY receive an NCR
        with the NC-Request-Type AVP set to INITIAL_REQUEST that
        matches an existing session of the DNCA Diameter peer within
        the NAT device.  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device
        MUST return a Result-Code that contains a Duplicate-Session-Id
        AVP to report the Session-Id of the existing session.  The DNCA
        Diameter peer within the NAT controller MAY send an explicit
        Session-Termination-Request (STR) for the older session, which
        was lost.

     *  a DNCA Diameter peer MAY receive accounting records for a
        session that does not exist.  The DNCA Diameter peer sends an
        accounting answer with the Result-Code set to

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        DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID in response.  On receiving the
        response, the DNCA Diameter peer SHOULD clear the session and
        remove associated session state.

  o  The NAT device and the DNCA Diameter peer within NAT device lose
     state.  In such a case, the DNCA Diameter peer MAY receive an NCR
     with the NC-Request-Type AVP set to UPDATE_REQUEST for a non-
     existent session.  The DNCA Diameter peer MUST return an NCA with
     the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID.  When a DNCA
     application within a NAT controller receives this NCA with the
     Result-Code set to DIAMETER_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID, it MAY try to re-
     establish DNCA session or disconnect corresponding access session.

  o  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller is unreachable,
     for example, it is detected by Diameter device watchdog messages
     (as defined in Section 5.5 of [RFC6733]) or accounting requests
     from the DNCA Diameter peer fail to get a response, NAT-bindings
     and NAT device state pertaining to that session MUST be cleaned up
     after a grace period that is configurable on the NAT device.  The
     grace period can be configured as zero or higher, depending on
     operator preference.

  o  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device is unreachable or
     down and the NCR fails to get a response.  Handling of this case
     depends on the actual service offering of the service provider.
     The service provider could, for example, choose to stop offering
     connectivity service.

  o  A discussion of the mechanisms used for a NAT device to clean up
     state in case the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device crashes
     is outside the scope of this document.  Implementers of NAT
     devices could choose from a variety of options such as coupling
     the state (e.g., NAT-bindings) to timers that require periodic
     refresh, or time out otherwise, operating system watchdogs for
     applications, etc.

5.  Use of the Diameter Base Protocol

  The Diameter base protocol [RFC6733] applies with the clarifications
  listed in the present specification.

5.1.  Securing Diameter Messages

  For secure transport of Diameter messages, the recommendations in
  [RFC6733] apply.

  DNCA Diameter peers SHOULD verify their identity during the
  Capabilities Exchange Request procedure.

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  A DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device SHOULD verify that a DNCA
  Diameter peer that issues an NCR command is allowed to do so based

  o  The identity of the DNCA Diameter peer

  o  The type of NCR Command

  o  The content of the NCR Command

  o  Any combination of the above

5.2.  Accounting Functionality

  Accounting functionality (the accounting session state machine,
  related Command Codes and AVPs) is defined in Section 9.

5.3.  Use of Sessions

  Each DNCA session MUST have a globally unique Session-Id, as defined
  in [RFC6733], which MUST NOT be changed during the lifetime of the
  DNCA session.  The Diameter Session-Id serves as the global endpoint
  identifier.  The DNCA Diameter peers maintain state associated with
  the Session-Id.  This globally unique Session-Id is used for
  updating, accounting, and terminating the session.  A DNCA session
  MUST NOT have more than one outstanding request at any given time.  A
  DNCA Diameter peer sends an Abort-Session-Request as defined in
  [RFC6733] if it is unable to maintain sessions due to resource

5.4.  Routing Considerations

  It is assumed that the DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT controller
  knows the DiameterIdentity of the Diameter peer within a NAT device
  for a given endpoint.  Both the Destination-Realm and Destination-
  Host AVPs are present in the request from a DNCA Diameter peer within
  a NAT controller to a DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT device.

5.5.  Advertising Application Support

  Diameter nodes conforming to this specification MUST advertise
  support for DNCA by including the value of 12 in the Auth-
  Application-Id of the Capabilities-Exchange-Request and Capabilities-
  Exchange-Answer commands [RFC6733].

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6.  DNCA Commands

  The following commands are used to establish, maintain, and query

6.1.  NAT-Control-Request (NCR) Command

  The NAT-Control-Request (NCR) command, indicated by the command field
  set to 330 and the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent
  from the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller to the DNCA
  Diameter peer within the NAT device in order to install NAT-bindings.

  User-Name, Logical-Access-Id, Physical-Access-ID, Framed-IP-Address,
  Framed-IPv6-Prefix, Framed-Interface-Id, EGRESS-VLANID, NAS-Port-ID,
  Address-Realm, and Calling-Station-ID AVPs serve as identifiers for
  the endpoint.

  Message format:
     < NC-Request > ::= < Diameter Header: 330, REQ, PXY>
                      { Auth-Application-Id }
                      { Origin-Host }
                      { Origin-Realm }
                      { Destination-Realm }
                      { Destination-Host }
                      { NC-Request-Type }
                      [ Session-Id ]
                      [ Origin-State-Id ]
                   *1 [ NAT-Control-Remove ]
                   *1 [ NAT-Control-Install ]
                      [ NAT-External-Address ]
                      [ User-Name ]
                      [ Logical-Access-Id ]
                      [ Physical-Access-ID ]
                      [ Framed-IP-Address ]
                      [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
                      [ Framed-Interface-Id ]
                      [ EGRESS-VLANID]
                      [ NAS-Port-ID]
                      [ Address-Realm ]
                      [ Calling-Station-ID ]
                    * [ Proxy-Info ]
                    * [ Route-Record ]
                    * [ AVP ]

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6.2.  NAT-Control-Answer (NCA) Command

  The NAT-Control-Answer (NCA) command, indicated by the Command Code
  field set to 330 and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field,
  is sent by the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device in response
  to the NAT-Control-Request command.

  Message format:
     <NC-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 330, PXY >
                     { Origin-Host }
                     { Origin-Realm }
                     { Result-Code }
                     [ Session-Id ]
                     [ NC-Request-Type ]
                   * [ NAT-Control-Definition ]
                     [ Current-NAT-Bindings ]
                     [ Origin-State-Id ]
                     [ Error-Message ]
                     [ Error-Reporting-Host ]
                   * [ Failed-AVP ]
                   * [ Proxy-Info ]
                     [ Duplicate-Session-Id ]
                   * [ Redirect-Host]
                     [ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
                     [ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
                   * [ Proxy-Info ]
                   * [ Route-Record ]
                   * [ Failed-AVP ]
                   * [ AVP ]

7.  NAT Control Application Session State Machine

  This section contains a set of finite state machines, representing
  the life cycle of a DNCA session, which MUST be observed by all
  implementations of the DNCA Diameter application.  The DNCA Diameter
  peers are stateful and the state machine maintained is similar to the
  stateful client and server authorization state machine described in
  [RFC6733].  When a session is moved to the Idle state, any resources
  that were allocated for the particular session must be released.  Any
  event not listed in the state machines MUST be considered an error
  condition, and an answer, if applicable, MUST be returned to the
  originator of the message.

