Floodgap Systems gopher root | |
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_____ _____ _ __| |__ _| |_ ___ | Bringing gopher back | | |
/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| '_ \| | __/ _ \ | to today's operating | | |
| (_) \ V / __/ | | |_) | | || __/ | systems and browsers | | |
\___/ \_/ \___|_| |_.__/|_|\__\___| | | | |
._ .__ o _ __|_ +------------------------+ | |
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| _| Hosted by Floodgap Systems | |
Welcome to the Overbite Project @ Floodgap Systems, bringing | |
gopher to your modern operating system or browser! Continue to | |
access current and legacy resources in Gopherspace right from | |
your modern computer, within your favourite browser, and even | |
on your compatible mobile phone! Overbite client software is | |
designed to be cross-platform and fully integrated. | |
All Overbite software is free and open-source. | |
** Why should you still use Gopher? We explain: | |
Why is Gopher still relevant? | |
Look at Overbite gopher client screenshots! | |
Downloads: | |
--------- | |
Install OverbiteWX from Mozilla Add-ons | |
OverbiteWX is available for Mozilla Firefox 58+. | |
This is a signed add-on available from Mozilla Addons. | |
This extension forwards Gopher requests to the Floodgap | |
HTTP proxy. | |
Install OverbiteNX from Mozilla Add-ons | |
OverbiteNX is available for Mozilla Firefox 59+. | |
This is a signed add-on available from Mozilla Addons. | |
This extension is EXPERIMENTAL and requires an open-source | |
component to be installed on your computer, but enables | |
native connections to Gopher servers from Firefox. | |
Install Overbite Android | |
Overbite Android is a native Gopher client for Android 4.0+. | |
It also handles Gopher intents from Google Chrome and | |
Firefox for Android on any Android device. | |
All Overbite installation options | |
Overbite is also available as OverbiteFF for Mozilla Firefox | |
56 and lower, TenFourFox and SeaMonkey. It is no longer | |
supported. | |
Browse all Overbite files and skins | |
(unsupported files included) | |
Use of Overbite Project software indicates your acceptance of | |
all specified license terms. | |
Overbite Project web page (WWW) | |