  In the state table, the event "Failure to send NCR" means that the
  DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT controller is unable to send the
  NCR command to the desired destination.  This could be due to the

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  peer being down or due to the peer sending back the transient failure
  or temporary protocol error notification DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY or
  DIAMETER_LOOP_DETECTED in the Result-Code AVP of an NCA.

  In the state table, "FAILED NCA" means that the DNCA Diameter peer
  within the NAT device was not able to honor the corresponding NCR.
  This can happen due to any transient or permanent error at the NAT
  device or its associated DNCA Diameter peer within indicated by the
  following error Result-Code values: RESOURCE_FAILURE,

  The following state machine is observed by a DNCA Diameter peer
  within a NAT controller.  The state machine description uses the term
  "access session" to describe the connectivity service offered to the
  endpoint or host.  "Access session" should not be confused with the
  Diameter session.

            DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT controller
     State     Event                          Action     New State
     Idle      New endpoint detected that     Send        Pending
               requires NAT control           NCR

     Idle      ASR received                   Send ASA    Idle
               for unknown session            with
                                              = UNKNOWN_

     Pending   Successful NCA                 Setup       Open
               received                       complete

     Pending   Successful NCA                 Send STR    Discon
               but peer unable to provide

     Pending   Error processing successful    Send STR    Discon

     Pending   Failed                         Clean up    Idle
               NCA received

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     Open      NAT control                    Send        Open
               update required                NCR update
     Open      Successful                                 Open
               NCA received

     Open      Failed                         Clean up    Idle
               NCA received

     Open      Access session end detected    Send STR    Discon

     Open      ASR received,                  Send ASA    Discon
               access session will be         with
               terminated                     Result-Code
                                              = SUCCESS,
                                              Send STR

     Open      ASR received,                  Send ASA    Open
               access session will not        with
               be terminated                  Result-Code
                                              != SUCCESS

     Discon    ASR Received                   Send ASA    Idle

     Discon    STA Received                   Discon.     Idle

  The following state machine is observed by a DNCA Diameter peer
  within a NAT device.

            DNCA Diameter peer within a NAT device
     State     Event                          Action     New State
     Idle      NCR query request              Send       Idle
               received, and                  successful
               able to provide requested      NCA
               NAT-binding report

     Idle      NCR received                   Send       Open
               and able to                    successful
               provide requested              NCA
               NAT control service

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     Idle      NCR request                    Send       Idle
               received, and                  failed
               unable to provide requested    NCA
               NAT control service

     Open      NCR request                    Send       Open
               received, and                  successful
               able to provide requested      NCA
               NAT control service

     Open      NCR request                    Send       Idle
               received, and                  failed
               unable to provide requested    NCA,
               NAT control service            Clean up

     Open      Unable to continue             Send ASR   Discon
               providing requested
               NAT control service

     Open      Unplanned loss of session/     Clean up   Idle
               connection to DNCA Diameter
               peer in NAT controller
               detected (e.g., due to Diameter
               watchdog notification)

     Discon    Failure to send ASR            Wait,      Discon
                                              resend ASR

     Discon    ASR successfully sent and      Clean up   Idle
               ASA received with Result-Code

     Not       ASA received                   None       No change

     Any       STR received                   Send STA,  Idle
                                              Clean up


8.1.  Reused Base Protocol AVPs

  The following table describes the AVPs reused from the Diameter base
  protocol [RFC6733]; their AVP Code values, types, and possible flag
  values and whether the AVP MAY be encrypted.  [RFC6733] specifies the
  AVP Flag rules for AVPs in Section 4.5.  The Diameter AVP rules are
  defined in [RFC6733], Section 4.

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                                                  |  AVP    |
                                                  |  Flag   |
                                                  |  rules  |
  |                           AVP                 |     |   |         |
  | Attribute Name            Code     Data Type  |MUST |MAY|   Encr  |
  |Acct-Interim-Interval      85       Unsigned32 | M   | P |    Y    |
  |Auth-Application-Id        258      Unsigned32 | M   | P |    N    |
  |Destination-Host           293      DiamIdent  | M   | P |    N    |
  |Destination-Realm          283      DiamIdent  | M   | P |    N    |
  |Error-Message              281      UTF8String | M   | P |    N    |
  |Error-Reporting-Host       294      DiamIdent  | M   | P |    N    |
  |Failed-AVP                 279      Grouped    | M   | P |    N    |
  |Origin-Host                264      DiamIdent  | M   | P |    N    |
  |Origin-Realm               296      DiamIdent  | M   | P |    N    |
  |Origin-State-Id            278      Unsigned32 | M   | P |    N    |
  |Proxy-Info                 284      Grouped    | M   | P |    N    |
  |Result-Code                268      Unsigned32 | M   | P |    N    |
  |Route-Record               282      DiamIdent  | M   |   |    N    |
  |Session-Id                 263      UTF8String | M   | P |    Y    |
  |User-Name                  1        UTF8String | M   | P |    Y    |
  Table 1: DIAMETER AVPs from the Diameter Base Protocol

  The Auth-Application-Id AVP (AVP Code 258) is assigned by IANA to
  Diameter applications.  The value of the Auth-Application-Id for the
  Diameter NAT Control Application is 12.  Please refer to [RFC6733]
  for the definition of the Diameter AVP flag rules and the associated
  abbreviations used in the table.

8.2.  Additional Result-Code AVP Values

  This section defines new values for the Result-Code AVP that SHALL be
  supported by all Diameter implementations that conform to the present

8.2.1.  Success

  No new Result-Code AVP value is defined within this category.

8.2.2.  Transient Failures

  Result-Code AVP values that fall within the transient failures
  category are those used to inform a peer that the request could not
  be satisfied at the time that it was received.  The request may be
  able to be satisfied in the future.

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  The following new values of the Result-Code AVP are defined:


        The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device indicates that the
        binding could not be installed or a new session could not be
        created due to resource shortage.

8.2.3.  Permanent Failures

  The Result-Code AVP values, which fall within the permanent failures
  category are used to inform the peer that the request failed and
  should not be attempted again.  The request may be able to be
  satisfied in the future.

  The following new values of the Result-Code AVP are defined:


        The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device indicates that the
        binding could not be installed or a new session could not be
        created because the specified NAT-Control-Binding-Template AVP,
        which refers to a predefined policy template in the NAT device,
        is unknown.


        The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device indicates that the
        requested binding(s) could not be installed.  For example,
        Requested ports are already in use.


        The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device indicates that it
        failed to conform to a request to configure the maximum number
        of bindings for a session.  For example, an operator defined
        the maximum number of bindings on the NAT device using a method
        or protocol that takes precedence over DNCA.


        The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device denies the request
        because the maximum number of allowed bindings has been reached
        for the specified endpoint classifier.

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     SESSION_EXISTS (5046)

        The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device denies a request
        to initialize a new session, if it already has a DNCA session
        that uses the same set of classifiers as indicated by the DNCA
        Diameter peer within the NAT controller in the new session
        initialization request.


        The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device requests to
        initialize a new session, if the classifiers in the request
        match more than one of the existing sessions on the DNCA
        Diameter peer within the NAT device.

8.3.  Reused NASREQ Diameter Application AVPs

  The following table describes the AVPs reused from the Diameter
  Network Access Server Application [RFC4005]; their AVP Code values,
  types, and possible flag values; and whether the AVP MAY be
  encrypted.  The [RFC6733] specifies the AVP Flag rules for AVPs in
  Section 4.5.  The Diameter AVP rules are defined in the [RFC6733],
  Section 4.
                                         |    AVP Flag Rules   |
  |                  | AVP  |            |    |     |SHLD| MUST|    |
  | Attribute Name   | Code |  Value Type|MUST| MAY | NOT|  NOT|Encr|
  | NAS-Port         |   5  | Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
  | NAS-Port-Id      |  87  | UTF8String | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
  | Calling-Station- |  31  | UTF8String | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
  |   Id             |      |            |    |     |    |     |    |
  | Framed-IP-Address|   8  | OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
  | Framed-Interface-|  96  | Unsigned64 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
  |   Id             |      |            |    |     |    |     |    |
  | Framed-IPv6-     |  97  | OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
  |  Prefix          |      |            |    |     |    |     |    |
  Table 2: Reused NASREQ Diameter application AVPs.  Please refer to
  [RFC6733] for the definition of the Diameter AVP Flag rules and the
  associated abbreviations used in the table.

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8.4.  Reused AVPs from RFC 4675

  The following table describes the AVPs reused from "RADIUS Attributes
  for Virtual LAN and Priority Support" [RFC4675]; their AVP Code
  values, types, and possible flag values; and whether the AVP MAY be
  encrypted.  [RFC6733] specifies the AVP Flag rules for AVPs in
  Section 4.5.  The Diameter AVP rules are defined in [RFC6733],
  Section 4.
                                         |    AVP Flag Rules   |
  |                  | AVP  |            |    |     |SHLD| MUST|    |
  | Attribute Name   | Code |  Value Type|MUST| MAY | NOT|  NOT|Encr|
  | Egress-VLANID    |  56  | OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
  Table 3: Reused attributes from [RFC4675].  Please refer to [RFC6733]
  for the definition of the Diameter AVP Flag rules and the associated
  abbreviations used in the table.

8.5.  Reused AVPs from Diameter QoS Application

  The following table describes the AVPs reused from the "Traffic
  Classification and Quality of Service (QoS) Attributes for Diameter"
  [RFC5777]; their AVP Code values, types, and possible flag values;
  and whether the AVP MAY be encrypted.  [RFC6733] specifies the AVP
  Flag rules for AVPs in Section 4.5.  The Diameter AVP rules are
  defined in [RFC6733], Section 4.
                                                  |  AVP    |
                                                  |  Flag   |
                                                  |  Rules  |
  |                           AVP                 |     |   |         |
  | Attribute Name            Code     Data Type  |MUST |MAY|   Encr  |
  |Port                       530     Integer32   |  M  | P |    Y    |
  |Protocol                   513     Enumerated  |  M  | P |    Y    |
  |Direction                  514     Enumerated  |  M  | P |    Y    |

  Table 4: Reused QoS-attributes.  Please refer to [RFC6733] for the
  definition of the Diameter AVP Flag rules and the associated
  abbreviations used in the table.

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8.6.  Reused AVPs from ETSI ES 283 034, e4 Diameter Application

  The following table describes the AVPs reused from the Diameter e4
  Application [ETSIES283034]; their AVP Code values, types, and
  possible flag values; and whether the AVP MAY be encrypted.
  [RFC6733] specifies the AVP Flag rules for AVPs in Section 4.5.  The
  Diameter AVP rules are defined in [RFC6733], Section 4.  The
  Vendor-ID field in these AVP header will be set to ETSI (13019).

                                                  |  AVP    |
                                                  |  Flag   |
                                                  |  Rules  |
  |                           AVP                 |     |   |         |
  | Attribute Name            Code     Data Type  |MUST |MAY|   Encr  |
  |Address-Realm              301     OctetString | M,V |   |    Y    |
  |Logical-Access-Id          302     OctetString |   V | M |    Y    |
  |Physical-Access-ID         313     UTF8String  |   V | M |    Y    |

  Table 5: Reused AVPs from the Diameter e4 application.  Please refer
  to [RFC6733] for the definition of the Diameter AVP Flag rules and
  the associated abbreviations used in the table.

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8.7.  DNCA-Defined AVPs

  The following table describes the new Diameter AVPs defined in this
  document; their AVP Code values, types, and possible flag values; and
  whether the AVP MAY be encrypted.  [RFC6733] specifies the AVP Flag
  rules for AVPs in Section 4.5.  The Diameter AVP rules are defined in
  [RFC6733], Section 4.  The AVPs defined here MUST NOT have the 'V'
  bit in the AVP Flags field set.

                                                     |  AVP    |
                                                     |  Flag   |
                                                     |  Rules  |
  |                       AVP                        |     |   |      |
  | Attribute Name        Code    Sect.   Data Type  |MUST |MAY| Encr |
  |NC-Request-Type        595     8.7.1   Enumerated | M   | P |  Y   |
  |NAT-Control-Install    596     8.7.2   Grouped    | M   | P |  Y   |
  |NAT-Control-Remove     597     8.7.3   Grouped    | M   | P |  Y   |
  |NAT-Control-Definition 598     8.7.4   Grouped    | M   | P |  Y   |
  |NAT-Internal-Address   599     8.7.5   Grouped    | M   | P |  Y   |
  |NAT-External-Address   600     8.7.6   Grouped    | M   | P |  Y   |
  |Max-NAT-Bindings       601     8.7.7   Unsigned32 | M   | P |  Y   |
  |NAT-Control-           602     8.7.8   OctetString| M   | P |  Y   |
  | Binding-Template                                 |     |   |      |
  |Duplicate-             603     8.7.9   UTF8String | M   | P |  Y   |
  | Session-Id                                       |     |   |      |
  |NAT-External-Port-     604     8.7.10  Enumerated | M   | P |  Y   |
  | Style                                            |     |   |      |
  |NAT-Control-Record     605     9.2.1   Grouped    | M   | P |  Y   |
  |NAT-Control-           606     9.2.2   Enumerated | M   | P |  Y   |
  | Binding-Status                                   |     |   |      |
  |Current-NAT-Bindings   607     9.2.3   Unsigned32 | M   | P |  Y   |

  Table 6: New Diameter AVPs.  Please refer to [RFC6733] for the
  definition of the Diameter AVP Flag rules and the associated
  abbreviations used in the table.

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8.7.1.  NC-Request-Type AVP

  The NC-Request-Type AVP (AVP Code 595) is of type Enumerated and
  contains the reason for sending the NAT-Control-Request command.  It
  shall be present in all NAT-Control-Request messages.

  The following values are defined:


        An Initial Request is to initiate a Diameter NAT control
        session between the DNCA Diameter peers.


        An Update Request is used to update bindings previously
        installed on a given access session, to add new binding on a
        given access session, or to remove one or several binding(s)
        activated on a given access session.


        Query Request is used to query a NAT device about the currently
        installed bindings for an endpoint classifier.

8.7.2.  NAT-Control-Install AVP

  The NAT-Control-Install AVP (AVP code 596) is of type Grouped, and it
  is used to activate or install NAT-bindings.  It also contains Max-
  NAT-Bindings that defines the maximum number of NAT-bindings allowed
  for an endpoint and the NAT-Control-Binding-Template that references
  a predefined template on the NAT device that may contain static
  binding, a maximum number of bindings allowed, an IP address pool
  from which external binding addresses should be allocated, etc.  If
  the NAT-External-Port-Style AVP is present, then the NAT device MUST
  select the external ports for the NAT-bindings, per the style
  specified.  The NAT-External-Port-Style is applicable for NAT-
  bindings defined by the NAT-Control-Definition AVPs whose NAT-
  External-Address or Port AVPs within the NAT-External-Address are

  AVP format:
    NAT-Control-Install ::= < AVP Header: 596 >
                             * [ NAT-Control-Definition ]
                               [ NAT-Control-Binding-Template ]
                               [ Max-NAT-Bindings ]
                               [ NAT-External-Port-Style ]
                             * [ AVP ]

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8.7.3.  NAT-Control-Remove AVP

  The NAT-Control-Remove AVP (AVP code 597) is of type Grouped, and it
  is used to deactivate or remove NAT-bindings.  At least one of the
  two AVPs (NAT-Control-Definition AVP or NAT-Control-Binding-Template
  AVP) SHOULD be present in the NAT-Control-Remove AVP.

  AVP format:
    NAT-Control-Remove ::= < AVP Header: 597 >
                            * [ NAT-Control-Definition ]
                              [ NAT-Control-Binding-Template ]
                            * [ AVP ]

8.7.4.  NAT-Control-Definition AVP

  The NAT-Control-Definition AVP (AVP code 598) is of type Grouped, and
  it describes a binding.

  The NAT-Control-Definition AVP uniquely identifies the binding
  between the DNCA Diameter peers.

  If both the NAT-Internal-Address and NAT-External-Address AVP(s) are
  supplied, it is a predefined binding.

  If the NAT-External-Address AVP is not specified, then the NAT device
  MUST select the external port as per the NAT-External-Port-Style AVP,
  if present in the NAT-Control-Definition AVP.

  The Protocol AVP describes the transport protocol for the binding.
  The NAT-Control-Definition AVP can contain either zero or one
  Protocol AVP.  If the Protocol AVP is omitted and if both internal
  and external IP addresses are specified, then the binding reserves
  the IP addresses for all transport protocols.

  The Direction AVP is of type Enumerated.  It specifies the direction
  for the binding.  The values of the enumeration applicable in this
  context are: "IN","OUT".  If Direction AVP is OUT or absent, the NAT-
  Internal-Address refers to the IP address of the endpoint that needs
  to be translated.  If Direction AVP is "IN", NAT-Internal-Address is
  the destination IP address that has to be translated.

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  AVP format:
    NAT-Control-Definition ::= < AVP Header: 598 >
                                { NAT-Internal-Address }
                                [ Protocol ]
                                [ Direction ]
                                [ NAT-External-Address ]
                                [ Session-Id ]
                              * [ AVP ]

8.7.5.  NAT-Internal-Address AVP

  The NAT-Internal-Address AVP (AVP code 599) is of type Grouped.  It
  describes the internal IP address and port for a binding.  Framed-
  IPV6-Prefix and Framed-IP-Address AVPs are mutually exclusive.  The
  endpoint identifier Framed-IP-Address, Framed-IPv6-Prefix, and the
  internal address in this NAT-Internal-Address AVP to install NAT-
  bindings for the session MUST match.

  AVP format:
    NAT-Internal-Address ::= < AVP Header: 599 >
                              [ Framed-IP-Address ]
                              [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
                              [ Port]
                            * [ AVP ]

8.7.6.  NAT-External-Address AVP

  The NAT-External-Address AVP (AVP code 600) is of type Grouped, and
  it describes the external IP address and port for a binding.  The
  external IP address specified in this attribute can be reused for
  multiple endpoints by specifying the same address in the respective
  NAT-External-Address AVPs.  If the external IP address is not
  specified and the NAT-External-Port-Style AVP is specified in the
  NAT-Control-Definition AVP, then the NAT device MUST select an
  external port as per the NAT-External-Port-Style AVP.

  AVP format:
    NAT-External-Address ::= < AVP Header: 600 >
                              [ Framed-IP-Address ]
                              [ Port ]
                            * [ AVP ]

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8.7.7.  Max-NAT-Bindings

  The Max-NAT-Bindings AVP (AVP code 601) is of type Unsigned32.  It
  indicates the maximum number of NAT-bindings allowed for a particular

8.7.8.  NAT-Control-Binding-Template AVP

  The NAT-Control-Binding-Template AVP (AVP code 602) is of type
  OctetString.  It defines a name for a policy template that is
  predefined at the NAT device.  Details on the contents and structure
  of the template and configuration are outside the scope of this
  document.  The policy to which this AVP refers may contain NAT-
  bindings, an IP address pool for allocating the external IP address
  of a NAT-binding, and a maximum number of allowed NAT-bindings.  Such
  a policy template can be reused by specifying the same NAT-Control-
  Binding-Template AVP in the corresponding NAT-Control-Install AVPs of
  multiple endpoints.

8.7.9.  Duplicate-Session-Id AVP

  The Duplicate-Session-Id AVP (AVP Code 603) is of type UTF8String.
  It is used to report errors and contains the Session-Id of an
  existing session.

8.7.10.  NAT-External-Port-Style AVP

  The NAT-External-Port-Style AVP (AVP Code 604) is of type Enumerated
  and contains the style to be followed while selecting the external
  port for a NAT-binding relative to the internal port.

  The following values are defined:


        External port numbers selected MUST follow the same sequence
        and oddity as the internal ports of the NAT-bindings.  The port
        oddity is required to support protocols like RTP and RTCP as
        defined in [RFC3550].  If for example the internal port in a
        requested NAT-binding is odd numbered, then the external port
        allocated MUST also be odd numbered, and vice versa for an even
        numbered port.  In addition, the sequence of port numbering is
        maintained: if internal ports are consecutive, then the NAT
        device MUST choose consecutive external ports for the NAT-

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9.  Accounting Commands

  The DNCA reuses session-based accounting as defined in the Diameter
  base protocol [RFC6733] to report the bindings per endpoint.  This
  reporting is achieved by sending Diameter Accounting-Request (ACR)
  commands [Start, Interim, and Stop] from the DNCA Diameter peer
  within the NAT device to its associated DNCA Diameter peer within the
  NAT controller.

  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device sends an ACR Start on
  receiving an NCR with NC-Request-Type AVP set to INITIAL_REQUEST for
  a session or on creation of the first binding for a session requested
  in an earlier NCR.  DNCA may send ACR Interim updates, if required,
  either due to a change in bindings resulting from an NCR with NC-
  Request-Type AVP set to UPDATE_REQUEST, periodically as specified in
  Acct-Interim-Interval by the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT
  controller, or when it creates or tears down bindings.  An ACR Stop
  is sent by the DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device on receiving
  an STR message.

  The function of correlating the multiple bindings used by an endpoint
  at any given time is relegated to the post processor.

  The DNCA Diameter peer within the NAT device may trigger an Interim
  accounting record when the maximum number of bindings, if received in
  an NCR, is reached.

9.1.  NAT Control Accounting Messages

  The ACR and ACA messages are reused as defined in the Diameter base
  protocol [RFC6733] for exchanging endpoint NAT-binding details
  between the DNCA Diameter peers.  The DNCA Application ID is used in
  the accounting commands.  The ACR contains one or more optional NAT-
  Control-Record AVPs to report the bindings.  The NAT device indicates
  the number of allocated NAT-bindings to the NAT controller using the
  Current-NAT-Bindings AVP.  This number needs to match the number of
  bindings identified as active within the NAT-Control-Record AVP.

9.2.  NAT Control Accounting AVPs

  In addition to AVPs for ACR specified in [RFC6733], the DNCA Diameter
  peer within the NAT device must add the NAT-Control-Record AVP.

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9.2.1.  NAT-Control-Record

  The NAT-Control-Record AVP (AVP code 605) is of type Grouped.  It
  describes a binding and its status.  If NAT-Control-Binding-Status is
  set to Created, Event-Timestamp indicates the binding creation time.
  If NAT-Control-Binding-Status is set to Removed, Event-Timestamp
  indicates the binding removal time.  If NAT-Control-Binding-Status is
  active, Event-Timestamp need not be present; if a value is present,
  it indicates that binding is active at the given time.
    NAT-Control-Record ::= < AVP Header: 605 >
                           { NAT-Control-Definition }
                           { NAT-Control-Binding-Status }
                           [ Event-Timestamp ]

9.2.2.  NAT-Control-Binding-Status

  The NAT-Control-Binding-Status AVP (AVP code 606) is of type
  enumerated.  It indicates the status of the binding: created,
  removed, or active.

  The following values are defined:

     Created (1)

        NAT-binding is created.

     Active (2)

        NAT-binding is active.

     Removed (3)

        NAT-binding was removed.

9.2.3.  Current-NAT-Bindings

  The Current-NAT-Bindings AVP (AVP code 607) is of type Unsigned32.
  It indicates the number of NAT-bindings active on the NAT device.

10.  AVP Occurrence Tables

  The following sections present the AVPs defined in this document and
  specify the Diameter messages in which they can be present.  Note:
  AVPs that can only be present within a Grouped AVP are not
  represented in this table.

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  The table uses the following symbols:

     0         The AVP MUST NOT be present in the message.

     0+        Zero or more instances of the AVP can be present in the

     0-1       Zero or one instance of the AVP can be present in the
               message.  It is considered an error if there is more
               than one instance of the AVP.

     1         One instance of the AVP MUST be present in the message.

     1+        At least one instance of the AVP MUST be present in the

10.1.  DNCA AVP Table for NAT Control Initial and Update Requests

  The following table lists DNCA-specific AVPs that have to be present
  in NCRs and NCAs with the NC-Request-Type set to INITIAL_REQUEST or

                                      |  Command Code     |
  | Attribute Name                        NCR    NCA      |
  |NC-Request-Type                         1      1       |
  |NAT-Control-Install                    0-1     0       |
  |NAT-Control-Remove                     0-1     0       |
  |NAT-Control-Definition                  0      0       |
  |Current-NAT-Bindings                    0      0       |
  |Duplicate-Session-Id                    0     0-1      |

  Note that any combination of NAT-Control-Install and NAT-Control-
  Remove AVPs could be present in an update or initial requests.
  Consider the following examples:

     Neither the NAT-Control-Install AVP nor the NAT-Control-Remove AVP
     is present: This could, for example, be the case if the NAT
     controller would only want to receive accounting information but
     not control NAT-bindings.

     Only NAT-Control-Install AVP is present: This could, for example,
     be the case if a new NAT-binding is installed for an existing

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     Only NAT-Control-Remove AVP is present: This could, for example,
     be the case if a new NAT-binding is removed from an existing

     Both, NAT-Control-Install AVP and NAT-Control-Remove AVP are
     present: This could, for example. be the case if a formerly
     created NAT-binding is removed and a new NAT-binding is
     established within the same request.

10.2.  DNCA AVP Table for Session Query Requests

  The following table lists DNCA-specific AVPs that have to be present
  in NCRs and NCAs with the NC-Request-Type set to QUERY_REQUEST.

                                      |  Command Code     |
  | Attribute Name                        NCR    NCA      |
  |NC-Request-Type                         1      1       |
  |NAT-Control-Install                     0      0       |
  |NAT-Control-Remove                      0      0       |
  |NAT-Control-Definition                  0      0+      |
  |NAT-External-Address                    0+     0       |
  |Current-NAT-Bindings                    0      1       |
  |Duplicate-Session-Id                    0      0       |

10.3.  DNCA AVP Table for Accounting Messages

  The following table lists DNCA-specific AVPs, which may or may not be
  present in ACR and ACA messages.
                                      |  Command Code     |
  | Attribute Name                        ACR    ACA      |
  |NAT-Control-Record                      0+     0       |
  |Current-NAT-Bindings                    1      0       |

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11.  IANA Considerations

  This section contains either the namespaces that have been created in
  this specification or the values assigned to existing namespaces
  managed by IANA.

  In the subsections below, when we speak about review by a Designated
  Expert [RFC5226], please note that the Designated Expert will be
  assigned by the IESG.  Initially, such Expert discussions take place
  on the AAA WG mailing list.

11.1.  Application Identifier

  This specification assigns the value 12, 'Diameter NAT Control
  Application', to the Application Identifier namespace defined in
  [RFC6733].  See Section 4 for more information.

11.2.  Command Codes

  This specification uses the value 330 from the Command code namespace
  defined in [RFC6733] for the NAT-Control-Request (NCR) and NAT-
  Control-Answer (NCA) commands.  See Section 6.1 and Section 6.2 for
  more information on these commands.

11.3.  AVP Codes

  This specification assigns the values 595-607 from the AVP Code
  namespace defined in [RFC6733].  See Section 8.7 for the assignment
  of the namespace in this specification.

11.4.  Result-Code AVP Values

  This specification assigns the values 4014 and 5042-5047 from the
  Result-Code AVP value namespace defined in [RFC6733].  See
  Section 8.2 for the assignment of the namespace in this

11.5.  NC-Request-Type AVP

  As defined in Section 8.7.1, the NC-Request-Type AVP includes
  Enumerated type values 1-3.  IANA has created and is maintaining a
  namespace for this AVP.  All remaining values are available for
  assignment by a Designated Expert [RFC5226].

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11.6.  NAT-External-Port-Style AVP

  As defined in Section 8.7.10, the NAT-External-Port-Style AVP
  includes Enumerated type value 1.  IANA has created and is
  maintaining a namespace for this AVP.  All remaining values are
  available for assignment by a Designated Expert [RFC5226].

11.7.  NAT-Control-Binding-Status AVP

  As defined in Section 8.7.1, the NAT-Control-Binding-Status AVP
  includes Enumerated type values 1-3.  IANA has created and is
  maintaining a namespace for this AVP.  All remaining values are
  available for assignment by a Designated Expert [RFC5226].

12.  Security Considerations

  This document describes procedures for controlling NAT-related
  attributes and parameters by an entity, which is non-local to the
  device performing NAT.  This section discusses security
  considerations for DNCA.  This includes the interactions between the
  Diameter peers within a NAT controller and a NAT device as well as
  general considerations for a NAT-control in a service provider

  Security between a NAT controller and a NAT device has a number of
  components: authentication, authorization, integrity, and

  "Authentication" refers to confirming the identity of an originator
  for all datagrams received from the originator.  Lack of
  authentication of Diameter messages between the Diameter peers can
  jeopardize the fundamental service of the peering network elements.
  A consequence of not authenticating the message sender by the
  recipient would be that an attacker could spoof the identity of a
  "legitimate" authorizing entity in order to change the behavior of
  the receiver.  An attacker could, for example, launch a DoS attack by
  setting the maximum number of bindings for a session on the NAT
  device to zero; provisioning bindings on a NAT device that includes
  IP addresses already in use in other parts of the network; or
  requesting session termination of the Diameter session and hampering
  an endpoint's (i.e., a user's) connectivity.  Lack of authentication
  of a NAT device to a NAT controller could lead to situations where
  the NAT device could provide a wrong view of the resources (i.e.,
  NAT-bindings).  In addition, a NAT-binding Predefined template on the
  NAT device could be configured differently than expected by the NAT
  controller.  If either of the two DNCA Diameter peers fail to provide
  the required credentials, the failure should be subject to logging.
  The corresponding logging infrastructure of the operator SHOULD be

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  built in a way that it can mitigate potential DoS attacks resulting
  from large amounts of logging events.  This could include proper
  dimensioning of the logging infrastructure combined with policing the
  maximum amount of logging events accepted by the logging system to a
  threshold which the system is known to be able to handle.

  "Authorization" refers to whether a particular authorizing entity is
  authorized to signal a network element request for one or more
  applications, adhering to a certain policy profile.  Failing the
  authorization process might indicate a resource theft attempt or
  failure due to administrative and/or credential deficiencies.  In
  either case, the network element should take the proper measures to
  log such attempts.

  Integrity is required to ensure that a Diameter message exchanged
  between the Diameter peers has not been maliciously altered by
  intermediate devices.  The result of a lack of data integrity
  enforcement in an untrusted environment could be that an impostor
  will alter the messages exchanged between the peers.  This could
  cause a change of behavior of the peers, including the potential of a

  Confidentiality protection of Diameter messages ensures that the
  signaling data is accessible only to the authorized entities.  When
  signaling messages between the DNCA Diameter peers traverse untrusted
  networks, lack of confidentiality will allow eavesdropping and
  traffic analysis.

  Diameter offers security mechanisms to deal with the functionality
  demanded above.  DNCA makes use of the capabilities offered by
  Diameter and the underlying transport protocols to deliver these
  requirements (see Section 5.1).  If the DNCA communication traverses
  untrusted networks, messages between DNCA Diameter peers SHOULD be
  secured using either IPsec or TLS.  Please refer to [RFC6733],
  Section 13 for details.  DNCA Diameter peers SHOULD perform bilateral
  authentication, authorization, as well as procedures to ensure
  integrity and confidentiality of the information exchange.  In
  addition, the Session-Id chosen for a particular Diameter session
  SHOULD be chosen in a way that it is hard to guess in order to
  mitigate issues through potential message replay.

  DNCA Diameter peers SHOULD have a mutual trust setup.  This document
  does not specify a mechanism for authorization between the DNCA
  Diameter peers.  The DNCA Diameter peers SHOULD be provided with
  sufficient information to make an authorization decision.  The
  information can come from various sources, for example, the peering
  devices could store local authentication policy, listing the
  identities of authorized peers.

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  Any mechanism or protocol providing control of a NAT device, and DNCA
  is an example of such a control mechanism, could allow for misuse of
  the NAT device given that it enables the definition of per-
  destination or per-source rules.  Misuse could include anti-
  competitive practices among providers, censorship, crime, etc.  NAT-
  control could be used as a tool for preventing or redirecting access
  to particular sites.  For instance, by controlling the NAT-bindings,
  one could ensure that endpoints aren't able to receive particular
  flows, or that those flows are redirected to a relay that snoops or
  tampers with traffic instead of directly forwarding the traffic to
  the intended endpoint.  In addition, one could set up a binding in a
  way that the source IP address used is one of a relay so that traffic
  coming back can be snooped on or interfered with.  The operator also
  needs to consider security threats resulting from unplanned
  termination of the DNCA session.  Unplanned session termination,
  which could happen due to, e.g., an attacker taking down the NAT
  controller, leads to the NAT device cleaning up the state associated
  with this session after a grace period.  If the grace period is set
  to zero, the endpoint will experience an immediate loss of
  connectivity to services reachable through the NAT device following
  the termination of the DNCA session.The protections on DNCA and its
  Diameter protocol exchanges don't prevent such abuses of NAT-control.
  Prevention of misuse or misconfiguration of a NAT device by an
  authorized NAT controller is beyond the scope of this protocol
  specification.  A service provider deploying DNCA needs to make sure
  that higher-layer processes and procedures are put in place that
  allow them to detect and mitigate misuses.

13.  Examples

  This section shows example DNCA message content and exchange.

13.1.  DNCA Session Establishment Example

  Figure 15 depicts a typical call flow for DNCA session establishment.

  In this example, the NAT controller does the following:

  a.  requests a maximum of 100 NAT-bindings for the endpoint.

  b.  defines a static binding for a TCP connection that associates the
      internal IP Address:Port with the external IP
      Address:Port for the endpoint.

  c.  requests the use of a preconfigured template called "local-
      policy" while creating NAT-bindings for the endpoint.

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  endpoint             NAT controller (within NAS)           NAT device
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |                               |
     |      1. Trigger            |                               |
     |--------------------------->|                               |
     |       +-------------------------------------+              |
     |       |  2. Determine that NAT control      |              |
     |       |     is required for the endpoint    |              |
     |       +-------------------------------------+              |
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |                               |
     |                           ...................................
     |                           .|   3. Diameter Base CER/CEA    |.
     |                           .|<----------------------------->|.
     |                           ...................................
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |         4.  NCR               |
     |                            |------------------------------>|
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |                     5. DNCA session
     |                            |                        established
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |         6.  NCA               |
     |                            |<------------------------------|
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |                               |
     |                  7. Data traffic                           |
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |                               |
     |                            |                    8. NAT-bindings
     |                            |                     created as per
     |                            |                   directives in the
     |                            |                       DNCA session
     |                            |                               |

               Figure 15: Initial NAT-Control-Request and
                      Session Establishment Example

  Detailed description of the steps shown in Figure 15:

  1.  The NAT controller (co-located with the NAS here) creates state
      for an endpoint based on a trigger.  This could, for example, be
      the successful establishment of a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
      [RFC1661] access session.

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  2.  Based on the configuration of the DNCA Diameter peer within the
      NAT controller, the NAT controller determines that NAT-control is
      required and is to be enforced at a NAT device.

  3.  If there is no Diameter session already established with the DNCA
      Diameter peer within NAT device, a Diameter connection is
      established and Diameter Base CER/CEA are exchanged.

  4.  The NAT-Controller creates an NCR message (see below) and sends
      it to the NAT device.  This example shows IPv4 to IPv4 address
      and port translation.  For IPv6 to IPv4 translation, the Framed-
      IP-Address AVP would be replaced by the Framed-IPv6-Address AVP
      with the value set to the IPv6 address of the endpoint.

    < NC-Request > ::= < Diameter Header: 330, REQ, PXY>
                     Session-Id =  ";23432;"
                     Auth-Application-Id = <DNCA Application ID>
                     Origin-Host = ""
                     Origin-Realm = ""
                     Destination-Realm = ""
                     Destination-Host = ""
                     NC-Request-Type = INITIAL_REQUEST
                     User-Name = "subscriber_example1"
                     Framed-IP-Address = ""
                     NAT-Control-Install = {
                          NAT-Control-Definition = {
                             Protocol = TCP
                             Direction = OUT
                             NAT-Internal-Address = {
                                  Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                  Port = 80
                             NAT-External-Address = {
                                  Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                  Port = 80
                          Max-NAT-Bindings = 100
                          NAT-Control-Binding-Template = "local-policy"

  5.  The NAT device establishes a DNCA session as it is able to comply
      with the request.

  6.  The NAT device sends an NCA to indicate the successful completion
      of the request.

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     <NC-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 330, PXY >
                      Session-Id =  ";23432;"
                      Origin-Host = ""
                      Origin-Realm = ""
                      NC-Request-Type = INITIAL_REQUEST
                      Result-Code = DIAMETER_SUCCESS

  7.  The endpoint sends packets that reach the NAT device.

  8.  The NAT device performs NAT for traffic received from the
      endpoint with source address  Traffic with source IP
      address and port 80 are translated to the external IP
      address and port 80.  Traffic with source IP address and a source port different from 80 will be translated
      to IP address and a port chosen by the NAT device.
      Note that this example assumes that the NAT device follows
      typical binding allocation rules for endpoints, in that only a
      single external IP address is used for all traffic received from
      a single IP address of an endpoint.  The NAT device will allow a
      maximum of 100 NAT-bindings be created for the endpoint.

13.2.  DNCA Session Update with Port Style Example

  This section gives an example for a DNCA session update: A new set of
  NAT-bindings is requested for an existing session.  The request
  contains a directive ( the "NAT-External-Port-Style" AVP set to
  FOLLOW_INTERNAL_PORT_STYLE) that directs the NAT device to maintain
  port-sequence and port-oddity for the newly created NAT-bindings.  In
  the example shown, the internal ports are UDP port 1036 and 1037.
  The NAT device follows the directive selects the external ports
  accordingly.  The NAT device would, for example, create a mapping of to and to, thereby maintaining port oddity (1036->5056,
  1037->5057) and sequence ( the consecutive internal ports 1036 and
  1037 map to the consecutive external ports 5056 and 5057).

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     < NC-Request > ::= < Diameter Header: 330, REQ, PXY>
                      Session-Id =  ";23432;"
                      Auth-Application-Id = <DNCA Application ID>
                      Origin-Host = ""
                      Origin-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Host = ""
                      NC-Request-Type = UPDATE_REQUEST
                      NAT-Control-Install = {
                          NAT-Control-Definition = {
                              Protocol = UDP
                              Direction = OUT
                              NAT-Internal-Address = {
                                   Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                   Port = 1035
                          NAT-Control-Definition = {
                              Protocol = UDP
                              Direction = OUT
                              NAT-Internal-Address = {
                                   Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                   Port = 1036
                                 Style = FOLLOW_INTERNAL_PORT_STYLE

13.3.  DNCA Session Query Example

  This section shows an example for DNCA session query for a subscriber
  whose internal IP Address is
     < NC-Request > ::= < Diameter Header: 330, REQ, PXY>
                      Auth-Application-Id = <DNCA Application ID>
                      Origin-Host = ""
                      Origin-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Host = ""
                      NC-Request-Type = QUERY_REQUEST
                      Framed-IP-Address = ""

  The NAT device constructs an NCA to report all currently active NAT-
  bindings whose internal address is

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     <NC-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 330, PXY >
                   Origin-Host = ""
                   Origin-Realm = ""
                   NC-Request-Type = QUERY_REQUEST
                   NAT-Control-Definition = {
                           Protocol = TCP
                           Direction = OUT
                           NAT-Internal-Address = {
                               Framed-IP-Address = ""
                               Port = 80
                           NAT-External-Address = {
                                Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                Port = 80
                           Session-Id = ";23432;"
                   NAT-Control-Definition = {
                           Protocol = TCP
                           Direction = OUT
                           NAT-Internal-Address = {
                               Framed-IP-Address = ""
                               Port = 1036
                           NAT-External-Address = {
                                Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                Port = 5056
                           Session-Id = ";23432;"
                   NAT-Control-Definition = {
                           Protocol = TCP
                           Direction = OUT
                           NAT-Internal-Address = {
                               Framed-IP-Address = ""
                               Port = 1037
                           NAT-External-Address = {
                                Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                Port = 5057
                           Session-Id = ";23432;"

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13.4.  DNCA Session Termination Example

  In this example the NAT controller decides to terminate the
  previously established DNCA session.  This could, for example, be the
  case as a result of an access session (e.g., a PPP session)
  associated with an endpoint having been torn down.

      NAT controller                            NAT device
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
   +--------------+                                 |
   |  1. Trigger  |                                 |
   +--------------+                                 |
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            |             2.  STR                   |
            |                                       |
            |                             3. DNCA session
            |                                   lookup
            |             4.  ACR                   |
            |                                       |
            |             5.  ACA                   |
            |                                       |
            |                                       |
            |                             6. DNCA bindings
            |                            and session cleanup
            |                                       |
            |             7.  STA                   |
            |                                       |

           Figure 20:  NAT Control Session Termination Example

  The following steps describe the sequence of events for tearing down
  the DNCA session in the example above:

  1.  The NAT controller receives a trigger that a DNCA session
      associated with a specific endpoint should be terminated.  An
      example event could be the termination of the PPP [RFC1661]
      access session to an endpoint in a NAS.  The NAS correspondingly
      triggers the NAT controller request to tear down the associated
      DNCA session.

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  2.  The NAT controller creates the required NCR message and sends it
      to the NAT device:

     < STR >     ::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY>
                      Session-Id =  ";23432;"
                      Auth-Application-Id = <DNCA Application ID>
                      Origin-Host = ""
                      Origin-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Host = ""
                      Termination-Cause = DIAMETER_LOGOUT

  3.  The NAT device looks up the DNCA session based on the Session-Id
      AVP and finds a previously established active session.

  4.  The NAT device reports all NAT-bindings established for that
      subscriber using an ACR:
     < ACR >     ::= < Diameter Header: 271, REQ, PXY>
                      Session-Id =  ";23432;"
                      Auth-Application-Id = <DNCA Application ID>
                      Origin-Host = ""
                      Origin-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Realm = ""
                      Destination-Host = ""
                      Accounting-Record-Type = STOP_RECORD
                      Accounting-Record-Number = 1
                      NAT-Control-Record = {
                          NAT-Control-Definition = {
                              Protocol = TCP
                              Direction = OUT
                              NAT-Internal-Address = {
                                  Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                  Port = 5001
                              NAT-External-Address = {
                                   Framed-IP-Address = ""
                                   Port = 7777
                            NAT-Control-Binding-Status = Removed

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  5.  The NAT controller receives and processes the ACR as per its
      configuration.  It responds with an ACA to the NAT device.

     <ACA>      ::= < Diameter Header: 271, PXY >
                      Session-Id =  ";23432;"
                      Origin-Host = ""
                      Origin-Realm = ""
                      Result-Code = DIAMETER_SUCCESS
                      Accounting-Record-Type = STOP_RECORD
                      Accounting-Record-Number = 1

  6.  On receipt of the ACA the NAT device cleans up all NAT-bindings
      and associated session state for the endpoint.

  7.  NAT device sends an STA.  On receipt of the STA the NAT
      controller will clean up the corresponding session state.
     <STA>      ::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY >
                      Session-Id =  ";23432;"
                      Origin-Host = ""
                      Origin-Realm = ""
                      Result-Code = DIAMETER_SUCCESS

14.  Acknowledgements

  The authors would like to thank Jari Arkko, Wesley Eddy, Stephen
  Farrell, Miguel A. Garcia, David Harrington, Jouni Korhonen, Matt
  Lepinski, Avi Lior, Chris Metz, Pallavi Mishra, Lionel Morand, Robert
  Sparks, Martin Stiemerling, Dave Thaler, Hannes Tschofenig, Sean
  Turner, Shashank Vikram, Greg Weber, and Glen Zorn for their input on
  this document.

15.  References

15.1.  Normative References

  [ETSIES283034]  ETSI, "Telecommunications and Internet Converged
                  Services and Protocols for Advanced Networks
                  (TISPAN), Network Attachment Sub-System (NASS), e4
                  interface based on the Diameter protocol.",
                  September 2008.

  [RFC2119]       Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                  Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

  [RFC4005]       Calhoun, P., Zorn, G., Spence, D., and D. Mitton,
                  "Diameter Network Access Server Application",
                  RFC 4005, August 2005.

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  [RFC4675]       Congdon, P., Sanchez, M., and B. Aboba, "RADIUS
                  Attributes for Virtual LAN and Priority Support",
                  RFC 4675, September 2006.

  [RFC5226]       Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing
                  an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
                  RFC 5226, May 2008.

  [RFC5777]       Korhonen, J., Tschofenig, H., Arumaithurai, M.,
                  Jones, M., and A. Lior, "Traffic Classification and
                  Quality of Service (QoS) Attributes for Diameter",
                  RFC 5777, February 2010.

  [RFC6733]       Fajardo, V., Arkko, J., Loughney, J., and G. Zorn,
                  "Diameter Base Protocol", RFC 6733, October 2012.

15.2.  Informative References

  [CGN-REQS]      Perreault, S., Yamagata, I., Miyakawa, S., Nakagawa,
                  A., and H. Ashida, "Common requirements for Carrier
                  Grade NATs (CGNs)", Work in Progress, September 2012.

  [RFC1661]       Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)",
                  STD 51, RFC 1661, July 1994.

  [RFC2663]       Srisuresh, P. and M. Holdrege, "IP Network Address
                  Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations",
                  RFC 2663, August 1999.

  [RFC3022]       Srisuresh, P. and K. Egevang, "Traditional IP Network
                  Address Translator (Traditional NAT)", RFC 3022,
                  January 2001.

  [RFC3303]       Srisuresh, P., Kuthan, J., Rosenberg, J., Molitor,
                  A., and A. Rayhan, "Middlebox communication
                  architecture and framework", RFC 3303, August 2002.

  [RFC3304]       Swale, R., Mart, P., Sijben, P., Brim, S., and M.
                  Shore, "Middlebox Communications (midcom) Protocol
                  Requirements", RFC 3304, August 2002.

  [RFC3411]       Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
                  Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
                  Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62,
                  RFC 3411, December 2002.

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  [RFC3550]       Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R., and V.
                  Jacobson, "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time
                  Applications", STD 64, RFC 3550, July 2003.

  [RFC4097]       Barnes, M., "Middlebox Communications (MIDCOM)
                  Protocol Evaluation", RFC 4097, June 2005.

  [RFC5189]       Stiemerling, M., Quittek, J., and T. Taylor,
                  "Middlebox Communication (MIDCOM) Protocol
                  Semantics", RFC 5189, March 2008.

  [RFC6145]       Li, X., Bao, C., and F. Baker, "IP/ICMP Translation
                  Algorithm", RFC 6145, April 2011.

  [RFC6146]       Bagnulo, M., Matthews, P., and I. van Beijnum,
                  "Stateful NAT64: Network Address and Protocol
                  Translation from IPv6 Clients to IPv4 Servers",
                  RFC 6146, April 2011.

  [RFC6241]       Enns, R., Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., and A.
                  Bierman, "Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)",
                  RFC 6241, June 2011.

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Authors' Addresses

  Frank Brockners
  Hansaallee 249, 3rd Floor
  Duesseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen  40549

  EMail: [email protected]

  Shwetha Bhandari
  Cessna Business Park, Sarjapura Marathalli Outer Ring Road
  Bangalore, Karnataka 560 087

  EMail: [email protected]

  Vaneeta Singh
  18, Cambridge Road
  Bangalore 560008

  EMail: [email protected]

  Victor Fajardo
  Telcordia Technologies
  1 Telcordia Drive #1S-222
  Piscataway, NJ 08854

  EMail: [email protected]

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